
Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship: Secondary Screening and Placement

Photo of Kinkakuji Golden Pavilion in Kyoto
The Gold(en Pavilion) at the end of the rainbow is so close, you can taste it! (Photo Credit: Marc Veraat, CC BY 2.0 , modified for size).

For Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship applicants, winter can be a nerve-wracking time: The Secondary Screening. You have passed the Primary Screening, acquired your Letters of Provisional Acceptance (LoPA) and turned them in to the Japanese Embassy or Consulate and . . . heard nothing but silence for months.

Understandably, that leaves a lot of applicants worried: Am I going to get the scholarship? Will I be placed in my first-choice university? Will I go into the Japanese language program? When am I going to hear any news?

Well, first things first:

At this point, you are practically certain to receive the MEXT scholarship!

If you have passed the Primary Screening and turned in at least one Letter of Provisional Acceptance, then you should have nothing to worry about at this point.

Note: This article is about the MEXT Scholarship for Research Students (Graduate Students). For other scholarship types, like the Teacher Training Scholarship, the secondary screening is competitive and there is a higher chance of not passing.

Secondary Screening Results

After you submitted your Letters of Provisional Acceptance to the Embassy, your application went to MEXT for the Secondary Screening. But don’t worry, this is not a competitive screening!

The Secondary Screening is only making sure that all of your application paperwork is correct and there are no problems with your application. MEXT will also check information that embassies might not have access to. For example, if you have a criminal record in Japan, or a record of deportation, or if you are an internationally-wanted terrorist.

The only ways I know of to lose the scholarship at the secondary screening are:

  • If MEXT determines that your research subject is into weapons technology or dual-use technology (which should have already been caught at the Primary Screening level)
  • If MEXT uncovers a deliberate lie in your application materials or
  • If you have a criminal record that would prevent you from being able to get a visa for Japan.

Again, I have never heard of any of those things happening. You should have absolutely nothing to worry about.

The 2019 Crisis

The only time I heard of applicants who passed the Primary Screening and submitted at least one LoPA that did not ultimately receive the MEXT Scholarship was during the 2019 application cycle. That year, MEXT reduced the number of scholarship slots after the Primary Screening was over in some countries. The underlying reason was a budget crunch-it was the year Japan made university and kindergarten free to low-income families-so it is highly unlikely that something like that will ever happen again.

So you do not need to worry about that. Time to move on to the next important question: What comes next?

Secondary Screening Results: When Are They Available?

Unfortunately, like so many other things in Japan, the answer is, “It depends.”

In 2017, applicants from several countries (Albania, Angola, India, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Turkey, US, UK) reported receiving confirmation of passing the Secondary Screening by the end of November. However, most applicants do not hear results at all at the end of the Secondary Screening, so if you do not hear anything, please don’t worry.

If you have received your confirmation of passing the secondary screening, please share the date and your country in the comments below!

It is up to each individual Embassy or Consulate to decide when, or even if, they will tell applicants that they have passed the Secondary Screening. Most wait and announce the Secondary Screening and University Placement results at the same time. The timing may even differ between consulates within the same country. The only way to find out when – or if – you will get your results is to check the application guidelines for your embassy and, if the answer isn’t there, to contact them directly.

Again, it is not a competitive screening and you should have nothing to worry about, so there really is no need, but I understand that your future is on the line here and you might be a little nervous!

University Placement

After you pass the Secondary Screening, MEXT will start contacting the universities on your Placement Preference Form to ask them to start accepting you. Usually, MEXT contacts universities one at a time in the preference order that you gave. But if your top choice is a private or public universities, MEXT may contact your second choice, first, if it is a national university. There is really nothing you can do about it.

When MEXT contacts the universities, they will ask if the university will accept you, what status they will accept you as, when the university wants you to arrive, and whether or not the university wants you to participate in the semester-long language training program.

Enrollment Status: Degree-seeking or Research Student

By “status”, I mean, whether the university will accept you as a research (non-degree) or degree-seeking student at first.

As I wrote in a previous article, the university has three opportunities to designate your status (or upgrade you from Research Student to Degree student). The first is when it issues your LoPA. The second is the University Placement phase. If you initially received an LoPA as a research student, but passed the university’s entrance exam before the placement phase, the University can upgrade your status to degree-seeking student at this point.

The third opportunity will be when you arrive in Japan. You still have a chance after the university placement to take and pass the entrance exam and arrive as a degree-seeking student.

Arrival Semester: April or Fall

Although the university specified your arrival semester in the LoPA, this is when they finalize that decision.

Japanese Language Program

If you have relatively low Japanese language ability, the university may decide to assign you to spend your first semester in an intensive Japanese language program before starting your studies. This program is designed to help you learn day-to-day Japanese so that you can accomplish tasks like shopping, traveling, and communicating with your landlord, etc.

It is not an academic Japanese program. It will not help you improve your Japanese to the level that you would be able to take classes or conduct research in Japanese.

If you have a moderate level of Japanese ability already – and especially if you are enrolling in a program taught in Japanese – then you are unlikely to be enrolled in this program.

Depending on your assigned university, the Japanese language program may be held at the same university where you will study or (especially in the case of private universities) it may be at another university in the same city.

University Placement Results: When Are They Available

Once again, this varies based on each embassy or consulate.

Typically, they will not release the results for any applicants until all applicants through that embassy or consulate have been placed. That means that if everyone gets accepted by the first university that MEXT contacts, you may find out your results early. However, if even one applicant does not get placed in the first university and MEXT has to contact a second or third university, everyone’s results could be delayed.

The important thing to take away is that just because your results are slower than someone else’s in another country, that does not indicate that you won’t get the scholarship or that you won’t get your first choice. There are many other factors at play, and the biggest one is slow bureaucracy.

As of the 2017 application cycle, a large number of countries saw their results released during the second week of January. For that year, at least, that seemed to be the default date if everyone got into their first choice. There were also one or two examples of consulates where the one person who handled MEXT scholarships was out sick that day, so results came later.

In the case of India, at least one embassy or consulate had announced that results would be available in February, but then ended up releasing them in late January.

University Placement Results: How Are They Released

Embassies or consulates typically contact applicants by email. If you have exchanged emails with the embassy before and know their email address, make sure that you add it to your “trusted senders” list or create a filter so that the embassy’s emails never go to your spam folder. An email announcing that you won the scholarship can look a lot like a spam message!

If you have received your university placement, please share the date and your country in the comments below!

University Placement: Unofficial Results in Advance

There are two ways that applicants often find out their university placement results before the official announcement (sometimes even before the Secondary Screening results announcement). Technically, neither one should happen, but if you do find out this way, you can consider the results to be correct.

On the other hand, if you do not hear unofficial results, do not take that as a bad sign (and do not ask for them). It just means that the university is actually following MEXT’s rules.

Advisor Leak

If you stayed in touch with the professor that wrote your LoPA, then sometimes that professor will tell you directly that you have been placed in his or her lab. That could even happen before the university confirms your acceptance to MEXT, but there is no reason to think that they would change your name.

I have also heard cases where professors contacted applicants to ask if they wanted to spend the first semester in the Japanese language program.

If a professor that issued you an LoPA contacts you to say that you have been accepted to his or her lab, consider that to be unofficial, but accurate.

Housing Leak

If you will arrive in April, sometimes the university’s housing office will contact you before you get the final MEXT results to invite you to apply for housing.

The only reason that the housing office would have your contact information would be if you were on the university’s list of students to enroll in the spring, so you can consider this to be confirmation that you will be assigned to that university.

I also recommend that you follow up on those emails and apply for housing if you are interested. The chances are good that by the time you get the official results, you may miss the housing deadlines, so do not delay!

What To Do After Getting Your Official University Placement Results

First, contact any other university or professor that you had been in touch with about letters of provisional acceptance, tell them that you have been placed in another university, thank them for their support, and say that you still look forward to working with them in the future.

After all, you will still be a scholar in the same field in Japan, and there are a limited number of universities teaching in each field in English, so there is a good chance you will cross paths again in the future.

Preparing for Your Departure

The timing can vary significantly, depending on when you will start your timing in Japan.

If your future university has contacted you about housing and you haven’t followed up yet, do that right away.

The university will usually contact you and tell you what day that they want you to arrive. Later, a travel agency will contact you to arrange your tickets, so be sure to arrive in time for the dates assigned by your university!

You will also have to complete a visa application, but there is a special Student Visa application process for MEXT scholars, so look for instructions from the embassy or consulate about that process.

Share Your Experience!

If you are applying for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship, please let us know when you got your notification, as well as the country your are applying for, in the comments below.

Of course feel free to ask any questions below, as well.

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444 thoughts on “Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship: Secondary Screening and Placement”

  1. Hi Travis,

    Thank you for the detailed information regarding the MEXT scholarship.

    I wanted to inform you that I have received acceptance letters from other universities. I sent the letter of acceptance and placement preference form to the Embassy of Japan two days ago to avoid any last-minute issues with deadlines. I have also informed the professor at the third university, and he confirmed that it was acceptable.

    However, today I received an acceptance letter from a third university. I’m now unsure whether I need to report this new acceptance letter to the university and whether I should also submit it to the embassy.

    Your advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Khadeeja,

      You do have to tell the embassy about the third letter. It could be a little tricky, since technically you should not have been in contact with that third professor.
      Assuming that it is true to say so, when you tell the embassy about it, explain that you had only reached out to try to connect with the professor and see if they would be willing to accept you if you applied there but had not meant to apply for a Letter of Provisional Acceptance (That would be hard to say if you actually sent them all of your application documents), so you were surprised to receive it.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis

  2. Hi Travis,

    As it’s rare for someone to be regected in the second screning, But I am among those candidates who were rejected in the second round. I have applied for the teacher training program and been nominated as the principal candidate to MEXT on March 4, 2024. Yesterday, I just received mail from the embassy, which stated:

    This is with reference to your application for the above-mentioned program.
    Thank you for showing interest in Japanese Government MEXT Teacher Training Scholarship. Your application was carefully examined keeping in view your performance in the written test and interview together with the priorities of MEXT Scholarship program. However, we are sorry to inform you that MEXT did not pass your application through the second screening. We value your interest in Japan and appreciate the time and effort you invested in the test and application documents.
    We wish you all the best for your future endeavors.

    Now my question is that what should be the possible reasion?
    Can anybody explain? Is there anything which I can do at this stage or I just accept it my bad luck.


    1. Hi Lutful,

      I am sorry to hear about your situation. And I am sorry too that this article was misleading: All of my articles are about the MEXT Scholarship for Research Students (graduate students) unless I write otherwise in the article itself. So, the reference to passing the secondary screening was for that scholarship.

      I do not have any articles about the Teacher’s Training Scholarship and that is not my area of expertise, so I can’t say anything for certain. But I do know that overall it is a much smaller scholarship (in terms of selectees). So, I don’t think there are a certain number of slots assigned to each embassy, like there are for the scholarship for Research Students. For Teacher’s Training (and Colleges of Technology, Specialized Training Colleges, etc.) the secondary screening is probably competitive, with applicants from multiple countries going after a joint pool of slots.

      Perhaps someone with more direct experience can chime in with more information, but that is the extent of my knowledge. Unfortunately, I do not think that there is anything that you can do at this time to change the result.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  3. Hello Travis.
    I have a short question about the MEXT 2024 Research Scholarship second screening results. It’s almost end of the January 2024 but still the second screening results were not announced by the embassy of Japan in my home country. Should I get in contact with the embassy about this delay in the results? Would it be appropriate? Or do I need to wait until the middle of February?

    1. Hi AlpTT,

      I understand that you want to know the results, but it’s way too early.
      MEXT says they will release the results in January or February. And when MEXT gives a range of dates, you can almost always expect that the announcement will be at the very end, or sometimes later. They are notorious for missing their own deadlines.

      If you start hearing that other people in your country, or other countries, have started receiving results for your same category of scholarship, then you can consider contacting the embassy, but at this early stage, I’m afraid the only advice I have for you is to wait and not to worry.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  4. Hlo sir,greetings from india
    I passed the first screening of mext scholarship 2024 and I am waiting for the results, i just had a question that will Mext write any sort of information about me in a letter or a recommendation format,if they write will they mention bluntly that this applicant have no language proficiency, because it will negative impact on my selection, please answer my query sir 🙏,thank you!!

    1. Hi Shiva Raj,

      MEXT does not write a letter of recommendation for you. MEXT is the final authority to select the scholarship.
      Your language proficiency is evaluated much earlier in the application process, during the Primary Screening. If you have passed the Primary Screening and gotten your Letters of Provisional Acceptance, then you should have nothing left to worry about.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Sir I didn’t apply for masters, I applied as a cot applicant,like what is likelyhood of me passing secondary screening as a cot student, i heard there are many rejections in cot ug and stc please give your opinions on this.
      Thank you!!!!!

        1. Hi Shiva Raj,

          As far as I know, the embassy doesn’t write individual recommendation letters, they provide MEXT with a list of their nominees and each nominee’s qualifications, in priority order.
          The embassy should know in advance how many slots are available for their nominees and should not select more than that number, so there should be very little chance of rejection by MEXT. At least, that is the way it works for the other scholarship types that I am more familiar with.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Shiva Raj,

        Thank you for the clarification. My area of expertise is the graduate scholarship, so that is what I assume everyone is asking about unless they say otherwise 🙂
        I do not know as much about the process for UG, COT, and STC, since the entire selection happens between the embassy and MEXT. My experience comes from working at Japanese universities.

        That said, with every category of MEXT Scholarship that I have worked with, each embassy (or at least each country) has an allotment of the number of applicants they can nominate for the scholarship. As long as they do not exceed that allotment, then it is rare for an applicant who passes the Embassy’s screening to be rejected later by MEXT. So, it would surprise me very much if there were “many rejections” for those scholarship categories among applicants who had already passed the Embassy’s screening.

        Again, COT is outside my area of expertise, but I can’t see any reason why it would be significantly different in process and selection habits compared to the other scholarship types.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

        1. Thank you for the kind reply sir, as you mentioned that the embassy knows how many slots it have, the Indian embassy website says that it has 12 scholarships each for cot ug and stc, but as far as I know less than 12 were being passed in first screening. My question is that number/slots displayed In the Indian embassy website accurate sir?I found out that only 4 passed second screening in cot,no clue how many passed first screening.Embassy is highly confidential about this, so we people don’t have any clue on what will happen🙂

          1. Hi Shiva Raj,

            It sounds like they might be handling things differently for the COT scholarship, then, and what I said about knowing the number could well be wrong.
            12 is a very high number for a single country! As far as I know, there are less than 100 COT scholars selected each year, total. (I found an article saying that the number was approximately 80 as of 2011, but MEXT does not release official figures). So, if India is selecting 12 nominees, then I can only conclude that the slots are not pre-distributed to different countries and that the second round is competitive, unlike other the scholarship types that I have experience working with.

            It is pretty rare in my experience for the embassy to give any kind of number at all, so while everything is confidential about the process, that’s still more information than most applicants have.

            I’m sorry that I don’t have anything more definite that I can say about the process.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  5. Hi Travis, I have passed the primary screening and am now in the process of applying to universities. I have one confusion, the embassy has specified 25th August as the deadline for making a request to a particular university for LoA, and it is also said that the LoA might be given anytime till September 27th. Since we can contact only two universities at a time, I am not sure what will happen in case I don’t hear from either of the two universities before August 25, but find out later that I have not been accepted in either? I would have no time to contact the third university also then, since the deadline would have passed. I am confused how that woul work. Kindly give your insights on the same? Thank you!

    1. Hi Arundhati,

      Your understanding is correct. If the first two universities that you contact do not reply before Aug 25 and ultimately do not accept your application, then you would not be able to apply to any other universities for a Letter of Acceptance.

      In that case, you would turn in your Placement Preference Form again without any Letters of Provisional Acceptance. You could list three universities on that form, even if you have never contacted them. (But you cannot list the universities that rejected your application.) If you pass the Secondary Screening, then MEXT would still try to contact the universities on your list, even if you never applied to them for a Letter of Provisional Acceptance.

      In my experience, though, it’s pretty rare for an applicant to get rejected by both universities, especially if they have thoroughly researched the professors’ fields and avoided the common mistakes I mention in my article about the Letter of Provisional Acceptance. Getting a Letter of Provisional Acceptance should not be as competitive as passing the Primary Screening!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thank you for you reply, Travis! I have heard from one of the universities, the graduate school has called me for an interview. I had been in touch with the professor and he was very kind to be throughout, and I also feel prepared to answer questions about my research so I am not very worried, but still a little nervous about what else might be asked. If you have any suggestions, they would be welcome!

        1. Hi Arundhati,

          The professor’s interview is likely to be a little different from the Embassy interview, since they will be focused on the academic/research side, while also trying to determine if you are the kind of student that they can get along with in their lab.

          I have an article about university interviews from the series about the University-Recommended MEXT Scholarship that might provide some useful hints!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  6. Hey,
    I’m do thankful for your blog, it’s so helpful !!
    I would ask for your expertise,
    I have had my interview in in 22 of June, but I didn’t receive any updates until today (9 July). does it mean that I haven’t pass the first screening, and do you think it would be wise to contact them or it’s better to give them some time?

    Thank you so much

    1. Hi Maryam,

      Did the embassy tell you anything about what to expect after your interview? Such as when the results would come out and whether they would contact everyone or just successful applicants?
      It would surprise me if they didn’t give you your results one way or another at this point. I have heard of embassies not contacting unsuccessful applicants after the document screening, but anyone who makes it this far, to the interviews, should get a direct message.

      See if you can find out from forums, etc., if anyone else in your country has gotten their results yet. If they have and you haven’t then it would be a good idea to contact the embassy. But if you find that everyone else is waiting, too, then it’s probably a case of slow bureaucracy.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  7. Hi Travis,
    This blog has been really helpful for me throughout the application process. I’m extremely thankful for your posts.
    I’m from India and I would like to post the date in which the second screening results arrived. The embassy sent the official confirmation of the second screening results on 14th February.
    I have one query regarding the visa application process. When I applied for the visa, there wasn’t a visa class called student visa for japan and they insisted on applying for a business class(single entry) visa. Please let me know if it would cause a problem.

    1. Hi Sam Kingsly J,

      Thank you very much for sharing your results and the announcement date! Congratulations.
      For the visa, there is a specific visa process for MEXT Scholars, so you need to make sure you are following their instructions for that process. You must have a student visa (this category absolutely exists!) and a student residence status in Japan to remain eligible for the scholarship.

      If you are trying to apply for a visa on your own, I recommend that you stop and wait for instruction from the embassy/MEXT. They will tell you about the specific application process for MEXT scholars.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  8. Here sharing the confirmation day from Vietnam. I got the final result on 7 Feb, 2023 and luckily have been chosen to receive the scholarship. Thank you for all your sharing on this scholarship. Without your support, this wouldn’t have happened! so thank you for everything.

    Moreover, i have one question regarding the entrance exam to upgrade my student status, what are the scenarios for those who are not able to pass the exam? Atm, im following up with the school to see how the exam will take place.

    1. Hi Minh,

      Congratulations! Thank you very much for sharing your results and for your kind words.
      For the entrance exam, if you start as a research student, you can take it multiple times up until the end of your maximum allowable research student period. You would have to apply for the MEXT Scholarship extension once per academic year and then apply for admission to the degree program each semester until you are accepted. (It is not common for applicants to need multiple attempts, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much, I just wanted to let you know.)

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. May I ask one more question?

        If i enter the apr 2023 entrance as non regular with a scholarship period stated in the acceptance letter from apr. 2023 to apr. 2025 while passing the closest entrance exam in sep. 2023, i will become a regular one with a academic period sep. 2023 to sep. 2025 (end of program).

        And if i understand correctly, i then apply for a scholarship extension for a 6month period to Mext with the help from the international office at the University.

        Please kindly give me any suggestions from your exp. on this as much appreciated!

        Thank you and have a nice day

        1. Hi Minh,

          Actually, you need to apply for the scholarship extension when you change status (e.g. from Research Student to Master’s Degree Student), even if you still have time remaining on your research student period.
          In your case, since you’re planning to move up from Research Student to Master’s student in September, you’ll have to apply for the scholarship extension almost immediately after arriving in Japan. (There’s a special scholarship extension application period exclusively for scholars like you who arrive in April and will extend in September. Your university should be able to give you more information.)
          The scholarship extension application and the application for admission to the degree program should be simultaneous and you would need the scholarship extension to be approved before you start the degree.

          When you apply for the extension, the new scholarship completely replaces the old one, so you’d be applying for a 2-year extension for the Master’s degree starting in September 2023.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Hi Travis,

            Thank you so much for this much insightful comment! I can’t thank you enough!

            Out of topic here, could you please kindly any suggestions to make out the most of this non-regular period?

            My plan is:
            – Taking courses in the degree program and JPN Language training classes (I believe I am eligible for that)
            – Taking part in academic activities
            – Visiting here and there, getting to know the people and the culture

            Very much appreciated to have your input!

            Thank you so much for your precious time!

            Kind Regards,

          2. Hi Minh,

            Do you know whether or not you will be participating in the Japanese language program during your first semester as a research student? If so, that is going to be your primary activity, since it’s rather time-intensive. In some cases (depending on your university), it might even be held at a different university from where you will study. If you are in the language program, you probably won’t have the time to take any courses that will end up counting toward your degree, but you can still meet with your advisor and get started with your research, such as the literature review and finalizing your research topic. You can do that even if your language program is at another university.
            If you are not participating in the Japanese language program and will be a research student at the university where you plan to enroll for the degree, then you would be able to take some courses (you will be able to transfer the credits for those courses to count toward your degree later) and start your research that you proposed in coordination with your advisor.
            In either case, though, it’s not going to be a period of “free time”. You will still need to be focused on academics and research since you will be a university student on a student visa, so don’t expect to be able to travel and visit here and there except in the time outside of your studies. (Of course, if it’s site visits for your research, that is allowed!)

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  9. Dear Travis,
    This is a random question, but if I hypothetically drop out of scholarship, would I be asked to pay anything back?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Bella,

      No. I have never heard of an applicant being asked to pay anything back in terms of the scholarship. Dropping out after starting the scholarship would prevent you from applying again for three years (the same as someone who had completed their scholarship-funded studies), but that’s about the only penalty I know of.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  10. Dear Travis,
    thank you for your amazing blog, as I could pass the primary screening and obtain LoA thanks to you and I am currently waiting for results of second screening (research student).
    I would like to ask a question:
    I have taken an entrance exam for Tokyo University and waiting for results, as I would like to start in April as a Master degree student instead of research student.
    If I pass, do I need to inform embassy or someone, or it will be automatically adjusted by university?
    Thank you very much

    1. Hi Brittany,

      Congratulations on passing the Primary Screening and getting an LoA!
      I assume the LoA was from the University of Tokyo.

      You should not need to inform the embassy or anyone else. The university should handle the required processing. If you had passed the entrance exam before the university confirmed to MEXT that they would accept you in the Placement step, then they could have already informed MEXT that they would accept you as a degree student at that point. Otherwise, they will have the chance to change your status from research student to degree student on your arrival. (I’m assuming you will not be completing the language semester first.)

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  11. Hello Travis.
    First of all i want to thank you for this amazing blog due to which i was able to pass the 2nd screening as an undergraduate student.
    I just had small doubt that can my scholarship still get cancelled even after passing the 2nd screening or can I rest assured?
    I have this doubt since called the university and they told me to wait till February even though I have recieved the 2nd screening acceptance letter

    1. Hi Chinmay,

      Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on passing the 2nd screening! I do not think it is possible to get the scholarship cancelled at this point, but of course the Embassy will refuse to give you a final confirmation until they can confirm every applicant’s results all at once on the official release date, so calling them now is meaningless.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  12. Dear Travis,
    The results for undergrads have been rolling out over the week and I’m finding myself increasingly on the edge. I have two private university LoA and still can’t shake off the feeling of uncertainty for not yet being confirmed for the scholarship. Surely there should be nothing to worry about for the upcoming announcements for us for research students?
    Your book and blog have been invaluable so far.
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Thom,

      Thank you for your feedback!
      Wow! I’m surprised to hear that the undergrad results are coming out already! The guidelines said they were anticipated by the end of January, and MEXT is usually late, not early.
      For the graduate scholarship, the expected release date is between Jan – Feb 2023. So, it was already projected to be later than the undergrad results, before they came early.

      If you passed the Primary Screening and got two LoAs, I cannot imagine you not winning the scholarship in the end, but I understand the stress of waiting for an answer! The delay has nothing to do with you or the quality of your application, though, it’s just a matter of slow bureaucratic processing.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  13. Hello Travis, thank you for the useful content and efforts as usual.

    I have a question that is long overdue, but better asking late than never.
    I passed the first screening (Research Students) in my country in July and was thus granted the permission to request LoAs. I searched for and solicited professors who had research interests similar to mine, but in vain. For a reason or another, all of them rejected my application. The only university which sent me an LoA was a private university in Tokyo.
    The problem is, the advisor which was assigned to me was nothing but a tentatively designated one. Which means i had no contact with him beforehand whatsoever, nor does his research interests fit with mine. It was as if the university “filled the gap” with his name just in order to provide me with a LoA.

    Have you ever heard of similar cases? If yes, would that have any influence over my chances in the second screening?

    Looking forward to your answer.

    1. Hi Amine,

      Just to double-check, but when you applied to that university, you didn’t specify an advisor that you want to work with? Or you did, but the university replaced that professor with someone else?
      I am familiar with cases where universities do not assign advisors to students at the start of their studies. For example the Master’s program in Economics at the university where I processed applications for MEXT only assigned thesis advisors to students at the end of their first year of studies, so for the MEXT LoA, they would just fill in a tentative name.

      There was never any problem with those students being accepted or earning the scholarship, as far as I know. So, if it was a deliberate decision by the university to designate that professor as a placeholder advisor, it shouldn’t be a problem for your selection.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hello Travis,
        Many thanks for your insightful answer, I am truly reassured by it. In fact, I did specify a professor I wanted to work with, and the university put the placeholder advisor’s name instead. By the way, the program I applied to is an MBA in which the thesis could take various forms other than a traditional academic piece of writing (business plan, case study, etc). So I guess not much pressure would be put on students concerning that part.

        All my gratitude, you are a wonderful person.

        1. Hi Amine,

          Thank your for your kind words!
          Your situation is not surprising for an MBA program. I think that kind of program would be more likely to defer deciding on your advisor. It’ll probably still be a while before the final results are out, but I don’t think you should have anything to worry about.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  14. hello Travis.
    Thank you so much for helping us with your great website.
    I have a question regarding the second screening procedure. some of my friends received emails from their professors asking them about the time of departure. I believe these were applicants applicants whose professors didn’t determine whether they want the student in April or September in the letter of provisional acceptance. However, after seeing them all talking about their professors, I became nervous and emailed my Professor, asking him whether mext has contacted him or not. My professor told me that the ministry hasn’t contacted him… I can’t tell how devastating the news was for me but I wanted to ask you this: is it possible for mext to not contact any of our preferences as a form of rejection?

    thank you

    1. Hi Marry,

      MEXT does not contact all of the universities on your list, they contact them one-by-one and only contact a second university if the first one declines to accept you. So, it’s possible that if you had multiple universities on your list that MEXT contacted a different one.

      MEXT also does not contact professors directly. They contact the admin office that handles the scholarship paperwork. If the admin office didn’t need to follow up with your professor for any questions (e.g. when the professor wants you to arrive in Japan), then it’s possible that they simply processed the application at the admin level and didn’t tell the professor.

      If you had failed the secondary screening for some reason, usually, I have seen that embassies would tell you about that result before the application process moved on to contacting universities, so I think it’s too early to give up hope. There could be many different reasons why the professor didn’t know. (And universities and professors are not supposed to contact applicants to tell them the results at this stage, anyway.)

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  15. Hi Travis,
    Thank you for the useful article.
    Thanks to this blog, I was able to pass the primary screening for the embassy-recommended graduate-level scholarship. I also obtained 2 LoAs (both from national universities)
    If you don’t mind answering, I would like to confirm regarding the “unofficial secondary screening acceptance” leak.
    Earlier today I was contacted by the professor from my 1st university of choice. She stated that she’s currently preparing the documents for the acceptance of international students, then proceeded to ask me for my desired period of arrival (Apr/Oct) and if I wanted to take the preparatory Japanese language class. She didn’t mention anything about her accepting me or if I would be placed on that university.
    Still, I think that if she’s preparing the acceptance documents, she should be accepting me as a research student under her care.
    Is my understanding correct? Can her email be interpreted as a strong, albeit unofficial, hint that I will be accepted on that university? Or am I getting ahead of myself?
    Your help is appreciated.

    1. Hi Tunamayo,

      Yes! I would say that the communication from the professor is an almost certain (if unofficial) confirmation that you have been selected for the scholarship and will be placed at that university. The only reason she would be preparing your acceptance documents at this point and asking about the language program would be if MEXT contacted that university to request that they confirm your placement there.

      It will be a little longer before the official confirmation, but it sounds like you got an early Christmas present!
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  16. Hi Travis,
    Thank you a lot for your hard work! Thank to that I have been able to obtain two LoAs and submitted them to the embassy.
    I have called the embassy and they told me it is okay to submit LoAs and documents that need adjustment by email. So I submitted my two LoAs, as well as an adjusted Placement Form. And I stated in the email subject as “Final version”.
    I have read this blog post a few times before, but now reading it again I realized something, which is I have never checked if my third choice university is a public or private univ. I did a quick check and, yes, it is a public university. So my current situation is like this:
    – 1st: Waseda University, private, has LoA.
    – 2nd: Nihon University, private, has LoA.
    – 3rd: Tsukuba University, public, never contacted (university require contacting professor directly).

    In this case, is it likely that MEXT still try to place me in my third choice university? And if they do, is it likely that the university will accept me?
    If both the answer is ‘Yes’, then is it okay to adjust the placement form, changing 3rd choice or remove it, and submit it to the embassy again?
    My country’s embassy set the deadline to be 29th, so there is still a bit of time left. However I don’t know if it is okay to re-submit document like this, especially I am the one who declared the previous email “Final”.

    1. Hi SK,

      Since you don’t have an LoA from the third choice university, even though it’s national, I think MEXT will prioritize the universities that have issued you LoAs.
      I cannot say for certain that is what they will do, but I cannot see any reason why they would skip over a university that HAD offered you an LoA in favor of a university where you never applied.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  17. Hello Travis! I’m Shafa from Indonesia. Thank you very much for writing a useful blog post. I have been very anxious about the secondary screening result. I recently met my friend who was a Kosen (College of Technology) secondary screening candidate from Indonesia. She unfortunately didn’t pass the secondary screening for 2018 departure. This got me worried as a 2023 research student candidate. I have collected all my paperwork, including the 1 LoA from the Tokyo Tech which prosfessor I have a close network with. However, this story of my friend made me so anxious. Is there any difference in the passing rate of research student with the other types of scholarships? Since undergraduate and CoT didn’t need any LoA is it normal to be rejected even in secondary screening? And will it have the same case with research student? Thank you.

    1. Hi Shafa,

      I don’t know as much about the other scholarship application types, like kosen and undergraduate, but my understanding is that it’s pretty rare to be rejected during the secondary screening in any of the application types, especially in the scholarship for graduate students. Usually, every embassy knows how many applicants they can nominate, and only that number passes the primary screening. So, in that case, there is nothing competitive about the secondary screening and almost everyone should pass.

      However, there was one exception in 2019. It seems like MEXT reduced the number of applicants that each embassy and university could nominate suddenly, after the Primary Screening was already complete in some countries. That meant that a lot of applicants ended up getting rejected during the Secondary Screening to reduce the numbers.
      That was also the year that Japan made university education free for low-income families, so I suspect that had a major impact on MEXT’s budget and contributed to the reduced number of scholarships. Since then, the scholarship numbers have stayed at that low number, so I do not think they will be reduced again.

      I’m not sure what might have happened to your friend in her application, but the processes are different so you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  18. Hello, Is it late for me now to apply for the MEXT scholarship 2023 and when is the scholarship going to be available in 2024

    1. Hi Hollow,

      The application for the Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship usually opens in April, with the deadline in May or early June, of the year before you would arrive in Japan. So the application for 2023 is over and the application guidelines for 2024 should be out in April 2023.

      However, there should still be time to apply for the University-Recommended MEXT Scholarship for 2023. That application process usually opens in the fall, but the timing and the application process is different at each university, so you’ll have to check the website of the university where you want to apply for their instructions.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  19. Pingback: August 2022 MEXT Scholarship Q&A Video and Transcript | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  20. Hi! I hope you are doing well.

    If you don’t mind, I have a question.

    “Well, first things first:
    At this point, you are practically certain to receive the MEXT scholarship!”

    Is that the same with undergraduate recommended applicants too? Or just postgraduate?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Daniela,

      Unfortunately, with thousands of comments on this site, I’m afraid I don’t remember what I was replying to in the case of the one that you quoted, so I can’t be sure. Could you let me know what your situation is so that I can better answer your question?

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi! I’m sorry for the late reply. That quote was from ‘Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship: Secondary Screening and Placement’, where you wrote about students recommended by embassy are almost sure to get the final approval of the second screening. I was wondering if that is the case for undergraduate applicants too, because of what I have been told, even in this stage the chances can be low because the competition is global for undergraduate. Thank you.

        1. Hi Daniela,

          Thank you for the follow-up information!
          As far as I know, undergraduate students are not competing globally for the scholarship. Just like the scholarship for graduate students, my understanding is that there is a quota for each country and the embassies know in advance how many applicants they are allowed to nominate. In that case, the situation would be the same as the scholarship for graduate students and you would also be almost sure to be selected for the scholarship in the end.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  21. Thanks for this post, i just stumbled on it while searching for progress on mext 2023.
    I don’t know if you could help. I’ve submitted all my application form since May and I heard most people has already been receiving mail for first screening in Nigeria. Although I submitted towards deadline.
    So,I’ll like to ask if mext screening takes batch in sending mail for screening or if one doesn’t receive any mail it means I’m not qualified?

    1. Hi Kafayat,

      The primary screening is handled entirely by the local Japanese embassy, so all of the notification are going to come from the embassy, not MEXT. That means that the schedule and how they send out the notifications for every country is going to be different. Some countries will notify all applicants of their results, but others only contact successful applicants. Unfortunately, I do not know what the case is in Nigeria. Since it has been more than a month since the deadline, it you haven’t yet heard back about the results of the document screening and gotten an invitation to the exams/interviews, I’m afraid that most likely means that your application wasn’t successful, but you could always contact the embassy for confirmation!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  22. Sahar Hassani

    hi Travis
    it’s been almost a year since I’m following your contents regularly and I really appreciate them because they helped me a lot.
    regarding the second screening I have a question which I will appreciate it if you could help me with.
    I know that you have mentioned graduate students who have provided at leat one letter of acceptance are practically certain to pass the second screening unless they have told a deliberate lie or their major is banned or they had criminal records. However I wanted to ask is it possible for us to become rejected in second screening if we have obtained other countries’ scholarship? I mean I may have applied for other countries along with mext as well but I didn’t accept them after I passed the first screening in mext scholarship. so is it possible for them to check us in all countries to know whether we have applied for other programs and reject us based on it ?

    thank you

    1. Sahar Hassani

      oh I have to mention something important as well.
      I am aware that mext candidates are not allowed to receive any other scholarships equivalent to mext duration and amount. In the application form they asked this question whether we are receiving or applying for other scholarships and if yes they asked us to name them, however I answered this question with a no since I wasn’t simultaneously applying to any other scholarships or receiving any, despite the fact that I have applied for some scholarships 3 months prior to mext. I’m planning to cancel them upon being awarded mext scholarship but do you think they will consider my application form answer as a lie and reject me because of it? I didn’t really mean to answer them with a lie but I really thought there is no need to mention my previous applications as long as I withdraw from them after gaining mext scholarship. I’m really worried :

      1. Hi Sahar Hassani,

        If you had already applied to other scholarships and had not cancelled your application before submitting your MEXT application, that would be considered “simultaneously applying”. Simultaneously applying means that you have an application open at the same time, even if you have already submitted all of the application paperwork and are just waiting for the results, so your situation is the perfect example of when it would be required to fill out the question about other scholarship. Not declaring those scholarships (saying that you were not applying for other scholarships simultaneously) would be considered a false statement on your application and could be grounds for disqualification/rejection.
        If your other applications are discovered, then I think that could be a problem. I’m not sure how MEXT would discover them – I don’t think they have a process to systematically check every other scholarship in the world – but if they do find that information, then it could result in your being disqualified.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

        1. Sahar Hassani

          thank you so much for your answer sir, but there is something else that I want to share. actually in the application form they asked us (are you receiving any other scholarships together with mext) and my answer to this question was no because I wasn’t and still am not receiving any other scholarships but at the second part of this question they asked us (if you are receiving or applying for another scholarship please name them) and here I didn’t mention my previous applications because I thought they aren’t asking about them. so do you still think I answered the application form incorrectly? if so, I have an upcoming interview with Japan embassy for mext, do you think I should inform them about this and tell them I didn’t know that I have to mention my past applications? ?

          1. Hi Sahar Hassani,

            If you have applied for a scholarship but have not yet gotten the final result, then that is exactly what the question is asking about when it asks if you are “currently applying.” (If you applied, were approved, but the scholarship payment period hasn’t started, then that would be considered “receiving a scholarship or planning to receive one”).
            So, unless you have already gotten rejection letters from every other scholarship you applied to, then you are “currently applying” and did not answer the question truthfully/accurately.

            Unless you plan to cancel/withdraw from all of your other ongoing applications before the embassy interview, yes, I recommend that you inform them that you have applied for other scholarships but didn’t realize that was what the question meant.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Sahar Hassani,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      If you were applying for scholarships from other countries at the same time, but turned them down or will turn then down once you are accepted for MEXT, then that is not a problem. As long as you don’t end up accepting the other scholarships, that would not be an issue.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  23. Pingback: How to Apply for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship in 2022/2023 | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  24. Muxammad Raximov

    Hi Travis.

    I wanted to say thank you for all the amazing job and the knowledge you put out in this blog. It was very helpful throughout the application process. Thanks to them I was able to get the 2022 scholarship.

    But there is one question I wanted to ask. I was placed as research student and I will apply for master’s course in July and take the exams August. My question is, will the be the only chance to upgrade my status and what will happen if I fail the written exam. Will be my student status or scholarship status terminated? Or do I have another chance to apply again for the next semester?

    I am a little hesitant to ask this question from my supervisor.

    Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Muxammad Raximov,

      Thank you for your kind feedback!
      I have heard in the past of applicants who did not succeed in applying for entrance to the degree program the first time. From what I understand, they were able to withdraw their scholarship extension application and remain as research students for another semester to try again. If you started your scholarship in April 2022, you should have a maximum of 2 years that you can spend as a research student (including the semester as a language student, if applicable), so you should be able to keep trying again as long as you remain within those two years.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  25. Hello Travis,
    Hope you are doing well.
    I have been quite a regular in your blog since last year as I had no idea how to proceed with the scholarship procedures. I am very grateful and pleased to confirm that I have been selected for my first choice university and the scholarship for the entry in April. I am very thankful to you and all the people who have shared their experiences on the blog that guided me during the last year.

    Regarding travelling, I have been advised to wait due to Covid-19 restrictions in Japan and about the min 7 days self paid quarantine that will be required once I arrive. Do you have any information if the universities provide these arrangements or we need to choose the place?

    Thank you very much in advance and I look forward to hearing from you!

    Warm regards,

    1. Hi Krishtee,

      Congratulations! I am thrilled to hear that you earned the scholarship and got placed at your first-choice university. I am also very happy to hear that this blog was a little helpful in the process.

      Last week, the Japanese government made a major announcement about the borders reopening and a change to the quarantine procedures starting in March 2022. The details haven’t all been finalized yet, so I think you can expect more guidance from MEXT or your university about the actual quarantine procedures, but I think you can expect more details specific to your case in the next couple of weeks.

      For now, the quarantine is 7 days, in general, but it can be shortened to three days or, in some cases, exempted entirely. It all depends on:

      • If your country is designated as a country with high spread of COVID-19 (subject to 3- or 6- day quarantine in a government-designated facility)
      • If you have been vaccinated with a Japanese government-approved vaccination and had your third dose

      Based on the combination of those two variables, there are four patterns for quarantine that may cost you or may not. But this was just announced over the weekend, so Japanese universities are still in the process of deciding how to handle quarantine for their students based on the university’s unique situation. Hopefully, you should get some specific information soon!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Greetings Travis. Thank you for the wonderful work you’ve done so far in relation to providing relevant information concerning MEXT SCHOLARSHIP. Can you confirm if the JAPANESE EMBASSY in some countries have offered VISAS to MEXT SCHOLARSHIP recipients expected to start school in April 2022?

        I’m told there might be a delay this time around because of a backlog of 2021 recipients who are yet to enter Japan.

        The reason I’m asking these questions is because the entrance ceremony for my first choice school I’ve been placed in is on April 3 and I’m yet to receive a call from the Japanese embassy in my country in relation to my departure. All the relevant procedures with my school has been sorted. They asked for a soft copy of my passport, photograph for student ID card and made me fill a student registration form.

        My Japanese Language class starts April 8.

        1. Hi Pappy,

          I haven’t heard any reports from April 2022 scholars about their visa issuance or flight plans yet.
          From what I understand, your host university has to register you in the ERFS system for new arrivals to Japan – that is probably why they asked for your passport, among other things. From there, they send that information to MEXT who will work with MOFA to get your visas issues and flights arranged.
          Right now, there is a limit of 7,000 people per day who can enter Japan, including new international arrivals, Japanese returning from overseas, etc., so there is likely to be a little bit of a backlog, but I think they are trying to get all students (including MEXT scholars and privately financed students) into the country by the end of May.

          Hopefully, you should hear more from the Embassy, soon. Once you do hear from them, I suspect you will not have much notice until your flight!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Greetings Krishtee, Congratulations. I’ve also been awarded the 2022 MEXT SCHOLARSHIP from Ghana and due to start school in April at my first choice university. Just want to inquire from you whether you’ve heard from the Japanese embassy in your home country when you’d be leaving.

      1. Hi Pappy,
        I apologize for the (extremely) late reply. Actually I didn’t check the comment section for a long time and missed your comment.
        Congratulations on getting MEXT Scholarship and your first choice. I travelled Mid- May to Tokyo and had to undergo a 5 day quarantine. Hope your travel to Japan went on well and enjoy your time here.

  26. Dear Travis,

    I left several questions back in 2020 and you were kind enough to answer them all. Unfortunately, the 2020/2021 scholarship was canceled here (I’m from Iraq) due to Covid-19 but I made it to 2021/2022 and just yesterday I have received the final results that I got the scholarship (2/15). I can’t thank you enough for your help whether through the blog or the further explanation in your answers, and I’m sure many others were able to reach this point thanks to your content.

    I have a couple more of my questions though! I will reach out to the university I got in and I was wondering do you think it would be better to ask permission to contact my supervisor at this point or is it too early ( I chose the fall semester)? or can I go ahead and contact him directly?

    Also, I will contact the other university to thank them as you advised however they reach out to me through different email addresses, I believe a reply to one of them would be fine, right?

    Once again thank you very much for all of your efforts and your time.

    Best regards,

    1. Hi Alyaa,

      Thank you very much for taking the time to write back after so long and and to share your results! I remember when the scholarship application process was cancelled in 2020 and I can’t imagine how devastating that must have been for you at the time, but I am thrilled to hear that you persevered and finally made it through to the end. Congratulations!

      I think this would be a great time to reach out to your supervisor in Japan. If nothing else, it would be polite to let him know that you earned the scholarship and look forward to working with him starting in the fall. If you have already been in direct contact with him, it’s fine to contact him again directly now. If you haven’t been in direct contact with him yet (i.e. you’ve been communicating via an admin office), then it might be better to contact that office first to let them know about your success and ask to get in contact with him.
      He may be willing to start working with you remotely, such as suggesting some preparatory reading, research, etc., or he might want to wait until you arrive. That’s going to be up to each individual professor.

      For the other universities, yes, it’s a good idea to contact them. If you were in direct contact with the potential advisors, you should contact them directly (you might still end up meeting one another in Japan, since you’ll be in the same field). I also recommend contacting the admin office you were working with. Whichever address they used to contact you (or all of the addresses at a single university, if they used multiple ones) would be fine.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  27. Dear Travis,
    Thank you for all the amazing content on this blog. I’m a MEXT applicant from Tajikistan and a couple of days ago I’ve been contacted by the Embassy about passing the secondary screening and the university placement. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive any email regarding my arrival plans or housing application from the university. My professor also hasn’t contacted me yet. Should I try to contact the university and the professor by myself?
    Best regards,

    1. Hi Mahina,

      Congratulations! I am very happy to hear about your successful application.
      It should be the embassy that contacts you about your travel arrangements to Japan, though the university will have some guidance about your arrival dates, typically. (Unless you are starting with the Japanese language program.)
      Are you planning to arrive in April or September/October? That could be a factor, too. If you are planning to travel in April, you should be getting additional guidance soon, but if you are arriving in the fall, you might not get any more instructions until the summer.

      In either case, I would give it a few more days. The results just came out, and perhaps they haven’t been released in all countries yet. So, they are probably planning for the next steps now. But if you are planning to travel in the Spring and don’t hear anything by the end of the week, then I think it is fine to reach out to the embassy and university for more guidance.
      It is also a good idea now to reach out to all the universities that offered you Letters of Acceptance and thank them for their consideration. For the university where you were placed, you can tell them that you are excited to study with them. For the others, thank them for their efforts and let them know you were placed somewhere else.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  28. Dear Travis,
    I am a Vietnamese MEXT’s applicant. Firstly, thank you very much for all your helpful posts.  I decided to apply for the MEXT Scholarship when it was up to the deadline, and initially, it was hard for me to apply without a mentor. But then I found your blog and your helpful information and advice helped me so much during my application process. 
    In Vietnam, it is said that the final result for research students will be announced around January. I haven’t heard about it yet, but a few days ago I received emails from my professor and university’s support office in Japan about applying for housing and meeting online after I got the official result. I think my final result and university placement are coming soon, and I will update it in this comment.
    Thank you very much again and hope you have lots of health and happiness!  

    1. Hi Trang,

      The official results should be available soon, but if your university is contacting you about housing and meeting the professor, I think you can consider that to be an unofficial indication that you have received the scholarship and been placed there!
      The university wouldn’t be reaching out to you unless MEXT had already contacted them to ask them to formally accept you as a scholarship student.

      You should be hearing good news soon. Please do let me know when it arrives!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Travis,
        Thank you very much.
        It was Lunar New Year holiday in Vietnam, and finally I received the official result from the Embassy on Feb 10. I will fly to Japan in April!

        1. Hi Trang,

          Congratulations! Thank you very much for sharing your results with me, too!
          I hope that by April, all of the new MEXT scholars will be able to travel to Japan in person.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  29. Hi Travis.
    Hope you are doing well and healthy.
    At the beginning of December 2021, I received a message from my first choice university. They said it is the final confirmation for the MEXT screening and that they have to report to MEXT about my accepting details now. Then they asked my exact plans about whether I will take Japanese preparatory classes and the arrival plans. However, I have heard that this is not the final letter (confirmation) and that I will be contacted again by the Embassy or Uni (or MEXT) by the end of December 2021. I have not received anything and I am getting worried about all this stuff (given the situation with Omicron).
    I would love to hear your thoughts about this matter.

    P.S I apologize if you’d already answered this type of question in your threads.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!

    1. Hi Matthew,

      While you’re right that the message from the university is not the same as the final result from MEXT, it is safe to treat it as unofficial acceptance. Once MEXT has finished the secondary screening, the only thing that remains for your scholarship award to be confirmed is the confirmation from one of the universities on your list that they will accept you – and you have essentially gotten that, thanks to the message from the university!

      There will be an official confirmation later from the Embassy, but that confirmation is not due at the end of December, so please do not worry. According to the application guidelines, you can expect to hear from the Embassy about the final results in January or February.

      Good Luck, and Happy New Year to you, too!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  30. Dear Travis,
    Firstly, thank you for all the outstanding content. Some months of silence after submitting the placement form to the embassy in my country, I received an email regarding the preparatory japanese course, from a partner university of my first choice uni in the placement preference form. Does this count as unofficial results ?
    Thank you very much and happy new year!!!

    1. Hi Luke,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      Yes! That sounds like a good example of unofficial results to me!

      When MEXT contacts universities to ask them to accept students after the Secondary Screening, if the universities agree, then one thing they have to determine is whether or not each student should attend the language program. So, if they’re asking you that now, it’s likely because they need to fill it in on MEXT’s form confirming that they will accept you.

      It might be another month or so before you get the final official results, but that should just be a confirmation of that you already know.

      Happy New Year to you, as well!
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  31. Hi Travis,

    I want to extend my gratitude for this blog! All of your posts are informative, fun to read and easy to follow. I spent so many an-hours reading your entries and had inspired me to apply! Now, I’m waiting for results of the second screening.
    I successfully received 2 LoAs (1 from a private and 1 from a national University).
    As I let my nerves brew, I would like to ask for your expertise, please:

    1.) As a UK graduate, would I still need to submit an English language certificate?
    2.) I have checked all the document requirements for University applications and all of the documents, I already sent to MEXT. Am I required to send copies of these to the universities or would MEXT send these on my behalf?
    3.) The universities are inviting me to come in April 2022 for the Japanese Language Preparatory Education. The UK Consulate would not give the results of the University placement until January 2022. I’m afraid that I would not have enough time to prepare for my departure (if successful). Do you have any advice?
    4.) What can I do to prepare for University entrance exams?

    Thank you very much in advance and I look forward to hearing from you!

    Warm regards,

    1. Hi Hazel,

      Thank you for your kind comments!
      It sounds like you’ve already made it most of the way through the process and should have very little to worry about as you wait for the final results. It is just a matter of the time required for the administrative processing.
      1. For the embassy-recommended MEXT Scholarship, you are not required to submit proof of English language ability. If it was required, you would have had to submit it already!
      2. You should have already sent all of your documents to the university when you applied for an LoA, so they should have them, right? In any case, when MEXT contacts universities to ask them to formally accept you, they will send all the necessary documents. At this point of the application process, you do not need to submit anything else directly. It is all in the hands of MEXT. Your next interaction with them should be when you get the final confirmation of the scholarship.
      3. This is the normal schedule, so there is nothing to worry about. MEXT and the university will work with you for your travel arrangements. As far as your personal preparation goes, since you have made it this far in the application and have those two LoAs, it seems almost certain that you will receive the scholarship, so start thinking about what you need to do to prepare so that you can be ready when the announcement comes.
      4. University entrance exams vary from university to university and field to field. Sometimes it is a mere examination of your application documents. In other cases there may be a written exam. My best advice is to consult with your academic advisor once you know your university assignment. They should be able to tell you what to expect for that particular university/graduate school. You should be able to take the exam itself (if required) during your semester in the language program.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  32. Hi!
    First of all, thanks a bunch for this blog, it was really informative!
    So I’m from Sri Lanka and we’ve been in and out of lockdowns here.. the first notice to apply for the 2022 scholarship came out in May 2021, I applied for the undergraduate scholarship back then, we had to apply through our ministry of higher education and the application form was very different from the sample in the blog… however after I emailed it, I got a lot of emails from JASSO but none from the Japanese embassy or our higher education ministry. there was no news about the scholarship or the first screening until late July, so I called the embassy to know if the scholarships were cancelled, but they weren’t.
    However, again, in August or September, the ministry posted another notice to apply for the 2022 scholarship, having applied once, me and my friends didn’t apply again. We didn’t receive any news about the first screening or even if our applications were accepted.
    Applicants from most other countries have already finished their second screening by now, so do you think it’s worth having any hope about it? Or would it be a good choice to call the embassy again? It’s truly stressful to know nothing at all even after 5 months 🙁

    1. Hi Warenya,

      That sounds like a challenging and confusing situation!
      Unfortunately, I do not know anything about the application situation in specific countries or at specific embassies and I have never heard of a situation like yours before, so without reading all of the emails you got from JASSO, etc., I’m afraid I cannot offer any helpful advice.
      I do think that it’s a good idea to contact the ministry/embassy to ask directly, though, since there doesn’t seem to be any other way you would be able to get information about your situation at this point!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  33. Hey Travis!

    Thank you for all the information you have provided for everyone regarding the MEXT scholarship. During this period, I am now requesting for letters of acceptance from universities. I have recently received informal acceptance from my first choice university, while my request for a letter of provisional acceptance from my second choice university is still in progress. Reading this article, I came across the part about national and public universities in the placement preference. My first choice university happens to be a public university, while my second choice is a national university. I’m worried I won’t get placed in my first choice university, which I believe best supports my research interests. I selected my second choice university to be more of a safety net.

    Would you happen to have information on circumstances for when MEXT would prioritize the national university over a public one? What are my chances to be placed at my first choice university?

    Sorry if this has gotten a bit long. Thank you so much for your time!

    1. Hi Shisui,

      Thank you for your kind feedback!
      To be honest, I have not yet figured out what criteria MEXT uses to decide who gets to go to a private/public university and who is sent to a national one. I recall hearing that about 1/3 of applicants end up in private or public universities, but have not been able to confirm that figure.
      The biggest factor is budget, and that determines the number of students overall that can go to non-national universities, but unfortunately I do not know what makes the difference for individual applicants, so I cannot guess what your chances would be.

      I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be more helpful.
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  34. Hi,
    I just passed the undergraduate embassy screening in my country, but I’m at a little loss on what to do now. I keep searching information online, but couldn’t find any credible information on how the undergraduate process differs from the graduate one. If you don’t mind answering, I have a few questions for you.
    1. Although you stated that almost no one gets rejected from the secondary screening, I’ve heard about quite a few instances of the prospective undergraduate candidates getting rejected by the MEXT. Is undergraduate acceptance rate lower than the graduate one?
    2. After submitting the documents to the embassy, should I contact the universities I want to study in, or is that only for the grad students?
    3, The final results are usually available around December-January, so I’m sorry if I sound rude, is it allowed to be enrolled in another university in September, just in case I don’t get this scholarship?
    Although I am very happy to be chosen from my country, I cannot help but feel very anxious about the future. Thank you so much for helping us and providing us with such quality information.

    1. Hi Eri,

      Congratulations on passing the Primary Screening!
      As far as I know, for the undergraduate scholarship, after the Primary Screening, there is nothing left that applicants need to do but wait for the final results, which should be by the end of January 2022.
      1. I’m afraid I do not know the details of the undergraduate scholarship secondary screening. My area of expertise is the scholarship for grad students.
      2. You do not need to contact universities. That is only for grad students.
      3. As far as I know, it is allowed to enroll in another university in the meantime, as long as that university is not in Japan and as long as you are prepared to drop out if you receive the scholarship.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  35. Pingback: Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship 2021/2022: How to Get a Letter of Provisional Acceptance | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  36. Hi Travis!

    I’m Camila from the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. I got my placement confirmation on June 14th, I’ll be going to the University of Tokyo!

    I want to thank you! This blog has been my saver during this process, thanks to your amazing guidance I was able to fulfill it, you made everything easier for me, and made me feel less nervous.

    This has always been a dream of mine and now it finally became my reality, words would never be enough, thank you so so much!

    Now I’m waiting for the information regarding my arrival and the visa. Does that usually take long?

    1. Hi Camila,

      Congratulations! That is very exciting news.
      Thank you very much for your kind words and feedback, as well.

      It is not unusual for the visa and travel information to take a while. Applicants for the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship still have not gotten their results this year, so they are likely waiting for all results to be ready before moving on to the next step. In usual years, they start processing visas around mid- to late July (and travel arrangements can come much later than that), though with the pandemic and the Japanese border situation being uncertain, that could change as well. In the meantime, though, don’t worry. It is just a matter of time and slow bureaucracy.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  37. Dear Travis
    I receive the official confirmation from my embassy today.
    Thanks very much for all your effort. It helps a lot.
    However, Please can you clarify my doubt on this
    -The term of the scholarship says October 2021 to March 2023.
    -Term of Japanese Preparatory Education is October 2021 to March 2022
    -Term of Specialized Education is 2022年 4月 ~ 2023年 3月
    My concern is that I applied for a PhD program for 3years as a Regular student and not a Non Regular student as stated in the final MEXT decision and based on the Term of Specialized Education which is stated 2022年 4月 ~ 2023年 3月the duration seems short for a PhD program. I just need you to clarify me on this since my interest is on a PhD program and not a non regular student.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Francis,

      Congratulations! That’s great news.
      It sounds like even though you applied to start as a degree student, they decided to start you as a non-degree student. That would be the university’s discretion. If you kept a copy of your Letter of Acceptance from that university, you can double-check to see whether they said they would accept you as a degree student or research student.

      Another thing to consider is that everyone is a Non Regular student during the Japanese Preparatory Education period, so if you are starting with that program, they would always start you as a Non Regular student and they would give you the full Non Regular student period. However, you should be able to take the entrance exam for the PhD program while you are in the Japanese Preparatory Education so that you can start the PhD program in the semester immediately after the language program ends. In that case, you would also apply for an Extension of your MEXT Scholarship at the same time to cover your PhD program.

      The length of the PhD program should be three years, once you extend the scholarship.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  38. Pingback: Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship 2020/2021: How to Get a Letter of Provisional Acceptance | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  39. Dear Travis,

    I believe this is my first time commenting under your blog. I am so grateful for your kind act of sharing and replying to each comments with great passion. Thank you very much for your answers and posts which were extremely helpful. I am from Myanmar and I got my official result from my Embassy yesterday. I pray for your works be more successful as the time goes by. Congratulations to all other successful candidates out there. Also, best of luck to this year applicants too.

    1. Hi YK,

      Congratulations! I am thrilled to hear that you got the scholarship and very gratified that the posts and comments here helped along the way.

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  40. Johnny Navarro

    Hello Travis!

    Just wanted to share that I got my acceptance from MEXT yesterday! Which also seems to be the case for other applicants, so I suppose applicants who haven’t got their results yet should expect to receive them soon.

    According to the document of acceptance, arrival in Japan should be in October (2021年10月) . I’m not sure how will that play out considering the current world situation, but that’s what the document states at least.

    As always, thank you for all your help since the very beginning. Good luck to everyone!

    1. Hi Johnny Navarro,

      I heard from another applicant that MEXT is trying to make special arrangements for MEXT scholars to have an exception to the immigration restrictions for this fall, though I don’t have the details yet.

      (For anyone else reading this, I should note that Johnny wrote a guest post about his application experience, so it is definitely worth learning from his experience!)

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Johnny Navarro

        Hello Travis!

        Thank you so much for your kind words! I wanted to ask you whether or not I should contact my research advisor? Or is it too soon (considering there are quite a few months left)? To give you a little bit of context, I haven’t interacted with my advisor at all yet, the university that accepted me was one of those where they handle all the process for you and you cannot contact the professors directly.

        I also forgot to mention in my previous comment that I’m from Panama (although I think it is mentioned in my guest post). The embassy told me I have until September 14th to deliver the acceptance document signed.

        Once again, thank you so much!

        1. Hi Johnny Navarro,

          Thank you very much for the update!
          Did the embassy ask you to get a new, signed acceptance document now, after your scholarship acceptance? I haven’t heard of that step before, so I would be curious to learn more about it.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Johnny Navarro

            Hello Travis!

            Sorry, perhaps I phrased it in the wrong way. I meant the “pledge” document. They gave me two docs, one is the acceptance document with all the info on the University that accepted me along with the arrival date and so on. The other document is the “pledge” that we have to sign.

            They gave me until September 14th to deliver the pledge printed and signed to the embassy. Which I already delivered so I guess now I’ll have to wait for the arrangements.

          2. Hi Johnny Navarro,

            Thank you for the clarification!
            It sounds like you’re in another waiting period. Hopefully during that time, there will be improvements in the border situation. I have heard rumors that, even though the borders remain closed, MEXT may try to make special arrangements for MEXT Scholars to be able to come to the country.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  41. Hi Travis,
    I just want to thank you for all your hard work in keeping us informed. I was informed by my embassy today that I’ve been granted the scholarship. I’m from Barbados in the Caribbean. So I’m assuming everyone’s results will be rolling out within the next few days. I am so overjoyed right now. Everyone keep your chin up.

    1. Hi Mel,

      I have been starting to hear about results coming out over the past few days, so I think you’re right.

      Good luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Mel, I am from Belize and I just got my formal acceptance letter too. I am sooo overly happy.
      Congrats to you and all the other MEXT scholars out there! Travis, thank you for your assistance as well, you helped me a lot!

      See you Japan!

      1. Hi Rox,

        Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck in your studies here in Japan. I hope to see you here in the future!

        Good Luck!
        -Travis from TranSenz

  42. Dear Travis I’m just writing to let you know that the 2021 results for the secondary screening are out for some countries including mine.
    I would like to sincerely thank you for this wonderful site, it truly made my journey less difficult than it otherwise would be. Also, it might interest you to know that
    1- no one has been rejected so far and hopefully it stays that way
    2- those who had LOAs from private (1st) and national (2nd) universities were placed at their second choice (that was the case with at least 3 of my fellow applicants).
    Anyway thank you again and please keep up the good work!

    1. Hi K,

      Congratulations on your results and on earning the scholarship!
      Thank you for your kind words, as well for sharing the results that nobody was rejected, as well as the information about placement.

      Good luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  43. Hi Transenz.
    Thanks very much for your support in helping people like me for the MEXT SCHOLARSHIP. I applied for the 2021 Research student in 2020 and I supported 2 LOAs to My Embassy. One of the documents my First choice University sent for me to fill and send through EMS and Email is titled

    I received this email from my First choice University

    You need to fill up and send the application forms as attached files to me as soon as possible.
    I know you did not get the final decision on MEXT scholarship but it’s better to prepare it for your next step.
    All documents must be sent by ems and e-mail to me.
    Would you read through the attachment files?

    And we have an inquiry as follows:
    1. Do you need Japanese preparatory education?
    Yes: It means that you will be a research student once for a half year and then be a Ph.D. student from April, 2022.
    No: You will be a Ph.D . student from October, 2021 (You can learn Japanese at our university).

    Best regards,

    Hope this is a good sign. As I am still waiting for the final Decision from MEXT

    1. Hi Francis,

      Even though you have not gotten the official notification from MEXT, this message from the university is a sign that they already know that they will be hosting you as a MEXT Scholar. They would not ask you to fill in additional paperwork and pay for international postage if they were not sure that you would be accepted and placed there!

      It is indeed a very good sign.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hello Francis,

      May I know which country are you from? I’m still waiting for news and emailed the Japanese embassy in my country today, but they said there is no news from Tokyo at present.


      1. Hi Yan,

        Francis said that the university sent the forms to start the enrollment process, but that there was no official news yet from the embassy. So, do not worry that your embassy doesn’t know anything yet. It is almost always the case that universities know before the embassy, since they have to verify acceptance during the screening process.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

        1. Hi Travis,
          Thank you for the reassurance. It’s already mid June and I believe this year’s schedule is delayed compared to other years? Do you reckon they may be doing some last minute adjustments to the number of scholarships they are going to give out? Also do you reckon there might be a delay on when international students can enrol/enter Japan – I read online that international student visas are not issued at the moment due to the pandemic. Just many scenarios playing out in my head as I’ve got a full-time job and will need to give a few months advance notice for resignation. I’m kind of in a dilemma at the moment.


          1. Hi Yan,

            Usually, if MEXT says that the results will be available “in June”, they mean “the last day of June.” And in most years, when they say that, the results actually come out in July…
            However, this year, I double-checked the guidelines after reading your comment and it says that the results will be released starting in June, so they are already indicating that it will probably be later.

            I do not think that this has anything to do with them adjusting the number of scholarships. It is just slow bureaucratic processing. (And they might be trying to get some clarity on that visa issue, too, so that they can give you the next set of instructions.)

            You are right about visas and the borders staying closed. I have heard some rumors that there might be a possibility of borders partially opening in time for the fall, but nothing confirmed yet. In the past, when they considered opening borders, MEXT scholars were a higher priority than other student visa holders, so hopefully there will be some consideration for you to be able to arrive in Japan on time, but right now, it is impossible to say for sure.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  44. Dear Travis, thank you so much for providing us a very clear and update information about MEXT scholarship. It really helps a lot! Wishing you all the best for your life.

    I have some questions, my husband is nominated by university to get MEXT Scholarship this year. We are now waiting for secondary screening announcement from MEXT. I am so anxious since we are not sure about the result, because my husband is taking his second master with this scholarship. Do you have any information that MEXT accept the scholar by university recommendation to get his/her second master? Will his chance to get scholarship is lower because he pursue a second degree? His first master is not from Japan and he got it without any scholarship at that time. Thank you for your time.

    1. Hi Adel,

      Congratulations to your husband on his nomination!
      If the university has nominated him to MEXT, then it is almost certain that he will pass the secondary screening, since it is not a competitive screening, but rather a double-check step. The only reasons I have seen applicants get rejected at this point is if MEXT has a budget cut and needs to cut applicants across all universities (I have only seen that happen once in the past, and there were warning signs then. There is no indication of a similar problem now). Or if there is a problem with applicants’ eligibility, for example if they are affiliated with weapons research.

      I have seen applications approved in the past for second masters’ degrees and I do not think that your husband should have any problems.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Adel,
      First, congratulations to your husband’s nomination! You must be very proud. If you do not feel comfortable answering my following questions, I completely understand.
      I wonder – will your husband be bringing you to Japan under a dependent visa if he is able to enter the country? I ask because I would like to bring my spouse, but I am worried that there may be circumstances where I am allowed into the country but dependent visas won’t be processed or permitted, therefore leaving my spouse stuck in my home country without any idea of when dependents will be received into Japan. If you have looked into this, or know anything about this process, I would really appreciate any insight you may have!
      Thank you!

      1. Hi Lan,

        Adel might reply later, but for now I wanted to share what I have heard. Japan’s borders are still closed, but it sounds like there might be a special exception for MEXT scholars to be able to enter the country in time for the fall semester. So far, I have only heard about MEXT scholars, though, not even other student visa holders. So, it could be some time between when the scholar is able to enter the country and when their spouse is able to come later.

        I will share anything I hear about borders here as soon as I can!

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  45. Unimke Adie

    Dear Travis,

    Thanks as always for the work you do on this blog. I have a question concerning the format for writing an “abstract of presented paper” as described in this year’s guidelines (for those who have a published paper). Do you have an existing template or is there any standard format recommended by MEXT for writing this?
    Appreciate your help with this as always.


    1. Hi Unimke Adie,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      There is no template or standard format for writing an abstract of your thesis/presented paper, just a recommendation that it should be under one page.
      In general, it should include the title of your research, your research methods, and your conclusion, but I would recommend that you ask your current academic advisor for advice on how to write one.

      You can also look up journal articles in electronic databases through a library (or even google “research paper abstract”) to find examples of how other researchers have done it.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  46. Pingback: How to Apply for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship in 2021/2022 | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  47. Dear Travis,
    I hope this message finds you and your loved ones well and healthy. Thank you so much for all that you do to support MEXT applicants all across the world in fulfilling their dreams of studying in Japan! I really believe that it is thanks to all the information and support you provide online that I was able to pass the first screening at my local embassy and receive provisional LOAs.
    That being said, I am also waiting for information about the secondary screening and final placement. I received no update from my embassy thus far which I think is a good sign! After seeing other students receive informal confirmations about their selection, I asked my prospective professor if he has heard anything from MEXT, but he says he has not yet. I was hence wondering if you had any insight on the final placement process! Is it a rolling process that will take place over the next month or so, i.e. MEXT is still working on contacting universities and conducting placements and it is normal that I haven’t been placed yet? Sorry for the somewhat silly question!
    Thank you so much for your time and all you do once again!

    1. Hi Amanda,

      Thank you for your kind words. I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy, too.
      Congratulations on passing the primary screening and getting your LoAs!

      I think it is a good sign that you have not heard anything back from your embassy. Typically the only information that they can release is if an applicant has failed the Secondary Screening (that would have been back around February, if it happened).

      When MEXT contacts universities for the placement process, they do ask university to not say anything to the applicants. Not all universities stick to that rule, but it is perfectly normal to hear nothing.
      It is not exactly a rolling process, since nobody is supposed to leak interim results. MEXT usually contacts all universities around the same time and then asks for a reply around the same deadline. There can be multiple rounds of this, for example if the first university that MEXT contacts does not agree to accept the applicant, they will contact a second. (MEXT only ever contacts one university per applicant at a time). But even in this case, they do not release official results to the applicants who were placed at the first attempt until all applicants’ results are confirmed.

      So, unfortunately, all I can say is that you have to wait a little while longer.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  48. Hi Travis,
    I know the situation is difficult right now in Japan due to covid-19. But I would like to know if MEXT also has a plan for MEXT scholars an future MEXT scholars? Heard that some 2020 scholars still cant enter to Japan, and undergraduate 2021 can’t too, can we hope thing will be better in october to be able to enter Japan? if MEXT don’t have plan for us so why they don’t stop futur aplications like 2022 that is already avalaible. We can’t take all the degree online and it’s very difficult with times difference, and many left their Job and others activities for this scholarship they should consider that too. I know Japanese people try to protect themself but they can also put some effort to organize MEXT scholars entry with help of universities, like they put so many effort to organize safe Olympic games.

    1. Hi Jeff,

      Unfortunately, it’s not MEXT’s decision whether or not students can enter the country. I’m not sure that they have any more information than the rest of us do.
      For this spring, they were planning to prioritize MEXT scholars’ entry to the country, but then the border shut-down got extended.

      Right now, I think Japan is focused on trying to minimize the spread in order to be able to hold the Olympics and Paralympics. I am hoping that by fall they will consider phased reopening of international travel. Based on the situation in the past, MEXT scholarship should be among the first priorities after business travelers. However, when and how that happens depends on the situation with COVID-19 worldwide and nobody knows how that will change over the next few months.
      In the meantime, I think all we can do is to prepare for the possibility that things will get better.

      I know it is a difficult situation for MEXT scholars who left their jobs, etc., and you might need to make some difficult decisions if the borders do not open again. That is going to depend on each person’s individual situation to decide whether they can continue with their studies remotely in the meantime or not.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  49. Hello again Travis.

    Hope you are doing fine.
    As I’m writing this to you, some applicants have heard about their results from their prospective supervisor. I also sent an email to my supervisor asking him to introduce me some resources ( I didn’t mention anything about results) but no replies came back. I’m totally nervous at this point wondering maybe I am rejected after all and MEXT didn’t contacted any of my universities at all. Although the embassy told me that nothing has reported from MEXT so far I am wondering if the second screening is over for sure? Or I still have to wait more ?
    Plus the embassy will open the next round of scholarship by the end 9f next week and if I conclude it rationally I think the embassy or Mext would have informed me a month ago if I were rejected. However, last year when 3 applicants were rejected of each country, the embassy of Japan in tehran informed their rejection along with official acceptance of other students. That’s why I can’t be sure whether I’m in or not.

    1. Hi Aida,

      From what I have heard from other countries, the Secondary Screening should have ended in February and embassies should have received information about any unsuccessful applicants at that time. Unless there are some extenuating circumstances, MEXT is going to process all countries together, so if the screening is over for one country, it should be over for all, and for all applicants, MEXT should now be contacting universities to confirm acceptance. (Typically, embassies should contact unsuccessful applicants as soon as they know those results, but since you mentioned that the Embassy in Tehran did not do that last time, I cannot be sure that this is always the case).

      It is true that some applicants have heard from their universities, but you should not take it as a bad sign if you have not. Universities are not supposed to contact applicants until the final results are released. Some ignore this direction, but if your universities have not contacted you, it could just be that they are doing things “right”.

      I should mention that the rejections last year were due to a decline in slots that MEXT released after the application process began, so it is not a normal situation to have so many students rejected after the primary screening. In last year’s case, each embassy announced those rejections at different times, but most mentioned it during the Primary Screening or the Secondary Screening. Even though Tehran was late with the announcement last year, if the same thing was going to happen this year, I assume we would have already heard about it from other countries. So, you should not need to worry about that!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  50. Hello Travis,
    I have a sticky problem. So for the second phase, I read on the studyinjapan website that applicants without a latter of acceptance from universities before August 26 would likely not be accepted (even if they passed phase 1). I have already reached out to the only university I want to attend, Hokkaido University, and they will not even accept statements of interest from prospective mext students until October, never mind actually accepting those students and sending out those letters of acceptance. I really don’t want to apply to a different university. Is there any way that MEXT might be flexible on that requirement due to pandemic still being a thing? I’m very frustrated. I have also been requested not to contact professors directly.
    Do you have any advice?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Noor,

      It sounds like Hokkaido University might not have read this year’s application guidelines yet.
      Last year, the whole application process was pushed back several months, so the Primary Screening ended in September/October and applicants contacted universities for Letters of Provisional Acceptance in October/November. It looks like Hokkaido is assuming that will be the schedule again this year.

      Once they see the new guidelines this year that move the Letter of Provisional Acceptance deadline back to August (which is the normal time), they should change their policy.
      Even though the new guidelines are out on the Study in Japan website (in English), MEXT still has not published them on its own website (in Japanese), so there’s a good chance that universities haven’t noticed yet.

      I do not think this is going to be a problem, they just aren’t as up to date as you are! They should definitely have the right information well before you apply to them for the Letter of Provisional Acceptance.

      About contacting professors, though. If they have asked you not to do so, then I recommend that you follow their instructions, as disappointing as that may be.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thanks for all your help Travis! Unfortunately, I am not that ahead of the curve. I’m applying from Brazil where the pandemic is still raging so I assumed this year would be delayed again so I hadn’t ordered my official transcripts yet until I got your email list. (I ordered it Friday early morning) but they still might not arrive from the US to Brazil on time. So I’m not running on time, unfortunately. At any rate, if I can’t apply this year, I’ll just do it next year.

        1. Hi Noor,

          I have seen several articles about the state of the pandemic in Brazil lately, and I cannot imagine what you are going through living it each day! I hope that you and your loved ones are staying well.

          If your transcripts cannot arrive by post in time, you could explain to your embassy that you are having them sent from the US and that it may take time in the post. You could ask if they will accept transcripts sent by email, first, to start the screening, and then submit the originals as soon as they arrive.
          Under normal circumstances, I don’t think they would allow that, but the pandemic has disrupted international mail, so it might be possible this year.

          Good Luck
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Quick question, what do they mean by digital authentication for university transcripts?

          2. Hi Noor,

            Can you tell me where you found that reference? I have not heard of digital authentication being mentioned in the application guidelines before.
            In general, my understanding is that it refers to universities that do not issue paper transcripts and only issue PDFs through a secure system. In those cases, there is some sort of authentication code or link that is included when the pdf is sent or printed so that the person reviewing it can check on the original secure computer system to ensure that it is original.
            I have seen these types of transcripts in my day job, mostly from US universities, but I have not heard them mentioned in MEXT applications before. I assume they are referring to the same thing, but I would like to see the reference in context to be sure.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  51. Dear Travis
    I hope you are doing well.
    My professor has just casually told me that Mext has contacted him to confirm my selection. Now does this mean that the second screening is already over and now it’s just a matter of a university placement? Thank you for all that you do.

    1. Hi Khalid,

      From what I can tell, the Secondary Screening portion is indeed over. It sounds like any unsuccessful applicants would have been reported to embassies around February.
      MEXT is reaching out to universities from your Placement Preference Form/Letters of Provisional Acceptance now to ask them to formally confirm their acceptance. If the university confirms, that is the last step to verify your acceptance and receipt of the scholarship. So, while it isn’t technically “official”, if the professor has told you that MEXT contacted them and they have agreed to accept you, you can be positive that you will receive the scholarship!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  52. Hello Travis,
    I’ve commented before and had received great help from your articles. A little update from 2020/2021 postgraduate final candidates, currently I’m still waiting for the secondary result which is expected to be announced in June this year. Some of the postgraduate candidates in my home country have received some sort of early confirmation email from their professors and university. Honestly, I’m anxious since I haven’t received mine yet but I’ll patiently wait for it haha.

    On to my question, I have heard that 2019/2020 scholarship recipients have yet to depart to Japan until now due to Covid-19, is that true? It is expected for the undergraduates from my country to depart to Japan by end of April or early May (which is soon). However, if what had happened to 2020 MEXT scholars is true I was left wondering if they will actually depart end of this month. I am aware that Japan has also yet to open their border so that might be the case. On that note, do stay safe Travis!

    1. Hi Hada,

      Thank you for your comments and feedback! I have also heard from some applicants that their universities have reached out to them about paperwork or that professors have told them they were accepted, even though MEXT’s official process isn’t done yet. Universities aren’t supposed to do that, so don’t fret if you haven’t heard. The applicants who have heard back directly from universities are the exception, not the rule!

      Unfortunately, my understanding is the same as yours: Many applicants from last year still have not been able to enter Japan. There was a time from October to December of 2020 when the borders were open, so some applicants may have managed to get into the country during that time, but they unfortunately closed again thanks to the spread of the more infectious COVID-19 variants. As of April 2021, there is no official word or even suggestion as to when they might open again.
      MEXT might be making an exception for the undergraduate MEXT Scholarship applicants that you mentioned, but if they are, I have not heard about it. I would be surprised if those scholars are able to travel to Japan this month or next, especially with the situation here getting worse again by the day.

      I will share any information on the borders as soon as I hear it!

      By the way, thank you for your kind wishes. I am fortunate to live in a rural area where the spread has not been too bad yet and our daily lives haven’t really been impacted. But we are constantly staying vigilant!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  53. Hi Travis
    I applied for the MEXT scholarship through the embassy in my country. I passed the primary screening from the embassy.
    Yesterday I received an email from my supervisor sensing me the graduate school application form and Field of study and study program form for me to fill and send by both EMS and email. He said he knows i haven’t received the final decision from MEXT but that i should fill it because it is needed for my next step.
    Hope this is a good sign sir.
    Thanks for all your posts because it encourages me.

    1. Hi Francis,

      Congratulations on passing the primary screening and getting an LoA!
      Indeed, I would say that the letter from your supervisor should be a good sign.

      At this point in the application process, MEXT should be reaching out to the universities that issued Letters of Acceptance to ask them to formally accept you. If the university has received a request to accept you and has either approved it already or is in the process of doing so, then they may start you moving on other paperwork. (One of the common examples I see is that universities start telling applicants to apply for housing, even though they have not yet gotten the formal word from MEXT.) It sounds like that is what has happened with you. Especially since the paperwork they are asking you to submit involves a cost on your part (EMS), I do not think they would do that unless they were sure you would be studying there.
      Universities cannot officially tell you your results, but I think you can be relatively confident that university knows that it will be accepting you as a MEXT Scholar.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  54. Hello again Travis!

    I was just wondering if we are supposed to keep in touch with the professor who accepted to be our mentor at the university that issued a LoPA during the Secondary Screening process ? In my case, there are no many things to talk about in the mean time, since everything was clearly said in our previous communication during the application process, and I don’t want to be pretentious since at the end the scholarship isn’t granted till June, and probably the professors are busy enough with their ongoing academic work. But yet, I’m not sure….

    Thank you for your understanding and help as always.

    1. HI Ivs,

      Yes, I do recommend keeping in contact with your professors as the screening process continues, but it does not have to be frequent.
      It’s a little different for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship, since you could have professors at multiple universities and you obviously cannot work with all of them, but the idea is that the professor that issued you the LoA will be your advisor once you arrive in Japan. Ideally, you should still be working on preparing for your studies in Japan in the meantime, such as reading additional works in the field or considering your methodology. So, in that case, you would be contacting your professor every once in a while to update them on your progress. For example, if you read a new study or book related to your research topic, you could let the professor know and also what you thought about it.

      If you do not have anything on-topic to say, then I don’t recommend contact for the sake of contact alone, though. If you keep your communication focused on the research you want to do with them, then it shouldn’t be a bother.

      However, I will caveat this for the Embassy – it is fine if you want to wait until after you find out which university you have been assigned to. In most years, that happens a lot earlier (LoPAs in September and finding out the university in January or so), so that leaves a lot of time to be in communication afterward, but since everything was delayed this year, you won’t really have that much time to communicate after you find out your university in June, so you don’t need to worry about it too much!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  55. Hi Travis,
    I applied for MEXT embassy recommendation in 2020 June and faced for preliminary examination in 2020 August 29th.
    I didn’t get any result hereafter. Does that mean I am not qualified from primary screening?

    At the same time I applied for university recommendation by this February 2021 and the university officially nominated that I am selected.. And they informed that the final result will be announced during June. Please let me know what are the chances of getting MEXT?
    Thank you very much

    1. Hi Priya,

      For the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship, if you did not hear back after the Primary Screening, that would mean that your application was not successful at that point. (Had you passed the Primary Screening, you would have then had to apply to universities for Letters of Acceptance back in October/November). Passing the Primary Screening would have also made you ineligible to apply for the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship, since those applications overlap.

      Now, with the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship, if the university has recommended you to MEXT, then you can be almost certain of earning the scholarship. I have only seen it happen once that a significant number of applicants were eliminated after nomination to MEXT, but that was in the midst of a serious budget issue when scholarship slots were cut for both the University and Embassy. I do not see any indication that the same thing would happen again this year.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Dear Travis,
        Thank you very much for your reply.
        I was bit worried that as I faced the preliminary examination with embassy recommendation, my chance of getting university recommendation is at risk.
        As I am not contacted by embassy after preliminary exam so far, I guess I don’t want to worry that thing, isn’t it,

        I am having few questions, I would be very grateful if you can help me in these.

        1. I am selected by obihiro university(university recommendation) What are the chances of getting the scholarship this ?
        2. Is there any thing to do by my side to secure the chances of getting the scholarship?
        3. I have a 4 years old daughter. Is there any possibility to accompany my husband and daughter when I am going there.
        Thank you very much .

        1. Hi Priya,

          Thank you for your reply.
          1. It doesn’t matter what university you were selected by (unless it’s a PGP program). If they have nominated you to MEXT, then you should be within their allowed number of nominees and I would expect that your chances of receiving the scholarship are very high. The only reason I have seen nominated students not earn the scholarship in the end was one year when MEXT faced significant budget issues and had to cut slots across the board.
          2. No. The entire application process is out of your hands now and all you can do is wait.
          3. Your family will not be able to come with you when you first arrive in Japan. You will have to arrive, complete your residence registration, etc., then apply for a Dependent CoE for each of them so that they can apply for visas and come join you later. So, expect that you will be apart from them for several months. (They could possibly come with you at the same time on tourist visas, if the Japanese immigration restrictions allow at that time, but then they would have to leave Japan once to apply for the Dependent Visa and then return later).

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Dear Travis,
            Thank you very much for your kind and informative reply.
            Priya from Sri Lanka

          2. Dear Travis,
            Again I am Priya, so sorry for disturbing you all the time.

            I got band 7 for IELTS ACADEMIC but i sat for the exam on 2017/o4 /22. That means I sat for the exam before 4 years. At the same time I have IELTS – general training as well which I sat on 04/02/2019 and got band 7.

            Will this old test dates be a reason for not getting me the MEXT at end? ( now I got my university recommendation).

            Sorry for all the troubles I am giving.
            Thank you very much

          3. Hi Priya,

            I can certainly understand that the long wait from the university nomination to the final result could be making you nervous!
            Since you have already passed the Primary Screening at the university and been nominated to MEXT, your IELTS score should not be an issue. MEXT requires universities to make the check of your language ability. They have to verify that you have at least B2-level language ability or that you completed your previous degree entirely in English. If you meet that second criteria, then the date of your score won’t matter.
            If your previous degree was not taught in English, then you will have to obtain a new English language proficiency test score before applying for a scholarship extension (i.e. if you are starting as a non-degree student and will be matriculating to the degree program after arrival), but it should not affect your initial acceptance.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  56. Dear Travis, Konnichiwa

    Hope you are doing fine.
    It’s almost mid March and although we are still waiting for our final results I am wondering if not hearing back from the embassy might be a good sign of passing the second screening? or we should wait more like until the beginning of April or May? All of my other friends have the same concern and they insisted that I ask you about this. Last time I spoke to my coordinator, she said that there’s nothing wrong with our documents and only our LOAs now matter to MEXT. Hope she is right cause we all are getting really tired of this long wait.

    Thank you in advance for supporting us this whole time.

    1. Hi Aida,

      In my experience, applicants typically do not hear back after the Secondary Screening unless their application was rejected at that stage, so “no news is good news” at this point.
      If I look back at last year, the one year that I am aware of a significant number of Secondary Screening rejections occurring, the Secondary Screening and University Placement began around October with December to February being designated as the results release dates. I think the first time I started hearing about applicants getting rejected was in late December – so almost three months after the start of the Secondary Screening and into the beginning of the results period. (I should note that I didn’t start hearing about successful results until much later in the results period).

      This year, the Secondary Screening and University Placement started in February with the results release projected in June. By either comparison to last year, it is still earlier in the process than it was when the rejections were announced last year. So I can’t say that it’s a “good sign”, yet. (I should also note that the Japanese fiscal year ends in March, so this time of year, I expect that MEXT is focused on their end of year reports and budget as well as planning for the start of next year. The MEXT scholarship process may well be on the back-burner for a bit).

      However, I will fall back on my previous experience – aside from last year, I am not aware of any other year when there were significant cuts in the number of slots available over the past decade. At the time the Embassy slots were cut, there was also a decrease in slots for the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship around the same time. However, this year, the University slots remain the same as last year, so I have no reason to think that there is going to be another decrease.

      I know it’s a long, tough wait, but hang in there! Nothing about the wait is bad news.
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      However, I will

  57. Hi Travis,

    Thank you very much for your blog! I believe that I passed the first screening for the research scholarship via the embassy selection following your posts. This year, many of us are unsure about the secondary screening timeline. I was wondering if you knew whether MEXT releases the results from a single country at one time, or on a rolling basis whenever a candidate gets screened.

    I submitted my updated placement preference form with 2 LOAs in mid-November. On January 15th, my embassy coordinator requested additional transcripts from other schools I attended (transferred from) during my undergrad. I’m hoping this is a sign that MEXT is reviewing my application but wondering if they need to screen everyone in my country before I receive the result.

    1. Hi J,

      Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on passing the Primary Screening!
      In my experience, MEXT/the embassies never release results on a rolling basis. All results are always released once all applicants have been screened. This applies for the Primary Screening, Secondary Screening, and Placement. So, it is possible that one applicant could hold up the results for all. (I have heard of that happening in the past with the placement results, when one applicant ended up having to be placed in their third choice university, which required three times the usual screening time, since they were rejected by their first and second choices, and delayed everyone’s results).

      If MEXT asked for additional documents (those transcripts should have been required in the first place), it sounds like they were in fact reviewing your application at that point, probably for the Secondary Screening.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thank you for the prompt reply and clarifying the secondary screening procedures for releasing the results! Hopefully not hearing anything back since last month is a good sign 🤞

      2. Hi Travis

        Long time reader here. First of all, I would like to thank you for all the information you have shared. Its been more than helpful.

        You mentioned that there was an applicant that got rejected by their first and second choice universities during secondary screening. So there is a chance that our university of choice could actually reject us despite initially providing us an LOA?


        1. Hi Greg,

          From what I know, it is extremely rare for a university to reject an applicant during the Secondary Screening/Placement after giving them an LoA. I do not have any specific knowledge of cases where I can say that happened.

          That story about the applicant who was rejected by their first and second choice universities is something I heard third-hand (another applicant told me the embassy said that was why results were late), so I do not know the particulars of what happened. But yes, it is technically possible that universities could reject your application later in the process despite having given you an LoA in the first place.
          I honestly do not know what kind of scenario would make this happen. I can imagine it would happen if the the professor who had agreed to supervise you then decided to accept a job somewhere else. Or, perhaps, if a university left initial LoAs up to individual professors and didn’t go through a thorough screening process at that point. At the university where I handled these applications, we always stressed that we did a full application review before issuing an LoA so students could be guaranteed of acceptance.

          Another possible situation is that it sometimes happens that applicants put universities on their Placement Preference Form where they haven’t actually received an LoA. You are allowed to list universities there as long as they haven’t rejected you, so if they haven’t yet responded to your LoA request or you never contacted them in the first place, you can list them. That scenario would be more likely to lead to a rejection later, though.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Hi Travis,

            Thank you for the reply. Your explanations do make sense, i really hope. I guess we really just have to wait for secondary screening result at this point of time.


          2. Hi Travis,

            Hope you and your loved ones are doing well amid this current times. I would like to ask you regarding something which the international office coordinator said in an email conversation. So a week ago I sent an email to the international office regarding some documents for the master program at the university. During the exchange I gave it a shot in asking the status of the second screening and this is what the coordinator exactly said “Regarding the status of the MEXT scholarship, it is still under the screening. We are currently processing all applicants’ paperwork, including yours. However, you have to wait for official announcement, as we are not allowed to mention anything at this stage”

            Can I take “processing my paperwork” as a positive sign at this stage?

            Thank you


          3. Hi Greg,

            Thank you for your kind words. I live in a rural area where we have been relatively unaffected, so far. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well, too!

            If the university is reaching out to you at this time with documents about enrolling in the program there, that is certainly a positive sign.

            In my experience, the university would not be reaching out to you at all unless MEXT had contacted them to ask them to accept you as a scholarship student. Until MEXT contacts universities with that information, they generally do not consider you to be an incoming student and would not be processing paperwork for you.

            Unfortunately, it is still going to be a couple months before the final results, but I think you can be confident about your selection and placement now!

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

    1. Hi Katlego Makubetse,

      I read the article, but as far as I can tell, all it is saying is that all of the applicants from one particular area did not make the cut. The MEXT Scholarship is highly competitive and seeks a high level of student who can perform independent research, so there is nothing surprising about applications being rejected. I have not seen a report in the past about how that affected a particular region, but it seems completely normal to me.
      It looks like the applicants in question in general had weak Fields of Study and Research Program Plans, which is a common reason for applications to be rejected.

      I should note, however, that it looks like this refers to the Primary Screening, not the Secondary Screening. These are applicants who would have been eliminated earlier in the application process and would not have made it as far as you have.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Katlego Makubetse

        Hi Travis,

        Thank you so much for your response.

        I did not thank you in the above comment and I believe it is only fitting to let you know that I have been following your blog from the moment I heard about the scholarship. Thank you so much for being a guide and the most wholesome sounding board to applicants. I cannot imagine having successfully gone through the process without the wealth of insight you provide here!

        Thank you for the wishes, I will make sure to keep you updated on the outcome :).

        1. Hi Katlego Makubetse,

          Thank you very much for your reply and your kind comments. I can’t tell you how motivational it is for me to hear back from applicants who have been able to make use of these articles to succeed in their applications!

          I look forward to hearing your final results when they come out, as well.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  58. Hello Trevis, I discovered your blog after I applied and received LOA, unfortunately, since your guidelines are just amazing. And now reading through it I’m a bit freaked out for the Secondary Screening. I believe I did a stupid mistake: In the “Employment record section”, as the 2nd recent employment I listed a freelance work that I did, like it was a full time job but there is no official record since I was doing it via an online profile. I did so because the only thing that I thought that they may look for is a reference from the company. But I’ve read here that Mext is doing some background check during the screening. Like it is doing just criminal and deportation history check or a full background check with employment, payment, places you lived and etc. ? Since if it so, this will look like I lied on my application.

    1. Hi Maria,

      I’m sorry. It sounds like I have caused you unnecessary worry. First, I do not think MEXT is going to call up your previous employers for a reference. If that was going to be done at any stage, it would have already happened at the embassy level. MEXT is looking for much higher level issues, like deportation history or whether or not you have been employed by a company that is blacklisted for researching Weapons of Mass Destruction technology, etc. (Highly unlikely!).
      Even if they did contact your old freelance employer, your was an honest mistake and not something they would cancel your scholarship over.

      The instructions I have included in my articles here are generally based on questions that I have received from applicants in the past. So, if I have written “Fill in X, not Y.” It does not mean that filling in X will get your application rejected, just that filling in Y is what they are looking for, so it is the “better” answer if you want to meet expectations. But again, in your case, there is nothing to worry about.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Ahh, thank you very much for the prompt response! I’m very sorry for the panic allert, but this period of waiting is very anxious and some of us are probably overthinking every tiny detail that can make things go downhill. At the end there is nothing we can do. Just wait, wait, wait.

        Good luck and a lot of patience to everyone here who is also waiting!

        1. Hi Maria,

          I completely understand! This is a very long and stressful wait, and I know it’s nerve-wracking for applicants each year. But really, the Secondary Screening is rarely something that anyone needs to worry about. For all the time it takes, it’s not actually that intense and in-depth. The Primary Screening is the biggest hurdle, and you’ve already passed that.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  59. Hello!

    For anyone perusing these threads looking for expected result announcements dates like I am, I just wanted to share that the San Francisco embassy shared to me that a final decision should be expected by June. It seems a bit far, but I guess with no April 2021 MEXT admits and COVID throwing the future into a lot of uncertainty, it makes sense. Has anyone else heard anything about screening results from their embassies?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Lan,

      Thank you for sharing that!
      That is consistent with what MEXT said in the application guidelines. However, I should caution that it is not uncommon for MEXT to be late!
      Certainly, if the end of June comes around with no reply, it would be worth contacting the embassy/consulate again, but do not take it as a negative sign if you don’t get a reply by then. Usually it’s just a matter of the bureaucracy being slow.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Lan! I was wondering about this too. I know on the MEXT General website it says they will announce 2nd screening results in February, then final placements in June. Not sure if some embassies will hold off until June to announce both at once.

      1. Hi Cass,

        Could you tell me where you found the information that MEXT would announce the secondary screening results in February?
        I double-checked the application guidelines after reading your message, but the only information I could find was that MEXT would start the secondary screening and university placement in February and that the final results would be announced in June or later. (This is for the scholarship for graduate students. For undergraduate students, the final results will be announced by the end of January).

        Thank you and good luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  60. Hey Travis,

    First of all, let me express my gratitude for your kind initiatives in helping out the MEXT applicants. I saw your conversation on Youtube the other day and along with this blog, the information and clarifications you have given, have greatly helped me throughout the whole process of the application.

    At this point, I have obtained 2 Letters of Acceptance from Japanese universities, one from University of Tokyo and the other from SOKENDAI. In the former case, I also had to give an interview. These Letters were submitted to the Embassy of Japan in India (I hail from India) last month. Thus, I am now in eager anticipation for the Second Screening results.

    Most of my doubts have been resolved by going through the articles on the Blog and the comments etc. There are just some minor points I wanted your opinion on:

    One, you mention above about unofficial results from the prospective supervisor. How accurate would such a communication from the Professor be?
    Two, should I contact the officials at the Embassy asking about the status of the application before the results are announced? Would this be a recommended thing to do? This prolonged wait is kinda agonizing at times, when the status of the scholarship is unclear.

    Thanks once again.
    Keep up the good work!


    1. Hi Suyog Garg,

      Thank you very much for your kind comments.
      It sounds like you are in a very good position for the Secondary Screening and I would not anticipate any difficulties in the rest of the application process!

      Regarding the unofficial results from prospective supervisors, in my experience, that is typically quite accurate. If the professor suddenly reaches out to you during the Secondary Screening, it is usually because MEXT has contacted that university to ask them to formally accept you as a MEXT Scholar and the university administration has asked the professor to be your supervisor for that process. While the final results will not have been formalized at that time, it is just a matter of time.

      Of course, the absence of communication from a professor should not be taken as a negative indication. Professors are not supposed to contact applicants with unofficial results, so some will take that more seriously.

      I do not recommend contacting the embassy about the process before the results are released. Throughout the Secondary Screening and placement, the whole process is in MEXT’s hands in Japan and they will not be keeping the Embassy up to date, so there is nothing to be gained from contacting them and you do run the risk of irritating them. Typically, once the Embassy gets any results from MEXT, they will provide them to you as soon as possible, so in the meantime, they are in the dark just as much as you are.
      The only time I recommend contacting the Embassy is if they have given an expected date for the release of results and that date has passed with no communication. (It is likely in that situation that MEXT is just late, as usual, but it can be worth checking).

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  61. Hi Travis,
    Thanks for your answer.
    But lemme tell you this. It is mentioned that ” who are going to be enrolled, or plan to enroll, in a Japanese university…from the time of application to the MEXT scholarship program in
    the applicant’s country until the commencement of the period for payment of the MEXT scholarship.” But if I get MEXT Scholarship, I will not enrol myself to this other university at first place. If I come to know in June 201 about the results, I will simply withdraw my admission from other university. P.S. Getting admission and enrollment is different what I have been told. I am really confused. Should I withdraw from this now only? But if I do that. and then also I do not get MEXT, it will be a huge loss of time.

    1. Hi Nisha,

      I’m not sure what else to say. I have given you my opinion based on my interpretation of the requirements, but you insist on arguing each point with me. Ultimately, it is your decision.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Nisha
      according to my experience, last year some of my Iranian friends won another scholarship and applied for other universities before MEXT’s final results. So, on second screening both of them got rejected because of that. I strongly suggest you to cancel all of your applications for other universities and just wait for the results. There is no other way. I did that too.

      1. Hi Aida,
        Did your friend apply for another government scholarship in Japan or was it a privately financed category? As long as I know that in Iran they rejected few applicants last year because they were having some military connections. Otherwise, even if MEXT would cancel then still they should be having other option with them because it is nowhere mentioned that your all the applications will be canceled. That’s inhumane!

  62. Hi Travis,
    I have a very important question and the guidelines are very confusing.
    So I got an admit from one of a private university in Japan under private scholarship. But I was not able to go there because of COVID so I deferred my admission to Fall 2021. Now in meantime, I applied for MEXT Embassy Research cleared Round 1 and got LoAs from two national universities, My question is related to my previous admit which I have. Is it gonna create problem in Second Screening?
    As per the MEXT guidelines, I should not have an old Student resident status from the time of the MEXT scholarship payment being. But in my case, I have no resident status yet. So I am eligible to get the scholarship. Right?

    1. Hi Nisha,

      In the eligibility criteria for the scholarship, it says that anyone who meets the following criteria is ineligible:
      “Those who are already enrolled in a Japanese university or other institution with a residence status of “Student,” or who are going to be enrolled, or plan to enroll, in a Japanese university or other institution as a privately-financed international student from the time of application to the MEXT scholarship program in the applicant’s country until the commencement of the period for payment of the MEXT scholarship.”

      It sounds like you could fall into the category of “plan to enroll in a Japanese university . . . as a privately-financed international student.” However, if you reject the deferred acceptance offer to that private university (or withdraw, in the case that you have already accepted the offer), then it should not cause a conflict with the MEXT Scholarship.

      If you do not withdraw from the private university’s offer and it is discovered during the Secondary Screening, that could cause a problem with the eligibility criteria. I cannot be sure that it would, but as long as there is that chance, if it were me, I would play it safe and choose one or the other.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Travis,
        I understand your point. But in the continuation of the same point, it also says, “However, this stipulation does not apply to privately-financed international students who, even though they are enrolled, or are planning to enroll, in a Japanese university or other institution, verifiably complete their studies before the start of the scholarship payment period, return to their home country at the time of the scholarship application, and newly acquire the “Student” residence status and come to Japan”.
        So I think all they are trying to say that I should not have a “Student” status while applying for MEXT (In my case, I don’t have yet, It is just an offer).

        Now other point also says that. ” Those who are currently also applying to another program under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship system. This includes the programs for which scholarship payments will begin in FY2020, although their final selection results have not been decided yet, and the programs for which scholarship payments will begin in FY2021.”. This says I cannot appy to other programs under MEXT but my admission is under a private scholarship.

        If you also look at this situation from an applicant’s point of view then it is obvious that one student will try to come with Plan B in case MEXT is not given (which no one is sure of even in second screening).

        1. Hi Nisha,

          Unfortunately, I have to disagree with you on the exception you identified.
          That exception refers to someone who is currently studying in Japan or has an offer to study in Japan for a fixed term of study that will finish before the start of the MEXT Scholarship. So, if you were in a situation where you had an offer to study at a Japanese language school for 6 months on a Student Residence Status and would return home, then you would meet the exception. Your studies in Japan would be conclusively over by the start of the scholarship.
          Having an offer that hasn’t even started yet or would start start at the same time as your MEXT scholarship does not meet the exception.

          Of course, I understand that an applicant would want a Plan B. However, the MEXT Scholarship is intended to bring scholars to Japan who would not be able to come otherwise, so if you already have another scholarship to study in Japan, you’re not quite in that target area and I would not expect MEXT to make an exception to their standard rules/practices in that situation.

          Ultimately, it is your decision, of course, but since you had asked, I just wanted to share my interpretation.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

      2. Travis I apologize for opening this discussion again, some of my friends canceled their application for other universities in other countries. They were wondering if this ineligibility section means applying for other universities or institutions inside Japan? or no difference and they should not apply for other scholarships out side of Japan? Which one is correct?
        Thank you in advance

        1. Hi Aida,

          This ineligibility criteria only applies to universities in Japan. It is perfectly fine to proceed with applications for other scholarships or regular admission to universities in other countries at the same time. (That would be the expected form of a “Plan B”).

          Of course, there may come a time when one program (likely the one in another country) has released its results and is asking you for an answer, while MEXT still has not released its final results. Ask yourself, if that were to happen, which would you choose? If you decided that you would choose to stick with MEXT, even if it means that you have to give up the other program before you know the final conclusion from MEXT, then I would recommend that you cancel your application to that other program earlier rather than later, so that the other program has time to select an alternate candidate and someone else can have that chance.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Hi, Travis. Sorry for coming accross at this comment. But I have similar case like in this part. I have passed the primary screening and submit my LoA,now I am waiting for the result of the secondary screening. But recently I got a scholarship offer from another country. Since the final result of MEXT is still uncertain, so I consider to take another scholarship offer from another country. Actually I agonized so much about this decision TT My question: if I cancel my candidacy during this secondary screening process, would there will be any penalty? Such as maybe I will blacklisted from apply any other MEXT program in the future?

          2. Hi Via,

            I understand that can be a tough decision!
            There is no official punishment to you for withdrawing from the scholarship prior to arriving in Japan. (If you withdraw after arriving, then you are not allowed to apply again for at least three years from that date, the same as if you had completed the scholarship). I am not aware of any blacklist, either.

            However, you would run the risk of “unofficial” blacklisting. For example, if you apply again for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship and someone remembers you as a candidate who withdrew (and therefore cost the country one of its scholarship places that year, since they cannot replace you with another candidate at this point), they might suspect that you could be a risk to withdraw again and hold that against you. But that is all I am aware of!

            Good Luck with your difficult decision!
            – Travis from TranSenz

          3. Hi Travis,
            I had a similar situation as mentioned by Nisha this year. I just accepted the offer but do not plan to enroll in another Japanese university if I get MEXT. Recently, I was contacted by my first choice university for confirming the schedule and supervisor. Does that mean I passed secondary screening and my existing admission offer did not cause any conflict?
            I asked our Embassy as well here and they said as long as you are not in Japan from the time of application till your first payment (that is I don’t have residence status), I should not worry.

          4. Hi Anjali,

            If the university has contacted you about the next procedures, it is probably because MEXT contacted them to ask them to accept you. If true, that would mean that you have already passed the Secondary Screening, too.
            Besides, the information from your Embassy makes it sounds like there is no problem, as well.

            You should be hearing good news soon!

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  63. Hi!
    I applied through Embassy Recommended MEXT in India and passed the primary screening. I got two LoAs (Kyutech and Kobe University) and submitted back to Embassy for the second screening. I just wanna know how it goes after that? I know its a long wait but I am afraid of getting rejected at this point.

    1. Hi G Kumar,

      At this point, your in as good of a position as you can possibly be for the scholarship application!
      In past years, I would have told you that there was practically no possibility that you would end up not receiving the scholarship at this point. However, if I’m completely honest, last year, there was (for the first and only time that I am aware of) a situation where a significant number of applicants were rejected during the Secondary Screening. My understanding is that MEXT reduced the number of scholarship slots available midway through the process so there was a need to cull the numbers. Incidentally, it seems that one characteristic most applicants had in common was that they had left the Japanese language test blank.
      I do not expect that to happen again – particularly not two years in a row – so I can still say quite confidently that you should receive the scholarship in the end.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Oh! Thanks for the answer.
        But in my case, I have been told by the universities to take the preparatory language course for 6 months before enrolling to the actual program. It is mentioned on my LoA as well. Does it mean anything? Because I too don’t have any Japanese language test. But I am gonna learn it in Japan itself. I just submitted IELTS test scores to be on the safer side.

        Also, I mean if they reduced the number of seats last year so this year probably they will inform the embassy to do preliminary screening based on the actual number of seats available. Isn’t it?

        1. Hi G Kumar,

          Being told to take the preparatory language course is quite common. I wouldn’t worry about that. The point wasn’t that the applicants last year did poorly on the Japanese language test, it was that they didn’t try at all.

          Like you said, I assume it was a one-time reduction in slots last year (or at least it is something that is unlikely to happen multiple years in a row) and they should have started with the correct number this time, so I do not think there should be anything to worry about.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Hi Travis,
            Thanks for your reply.
            Just one more thing. Is it true that the embassy recommends people more than the actual slots they have?
            I mean suppose 10 students passed the preliminary screening and MEXT has given 6 quotas (slots) to that specific country. Then what happens in that case? So the other 4, even if they have LoA are not gonna make through?

          2. Hi G Kumar,

            As far as I know, embassies should only select the number of applicants they are allowed during the Primary Screening, so the numbers should already be trimmed back at that point. I cannot imagine a situation where the embassy would select 10 applicants in the primary screening if they only had 6 slots.
            It could be possible that they would select one alternate, but even then, I have not heard any specific examples of that happening. The only time I was aware of applicants not making it through the process because of slot limitations was last year, when MEXT apparently reduced the slots after the Primary Screening was ongoing/already finished in some cases.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  64. Pingback: Applicant's Perspective: What it was like to apply for the Embassy MEXT Scholarship in 2020 (Guest Post) | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  65. Hi Travis,
    I have a question regarding the request of the Letter of Provisional Acceptance. The university requested all documents I sent to the embassy but do I need to state the name of the supervisor I want to supervise my research(supervisor’s name is not mentioned in the documents I have sent)?

  66. Hi Travis,
    First thing first I would like to thank you for all your post relating to the preparation for mext application, it helps me a lot and now i have passed the primary screening. I would like to ask your opinion, is it ok to only sumbit one school preference for the secondary screening? I have one preference lab and im so excited to pursue my research there. I already developed good relation with the professor since early this year and now im in the process to get the LoA. I just don’t feel like to propose to other schools eventhough I wrote 2 schools in my school preference for the primary screening application. How is the chance to get passed the secondary screening by only proposee one school? Or is it better to propose more options?

    1. Hi Seren,

      If you really want to study at that one university, it is possible to submit only one Letter of Acceptance with the revised Placement Preference Form.

      I do not think that submitting only a single letter is going to decrease your chances of passing the Secondary Screening. At least, I have never heard of anyone being rejected in the Secondary Screening for that reason in the past. This year, the maximum number of LoAs that you can submit is two, so I do not think it would look terribly out of place if you were only able to submit one. There must be many applicants in similar situations.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  67. Pingback: Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship 2020: How to Get a Letter of Provisional Acceptance | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  68. NNAH Godspower

    Pls I applied for the mext embassy recommendation scholarship in Nigeria, but I submitted only 1 recommendation letter because that is the only copy my school gave me but I left a note for the Embassy.
    Will this affect my application.

    1. Hi NNAH Godspower,

      I’m afraid that this reply is coming too late to help you, but as far as I know you are only required to submit one original letter of recommendation to the embassy and two copies of it (unless you are employed, in which case, you would need one academic recommendation and one from your employer).

      If you are concerned, you can always contact the embassy for their specific advice, but it sounds to me like you followed the instructions.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  69. hello sir
    I applied for the university recommendation MEXT scholarship program 2020 and I did not get shortlisted for the scholarship from the university itself (Hokkaido University). I want to try again through the embassy selection procedure. However, I have few concerns before applying. Please help me through it.
    As I applied earlier, I found that field of study and research program is the most important selection criteria for university recommendation , as far as I remember, my proposal was thoroughly prepared in a detailed manner after having a proper discussion with the professor for this, I can say that because my prospective supervisor in Japan sincerely helped me while preparing it. Apart, from that my prospective supervisor after going through my profile was hopeful and wrote to me I have a good chance to get this scholarship. however, I did not get it. One of the things lacking on my profile was I was not having any english and japanese proficiency test score on my profile. Though, I have been studying and taking exams in English only throughout my school and university education (graduation+postgraduation) and I got a certificate of english stating my proficiency in English from the head of department in hokkaido university for the purpose of making application at that time.
    This makes me think that due to the lack of a certified IELTS/TOEFL score my application got rejected. Even now if I plan to apply for Embassy recommendation , I still do not have this one basic thing on my profile and due to covid-19 nationwide lockdown in India, I might not be able to take it atleast in the next 4-5 months.
    I wanted to ask you given such a situation , if lack of certified language score card would make my application get rejected again? Or should I not make an application for Embassy recommendation procedure?
    Also, I wanted to know if for research students, not having a publication reduces my chances for the selection (I completed my masters in July, 2019).

    1. Hi V,

      I am sorry to hear that you weren’t successful with the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship. One thing to keep in mind is that the application is a zero-sum game. It’s not just a matter of being better than a certain level, you are competing directly with every other applicant and have to be better than them to get one of the few slots.

      For English language proficiency requirements, in my experience that is not so much a competitive point. As long as you meet the criteria, that’s all that matters. For the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship, if English was the primary language of your previous degree, that should be considered meeting the criteria. But if all other things were equal, perhaps someone with a high score would have been favored, but I have never seen a case where language proficiency scores were the deciding factor. GPA could certainly be, and perhaps one research topic may be preferred over another, even if the quality of both proposals is equal.

      For the Embassy-recommended MEXT Scholarship, English Language Proficiency Scores aren’t even required. During the primary screening, you will have a language proficiency test at the Embassy and that will be the language score used for your evaluation, so you should not face the same problems. But for either the embassy or university, I do not think that a lack of language proficiency score alone is going to make a significant difference.

      Similarly, I do not think that a lack of publications is going to hurt you at all, unless you are a career academic who would be expected to have publications, which doesn’t seem to be the case for you. If you had a publication, it could be a minor benefit in your application, but in general most applicants do not have one.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  70. Hello Everybody!
    How are you going through these hard days when coronavirus is everywhere? Let me wish condolence to those who were terribly affected by this disease! Travis and guys, I want to know your opinion whether this year will Mext be or not!? Any info will be good! Best regards

    1. Hi Mike,

      It’s good to hear from you again and I’m glad to hear that you’re planning to apply again this year.
      I share your sentiment about condolences to those affected by the disease.

      As far as I know, the plan is still for the MEXT scholarship to open for applications this year, though I haven’t heard anything official from MEXT one way another about their plans, or about the delay and when to expect an answer. So far, I saw a post from one Japanese Embassy (Tonga) saying that they expected the guidelines to be delayed to mid-May, and another commenter here posted that the embassy in Indonesia has said to expect a delay to June.

      As soon as I hear anything, I’ll be sure to share it!
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  71. Hello Travis, thank you so much for your articles.
    I read that to get admitted into a school, you have to take an entrance exam. I have few questions to ask?
    1) For a research student, do you know what this exam entail i.e questions and all.
    2) How serious is this exam?
    3) If you’re entering through MEXT scholarship, are you expected to take this exam?

    I am applying for MEXT this year and I want to know as much as I can.
    I hope you take these questions into consideration, thank you.

    1. Hi Oreoluwa,

      The entrance exam is going to be different for every graduate school and every university. Depending on your field, the entrance “exam” might not even be an exam, at all. Japan calls all application processes “entrance exams” even when they are only a review of submitted documents.

      I would recommend that you check the website for the specific university or universities that you are interested in and try to find information about their entrance exam process.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  72. Hi sir Travis
    I would like to ask if is it possible for me to apply for the mext scholarship while I was still working as trainee visa here in japan .my contract will end this June. Thanks

    1. Hi Sonny,

      Yes, you are able to apply for the MEXT Scholarship while living in Japan, as long as you will be leaving Japan and returning to your home country before the scholarship starts. Your situation is a perfect example.
      The next scholarship application will starting next month for scholarships beginning in April or September/October 2021. Since your contract ends in June 2020, you will have met the requirement of going home in the meantime.

      However, in order to apply for the upcoming Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship process, you may need to appear in person at the Japanese embassy or consulate in your home country for parts of the application, including the language tests and interview. In that case, you would need to make sure that you can travel to your home country to complete those requirements.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  73. Hello Travis,
    This is Alemu,

    I have applied to University Recommendation scholarship, and my University told me that I have passed the Entrancement examination . they also told me they will recommend me for MEXT scholarship. The University also told me that they are not sure about the final result, the result would be made by MEXT.
    Please help me how is the probability of getting a chance winning MEXT scholarship.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Alemu,

      Once the university has decided to recommend you to MEXT, you have passed the last competitive hurdle. You will not be compared against nominees from other universities because each university has it’s own set number of applicants that it can nominate for the scholarship (with the assumption that all will receive the scholarship).
      At this point, the only concern left is MEXT’s budget. Up until last year, every applicant I ever knew that was recommended for the MEXT scholarship ended up getting it. But last year, MEXT cut its budget for scholarships suddenly and all universities had to reduce their number of nominees. That is the only risk to you right now, and unfortunately, it is not something that I can predict with any effectiveness. Between the coronavirus situation, the 2020 Olympics, and free tertiary education coming into effect in Japan this year, it’s very hard to predict what the ministry’s budget situation will be like.

      I can say that this year, MEXT started all universities out with a much lower number of nominees to begin with, so there really isn’t any more room for significant cuts to the scholarship. That should offer some hope.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  74. Hi Travis,

    I just received the final acceptance letter from Embassy yesterday for College of Technology Studies. Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi Saurabh Sharma,

      Congratulations! Thank you very much for sharing your results, as well.

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  75. Dear Travis.

    As 5th February 2020, and after many weeks of paranoia and anxiety, I finally got the email from the Embassy notifying me that I am officially a MEXT Scholarship awardee. This good news has been a little hard to process, or I just can’t describe how happy I feel right now, since I can now make this dream come true in my very last chance. Also, the lady from the Embassy told me that none of the applicants from Colombia who passed the Primary Screening was turned down.

    In the name of all the members of this community, I would like to thank you for all the time and patience you have put in this blog, for guiding us to a successful application and for providing to us a space to share our experiences and feelings. Count on me so this community and this service can grow, and for the ones who couldn’t get the scholarship on this attempt, please don’t lose your heart and try as many times as necessary, in the end you have the chance to do it better next time.


    1. Hi Georgi,

      Congratulations! I am very happy for you.
      It must have been difficult to wait while others were sharing their successes, but I’m glad you got a positive result in the end.

      Thank you also for sharing that nobody in Columbia was turned down at the Secondary Screening. I am still trying to refine my theories on what happened this year, so every bit of information helps.

      Finally, thank you for your kind words about this site and community. I am thrilled to hear that it has been helpful for you. Hearing back that it has been helpful is why I keep it up!

      Good luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Travis,
      I am great full to God Almighty and to you for the success in the 2020 MEXT. I received the official confirmation. I am from Cameroon, the country have a problem with the production of passports. The Japanese embassy here is awear of it. The embassy asked for a photocopy of my passport. But I don’t have a passport yet since I applied for it July 2019. I may a request to the director in charge of passport for an urgent passport production and my requestwas granted but I don’t know when( exact date) I will have the passport. My question is, can my departure date be shifted due to this problem? Thank you.

      1. Hi Nathacha,

        Congratulations on earning the scholarship! I am glad that I was able to help in some small way.
        I don’t have any direct experience with a passport situation like the one that you described, but I would recommend that you contact the Japanese Embassy and let them know as soon as possible what your current status. They might be able to put some diplomatic pressure on your passport authority there to encourage them to process it faster (or just put in a call to ask when it will be ready – that could be more effective than you asking).

        Only the Japanese embassy can tell you if it will be possible to change your travel date, so the earlier you consult with them, the better.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  76. Hi Travis,
    I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful work. I am from Cambodia and still waiting for my final result. Having heard of rejected applicants makes me worried. I would like to ask you a question? From your experience working with this scholarship, have you heard of any applicants being finally rejected at this stage just because their university choices are all private?
    Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Koemhong Sol,

      Up until this year, I had not heard of applicants being rejected at the Secondary Screening stage at all. It may have happened, but the cases were very rare.
      Certainly, I had not heard of applicants being rejected because their university choices were private.

      So far this year, the best guess I have seen as to why applicants were rejected was because the did not attempt or did very poorly on the Japanese language test during the Primary Screening.

      I hope that you have heard good news since your original post!
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Travis,
        Thank you for your reply. I got accepted. I am going to International Christian University (ICU) for a PhD programme in Education.
        Many thanks.

  77. Hi Travis!
    I would like to thank you so much for every tip and advice you have given on your blog. Without your help I could’t Have had this scholarship. Yesterday I was informed that I had passed the second screening, and was placed at my first choice university ( Reside in Central Asia).
    I was very anxious and stressed During the whole process that it took so long for them to announce the results. Every morning I would read your and others comments and would feel supported.

    I feel very sorry for the three applicants that were rejected. I really feel them. But everything happens for a reason. Maybe they will have better options in the future. I’m sure they will overcome everything together with their families and friends ( and with us))!

    Again thank you a lot for your precious help and support! Please keep doing your good work!
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Ozi,

      Thank you very much for your feedback and for sharing your results. Congratulations on earning the scholarship!

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  78. Dear Travis,

    I want to thank you for your effort in maintaining this blog (post) especially after it has gone 2 years and people still asks about their concern on this page yet you still keep responding their problem. Thank you.

    I’ve just been notified that I passed the secondary screening and been placed to my first choice university. However I’ve been told to contact the other university that I’m not getting to inform them about the condition that I have been placed in other univ. I’ve done that. However, the professor in the first university I contact seems like he’s aggrieved and mad at me just realizing that I also applied to other university. I tried to respond by explaining the concern that the decision is enclosed by MEXT and that applying to more than one univ is encouraged by my embassy and he left my email unreplied. I’m just worrying that the prof. really offended by this and I want to fix this. I got a friend whose doing her doctoral in the same department and I’m afraid this will concern her as I’ve been told she recommended me to the professor in the LoA phase.

    Is there anything I can do to patch it up? Or is it something that I shouldn’t worry about?

    Sorry if it has been too long but it keep making me concerned. Thank you for your time Travis.

    P.s.: the other email to other professor went real smooth.
    – I’m afraid that the professor mixed about me applying for a U to U scenario instead of G to G scenario although I’ve explained that I apply for G to G (embassy scenario) in the mail when I applied for the LoA.

    1. Hi Vlan,

      Congratulations on earning the scholarship and on your placement!
      I think at two years old, the article is due for an update soon, especially after all the chaos this year. . .

      I am sorry to hear about the problems with that professor. I hope you didn’t tell him that you were placed in your “first choice” university instead. That might be seen as an insult. But as long as you just told him that MEXT decided to place you somewhere else, I do not think it is particularly reasonable for him to get upset, unless you had previously promised that you would not apply anywhere else. Frankly, he should be used to this happening!

      I think in this situation, you probably cannot expect a reply from the professor, and I would recommend that you consider the issue closed. I know that it can be tough to leave on a somewhat negative note like that, but I don’t think there is anything further that you can do to make the situation any better. If your friend indicates that the professor has complained to her about you, then perhaps it would be time to take more action (for instance, bringing a small token gift, like some souvenir sweets from your home country as a thank you for the professor’s consideration during your application), but for now, I think that if you leave the situation alone, the professor will forget soon enough.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  79. Hi,
    Does MEXT release results for all countries at once? It’s been a week since people start getting their results in other countries and I am still waiting in India.

    1. Hi Rahul Modi,

      No, the release of results is not always simultaneous, at least it hasn’t been in the past. From what I have seen, once all of the applicants for a particular country have been confirmed, the results are released for that country. But if only one applicant’s results are still undetermined, there can be a delay. (For example, if all applicants are placed in the first university that MEXT contacts, the process ends sooner. But if one applicant or more cannot be placed in the first or second university that MEXT contacts to ask them to accept, then it would take longer to contact the third university and get the final results.)

      That said, since it has been a week since results started coming out, I think it would be worthwhile for you to contact the embassy and ask for an update.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi!
      I just wanted to say that I can relate – I have been really really nervous during the last few days, because all the other candidates from my country received the YES answer last week except for myself. It was horrible. But fortunately I have received an e-mail today that I’m in!

      So now I know that late answer does not imply rejection or anything. I didn’t get any explanation why it came so late. Everything is a secret, which is very annoying.

      Keep your head up Rahul! Fingers crossed.

  80. Hi Travis. Results announced in Armenia on 30th January 2020 for research. I got first choice Uni, it’s NAIST. I’m VERY VERY VERY Thankful for this kind of info about MEXT scholarship. Because, I could find no one from Armenia who won as the Embassy was opened here on 2015. Although during this years they sent some students to Japan but they can’t answer to all my worries. We were 6 person at application process (from late April to 14th June), after the interview (19th June) the only one who passed was me. Hah… Then, I had a difficulty for LOA, because they announced me very late on 4th August 2019. But they gave me passing certificate on 8th August 2019. Though, that was vacation days for most of Unis. Anyway I could receive answers from all professors, because of your great forum. I prepared everything carefully and could get 2 LOA late August. I was reading your blog every day for 2-3 times to not miss any important details. Then, the international affairs division of NAIST announced me that I won (on 16th December 2019) , they checked with me preferable dates, like arrival date, Japanese course place, etc. . Finally, now 30th January 2020 I’m very very happy. Your blog was like a guideline everything was well explained. Other applicants didn’t know about your blog, I don’t know why, maybe because of they’re poor English, usually we used to search in Russian. But for me your forum was the best one. I see that in my country people aren’t well informed. So, if you will decide to write the same content in Russian and Armenian. I will be as a volunteer… You know why? Because your blog gave me a big hope…. if I will do everything properly… sure I’ll won… You make my dream become true. THANK YOU TRAVIS. 🙏👍🤩
    And Japan I’m cooooming… 🎉🤗

    1. Hi Ani,

      Congratulations on earning the scholarship!
      Thank you very much for your feedback, as well. I am very glad that I was able to help in your application process.

      I hadn’t thought about translating the blog into other languages. Usually, it’s all I can do just to get the English articles out in enough time to be useful. But if you wanted to share a translated version of some of the articles, I would certainly be happy to post them and credit you, of course.

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  81. Dear Travis,
    This is not my first time commenting here, but I don’t want to lose an occasion to thank you for your awesome work.
    The results for France came today, and I was selected in my first choice (national university).
    Your blog has been of immense help, and you really did motivate and inspired me to give my best for the application.
    This has been a long ride, but very worth it!

    1. Hi Naam,

      Thank you very much for your feedback, as well. Comments like this are the reason that I keep this site going!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  82. Dear Travis,
    I had received confirmation that I passed the second screening and been placed in my first choice university. I did hear that 3 candidates weren’t chosen in second screening. For what reasons I don’t know, with all MEXT secrecy and everything.
    I couldn’t have done any of this without your articles help. Thank you so much for being such a guiding light for many of us who were lost. Thank you again and again.

    1. Hi Hsu,

      Thank you for kind feedback and for letting me know about the situation in your country. Congratulations on earning the scholarship and for your placement in your first choice.
      I am very surprised to hear that three candidates in your country did not pass the secondary screening. So far, I had only heard of three candidates in that situation, overall. (But yes, MEXT does state in the application guidelines that no explanation will be given if applications are not successful.)

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  83. Hello everyone,

    I just received an email confirming that I passed the second screening! I want to say thank you to Travis for your guides, I could not have made this far without your guidance. Also, congratulations to the others who have passed!

  84. Dear Travis and All,

    First of all, congratulations for getting accepted I am happy for you all!

    Second of all, thank you people for your encouragement and don’t worry, my will is still strong!
    And again, don’t get discouraged Mike we still have many options to consider 🙂

    Also, special thank to Travis for his awesome thread and guidelines.

    Best Regards,

    1. Dear Samer and all other commentators!
      Thank you all my unknown friends for your empathy, encouragement and support! I hope I can make a fierce and suprising comeback this time! Good luck to everyone! I wish success to every winner this year!
      All of the people here, you are very special!

  85. Hey Travis,
    You are doing a solid job giving us hope; the hope to crack this arduous journey towards securing the scholarship. I and all my fellow scholars received the confirmation about the secondary screening today (Jan 29th) here in Nepal.
    If I ever tell the stories of how I landed myself the MEXT scholarship, you would be the central part of that. These blogs have been a haven throughout this journey. Thank you so much and keep up the great work man. Also, I have been placed in Tokyo Tech; if there are any other students placed in the same University, you can contact me via mail.

    1. Hi Aavash,

      Thank you very much for your feedback and kind words!
      I have stripped your email address out of the text of this message, because I didn’t think it was a very safe idea to have it out there. But if someone replies to this comment saying they’re going to Tokyo Tech and want to get in touch, I will connect the two of you.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  86. Dear Travis, team
    Finally got an official communication today on 29th of January that I got the scholarship. I will be leaving for Japan (NAGOYA UNI) in April. Thanks Travis for your help in every step of the scholarship. And I would also like to thank you all for your brilliant questions and contributions. Thank you

    1. Dear Gerald,

      Congratulations and thank you for sharing your results, as well as for your kind words.

      Good luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  87. Dear Travis

    Just like the other hopefuls in the comments, yesterday (Jan 28th) I received an official email from the Embassy of Japan informing of my approval in the 2nd screening. No wonder I feel ecstatic right now.
    I might be the only one who passed from my country. Usually 2-3 MEXT scholarships awarded per year is a norm for my country, but seems like this year there has been massive cull of candidates even going as far as rejections during the 2nd screening.
    Travis, your website has been of tremendous help throughout the whole process, I cannot put it in words how thankful I am to have found your MEXT guide. It has been my secret weapon of sorts throughout the whole thing. Thank you million times, Travis, and wish you best of luck in all your future endeavors, and to us, soon-to-be research students, can only say hit the ground running and 頑張れ!

    1. Hi Daulet,

      Thank you for sharing your experience and also the number from your countries! So far, I know of 3 applicants around the world who were rejected during the secondary screening, but I’m not so vain as to think that every MEXT applicant reads my blog, so there must be several more. Your numbers are very helpful.

      I’m very glad I was able to be a help during your application process.
      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  88. Hi all,

    First of all, I want to say my deepest condolences to both Mike and Samer. It’s absolutely devastating to get this far but not get the scholarship, but I have to say both of you have wonderful outlooks and I know you will be successful in the future no matter what.

    I just received notice that I passed the secondary screening and my placement for the research student scholarship. I am in the United States and received 3 letters (Todai, Tsukuba, Tokyo Metro). I was placed at my top choice.

    For purely data collecting purposes, because of the situations Mike and Samer have outlined, I do want to note that my Japanese test was abysmal. I did answer all questions on the first section of the test, and some on the second portion but I believe I only got a couple correct. It was bad enough that my test score was brought up in the interview, and why I don’t speak better Japanese after working for a Japanese company for 3 years (in their US office). However, I think this was a mitigating effect, since I had many multi-week, bi-annual business trips to Japan on my application.

    This year had so many changes and delays, it was nauseating. I suspect there will be even more changes for this coming round.

    1. Hi Diana,

      Congratulations on earning the scholarship! Thank you for sharing your experience, especially regarding the Japanese language test.
      One thing that occurred to me is that the eligibility requirements require that applicants have an interest in learning Japanese, not that they necessarily already know it. Maybe this year, they started looking at a blank Japanese test as an indication of having no interest in the language. On the other hand, making an attempt to fill it out would clear that hurdle.

      I do suspect that next year will offer some challenges and changes as well, especially given that the Primary Screening overlaps with the Tokyo Olympics and MEXT is related to both.

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  89. Dear Travis,
    I am here to share you guys of the news I just received from Embassy. I have passed the second screening and got accepted into my first choice university.
    I am thankful to you Travis for helping me through this stressful period of time. The way you help the students with their pressures are very kind and remarkable. I wish everyone best of luck in the future endeavours and feel free to ask me questions. I will do my best to answer.
    Again, Thank You so much Travis.

    1. Hi Hsu,

      Thank you very much for your feedback and kind words. Congratulations on earning the scholarship!
      I look forward to hearing about your success in the future.

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  90. Hello everyone,

    I applied for the Embassy recommended MEXT Scholarship in my home country. The quotas for successful applicants were released in my case and I was fortunate enough to be one of the two, who passed the Primary Screening. I managed to acquire a Letter of Provisional Acceptance (LoA) from a national university I intended to attend and sent it to our Embassy. Unfortunately, recently I have too been notified, that I did not pass the Second Screening. I just thought at this point to share some of the details I found might be important to share.

    I did not read through in detail every comment in this section, but It seems that it is important to state that I did not have any Japanese language proficiency at the time of taking the written test. The candidates have been informed that the Japanese test does not play an immensely important factor regarding the final decision. I strongly believe that we have been instructed to fill out the names on the Japanese test – but I definitely do not recall being instructed to write random answers, so I did not.

    I was written an email after a month and a half of silence, that I have been rejected. I traveled to our Embassy in the capital to inquire further. The lady at the Embassy has given a heartfelt apology, insisting that something like this has not happened in her around 17 years career of working with these Scholarships. They issued a formal document stating only my name and that I have been rejected. It does not contain the specific reason for this development (they did not seem to know either). I forwarded this document together with an explanation to my potential supervisor and the International Affairs Division at the Japanese University I received a LoA from, and they were in quite the shock too.

    It is hard to put into few sentences the effort and struggle that went into the preparation for this. It is hard to explain to my colleagues and advisors what went wrong without having an official statement. The situation makes one feel guilty and sorry about neglecting the activities and communities one cares about during the time of preparation. I too was told, that I was practically certain to receive the scholarship after handing in the LoA. In retrospect, I wish I knew better overall. My sympathies to the other rejected during the Second screening and good luck in the future.

    1. Hi V,

      I am very sorry to hear about your experience, but I want to thank you for sharing it.
      You are the third person I have heard from who did not pass the Secondary Screening. The way you describe the Japanese language test instructions (just fill in your name) sounds exactly like what was done in the past. I think it’s ridiculous that they changed it this year without giving proper notice.

      My sincere sympathies to you and everyone else who has gone through this process. I have a good idea of how much time and effort goes into preparing for what should have been a successful application. But you should never feel guilty for trying to improve your situation, even if it didn’t work out in the end.
      I hope that you will consider trying again or finding another opportunity!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  91. Hello everyone,
    My name is Alec, and I am a Brazilian candidate for the 2020 MEXT Scholarship. I am here to share my part of the story and to show my support to Mike and Samer.

    First of all, I think we can all relate to what Mike and Samer have been experiencing. To Mike and Samer, I want to say that as devastating as this situation is for you, I want you two to keep strong. I know you have put a lot of effort into this, and this is likely your dreams as it is for all of us. I am sure you two are highly capable individuals as you’ve shown to be able to get to this stage of the process, and I am certain that your skills are highly needed in the scientific community. Please, don’t let this event bring you down. Take this obstacle and whatever feeling you have right now and put everything into this year’s process. I am sure you guys will make it!

    As for my part on the process, today (Jan 28th, 2019), I have received a call from the consulate agency informing about my approval on the second screening.

    Feel free to ask questions, and I will respond as soon as I see it.

    Travis, thank you very much for your support. I can’t express in words how much I am grateful to you.


    1. Hi Alec,

      Thank you very much for your information and for sharing your results. I am thrilled to hear that you earned the scholarship after all the work that you put into it!
      Thank you also for being willing to answer questions.

      I look forward to hearing more about your studies in Japan in the future.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  92. Hi Travis,
    Thanks again for all the guides and information. I would have been lost without them!
    This is to let you know that we just got the results in Argentina, and all 5 postulants passed. I hope this will be the case in the rest of the countries as well.
    To everyone still waiting, don’t despair and good luck!

  93. Hello everyone, Travis!

    I just received an email from the embassy (middle east) confirming that I’m accepted for the MEXT research 2020. Due to the delay and the change in the rules, I suppose everyone also felt very stressed this year. I hope you all get the good news soon! I’m very sorry for Mike and Samer for their rejection and also feel very thankful for their contribution to the blog. I hope the best for you in the following years!

    Since this website helped me in all the stages of the application (thank you Travis!), I would like to share my experiences with everyone, I hope it would be beneficial.

    – This was my second try for the scholarship. At the first one, I was shortlisted but couldn’t make it through the first screening.
    – This year, before the Japanese language examination, the officials in the embassy informed us that MEXT wants us to “at least” show our interest in the Japanese language. I was unable to answer the questions but I typed some romaji correspondings for some characters that I know. I’m sure half of them were wrong. But since this was a new rule, they probably thought that it’s acceptable. If I were to apply the next year, I would definitely be more prepared just to be on the safe side.
    – I got accepted from only 1 national university. The university sent me an email regarding the housing information and the student cards in mid-January. But from Mike’s situation, we can tell that it’s not a guarantee for acceptance.

    So far, I was very stressed and rejected some other great opportunities for this scholarship. It’s finally great to relax now. I wish the same for everyone! Good luck!

    1. Hi Zara,

      Congratulations! Thank you very much for sharing your results and information about your application process. It’s a very useful reference for me and, I’m sure, for all the other applicants who will read this article in the future.
      For one thing, I will certainly be recommending that applicants study Japanese as much as possible in advance!

      Thank you again.
      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  94. Hello Travis,
    I just want to update that we from Indonesia just got our result today. Almost all of us got in and only one in “pending” status.
    Thank you so much for everything. Your blog and the comments here always give me great information and encouragement. I am very grateful for all the information you’ve provide.
    I guess other country’s announcement will be following soon.

    1. Hi Maygreen,

      Thank you very much for sharing your results and update!
      From the comments I’ve been seeing, it sounds like today was the release date around the world.

      I hope your one pending fellow applicant gets good news soon! In my experience, that can sometimes be an issue of placement, with MEXT trying to negotiate with universities to accept the applicant, especially if they have to contact multiple schools from the Placement Preference Form.

      Good luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  95. I have just received an e-mail from the embassy in Poland with the positive results of the Second Screening. I think this is the time when the whole machine started to work!

  96. Dear Travis,

    Just now the embassy annouced 2nd screening results for my country. 31 people including me are listed from my country.
    Just want to let you know that during the japanese exam we were also instructed not to left the paper blank. So we did answer even if we just randomly filled the paper.

    Thanks for your website. It really helped me go through all of these process.


    1. Hi Criss,

      Congratulations! Thank you very much for sharing your results, as well as your experience with the language test. That’s a helpful reference.

      Good luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  97. Dear Travis,
    first of all, thank you for your immense support and help since the very beginning! I just got the phonecall from my local Embassy that I passed the secondary screening and I was placed at my first choice University. I’m super happy now ☺️
    Also I would like to share my experiences so far, maybe it will be helpful for future applicants.

    1. As I heard from so many people and reading the comments about the Japanese language test, that may be an eliminating factor. I can’t deny it but also I’m not sure at all. I took the exam with very poor competences, around level N5 or even less. But I spent there 3 hours and wrote/translated as many things I could. But, another applicant with N2 JLPT certificate (and I bet she got a very high score) wasn’t accepted. I have no idea why since everything is kept in secret. All I know that our majors are different, mine is medicine, the other candidate’s is humanities & languages.
    2. Despite I talked on weekly basis (email, Skype) with my prospective professor, he had no idea that I was placed in his lab until today. So about the communication between Mext-Universities-Embassy ….either isn’t flawless either they simply keep things in secret.
    3. I haven’t received any emails regarding to housing or anything else from universities. So that isn’t a sure sign of being accepted or not.
    4. As far as I know the Embassy first called the unsuccessful candidate(s) last week, meanwhile I was informed just now.
    If you have any questions I try to answer, I wish good luck for everyone who is still waiting for the results!
    Travis, thank you once again, I have no words how much I appreciate your kind efforts and guidance.

    1. Hi Junglefrog,

      Congratulations on earning the scholarship and on your placement at your first choice university!
      I appreciate your feedback on your experience, as well.
      1. I have seen applicants with terrific language scores, but very poor research plans or only mediocre grades in the past. So, it is entirely possible for a person with lower Japanese language ability to get the scholarship over someone with higher ability.
      2. In many cases, professors don’t work directly with the administrative processes, so once they give their assent to the Letter of Acceptance, they might not hear anything else. I know that some universities try to keep the information from their professors to prevent it from leaking to applicants 🙂
      3. Thank you for sharing that!
      4. Thank you for sharing that. Since this is the first year that I have heard of students not passing the secondary screening, I hadn’t really considered when the Embassy would be contacting unsuccessful applicants, but that is very useful to know.

      Thank you again for your feedback!

      Good luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Junglefrog, congratulations for passing the secondary screening. I’ve been taking this scholarship 2 times in the past 2 years so I think the difference in study field is matter.
        In language exam in my country, my rival is not the whole candidate, but I need to be the better half compared to other fellow candidates from the same field. So my guess is you’re passed because you’re better from other half of medicine candidates that took the test. While the fellow humanities candidate did not pass because there’s much more other humanities candidates that do better in the test.
        Also, I think humanities & language major has stricter requirement in Japanese language ability and at least N2 is a great leverage.
        I hope this info could help others who want to take Mext scholarship in the next period.

        1. Hi Maygreen,

          That’s a good point. Some embassies do set a quota for the number of students in each field, like you said. National interests do play a factor.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  98. I know this is a long shot and I know it is in writing that passing the first screening is no guarantee and that they are not obliged to give any explanation, but what happened to Mike and Samer is so unfair. Could their embassies possibly intercede on their behalf suggesting to headquarters, that since the explanation of not passing the Japanese portion of the written exam is not a valid one because , if that was the case, they should have not been called for the interview , the slots they EARNED should at least be reserved for them for next year, without having to repeat the whole process. Wouldn’t that be a fair resolution on a problem they caused themselves for deciding on the number of slots available only AFTER communicating the first screening results?

    1. Hi Martiza,

      Thank you for your comment, but I’m afraid that once the Japanese bureaucracy makes a decision like this, there is no going back. They always had the escape clause that nothing was guaranteed until students passed the Secondary Screening, so they had not promised anything.
      The same thing happened last year with the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship.

      The best they, or the other applicants in similar situations, can do would be to learn from this situation and apply again next year.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  99. Vinayak Dangwal

    Hi Travis,
    Vinayak this side. I want to apply for the MEXT Undergraduate scholarship this year. I am getting a bit of a problem in the ‘field of study’ area. I want to become an animator as I love anime. So what field does it come under- Information Engineering or Others? I also wanted to ask as to what level of maths paper is gonna come as I have heard it is quite difficult.

    1. Hi Vinayak,

      My specialty is in the scholarship for graduate students, not undergraduates, so my experience here is limited.
      I would recommend that you make sure that training as an animator is available as an undergraduate course in Japan. I do not have any direct knowledge, but that does not strike me as a college program. It might be something that you would find at a college of technology, instead. (Of course, if you have already found a program that teaches anime, please disregard that comment).
      Information engineering would typically be computer systems design and data manipulation, as far as I understand. If you’re talking about producing anime, that may only be peripherally related.

      To check the test levels, you can find the old tests on JASSO’s website.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  100. Hi Travis!

    I followed your website for a bit when I was applying and for the interview. It was very helpful. I just received an email from you about people getting rejections and came here to read.

    I’m currently waiting on a reply from the Embassy myself.
    Things to note:
    1) In the Japanese test, we were told not to leave anything blank.
    2) I was only able to receive provisional acceptance at Kyoto.
    3) Kyoto University has already instructed me to apply for accommodations that I have done.

    I’m supposed to hear back from the Embassy this week. I hope they have some good news.

    P.S. The Embassy had kept my passport and original educational documents all this while. They’ve only just sent them back to me.

    1. Hi Taha,

      Thank you for sharing your experience. I’ve been hearing that many applicants already got their results this week, after your post. I hope you’ve heard good news, too!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  101. Hello Travis,
    Thank you so much for all your articles and taking the time to answer questions.
    I am from Canada and passed the primary screening and am still waiting on my final results. I was contacted by a professor about housing, he said there were available rooms in international housing. However after hearing abut Mike I am concerned that the university may have put me on an incoming students list by mistake. I haven’t heard anything from my embassy about the second screening or placement. I don’t think Japanese language abilities are an issue in my case since I completed the exam to the best of my ability. I wonder if I should be concerned, can there be any reason other than language to be rejected at this point? For instance, on my application I listed my job at the time but I have since quit that job. Do you think that would be an issue?

    1. Hi Erin,

      Based on what Mike shared, the housing email is no longer the “confirmation” that it once was, I’m afraid. But overall, I have still only heard of two applicants falling into this situation, so if you have made it this far, I am still confident that your chances are very very good of receiving the scholarship in the end.

      As far as I can tell from the feedback I have seen here, nobody has received their final successful results yet, though it sounds like the end of January was a target date in many cases.
      Quitting your job would not be a problem and I still do not think that this issue of not passing the Secondary Screening is going to expand significantly, so you should be hearing good news soon.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  102. Hello Travis, i am currently waiting for the second and final screening from MEXT and i was told by the embassy that the result should be coming at the end of January.
    I had 2 LoA from 2 different universities.
    One of My Universities, NAIST , let me know that i was among the finalists for the Mext Scholarship and that they were verifying my enrollment schedule by reconfirming my arrival month etc..
    I took that as a positive sign and resigned from work in December (company rules stipulates that I have to give notice 3 months before my last day, else, big fine to pay)
    i am waiting calmly for now. i just hope i get it. This is my experience so far.

    1. Hi Shuffle,

      Thank you for sharing your experience. When was your message from NAIST?
      In general, if MEXT has contacted a university to ask them to formally accept you (usually around November or possibly later), that would occur after MEXT completed the Secondary Screening, so you should be past the point of all danger.

      At least, that has been my experience, so far. Even this year, with the issues of at least two applicants not passing the secondary screening, that still came before MEXT contacted universities, as far as I can tell.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  103. Hello Travis,
    thank you for your great efforts to help keeping this article updated.
    In regards to the japanese language proficiency, in the case of choosing an english course.
    I can confirm what maygreen said, upon taking the japanese written exam, the supervisor specifically told us to NOT leave the exam sheet blank, as it will result in our elimination

    Samer has mentioned that he didn’t write anything in the japanese exam sheet, which support this.
    I hope mike can tell us if he did the same, if he did i guess that would confirm it, since the mext comittee said so themselves.

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thank you for your kind words. I’m going to be emailing my mailing list about the scholarship to try to get more people involved in this conversation, too.
      Both Mike and Samer have reported that they left the Japanese language test completely blank, but neither were told in advance that it would eliminate them to do so.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Actually, when I took the exam I don’t remember being told not to leave the Japanese Test section in blank. Now I am worried because I could only complete the elementary part of the exam, leaving the rest in blank, and on top of that Mike, mentions he is getting information about housing. Now I can only wait for the final resolution and prepare myself mentally for a potential rejection. I don’t know if it’s already too late to apply for University Recomendation, anyway, this year I will turn 35 and won’t be able to re-apply to the scholarship, so whatever it’s going to happen, I can only accept it.

        1. Hi Georgi,

          Have you heard back about your results yet? From what I understand, a lot of embassies released their results over the past couple of days, after your comment.
          Unfortunately, it is almost certainly too late to apply for the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship this year (though specific deadlines are established by each university), but I hope that it hasn’t come to that!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Hi Travis. Actually by today we haven’t heard anything from our embassy yet, but after knowing that results from Brazil and Argentina are already out, I may think results here are not far to be released, and the prognosis I think is good. I would also like to ask you if you think that the coronavirus outbreak in China may somehow cause trouble. Cheers

          2. Hi Georgi,

            I’m several days behind on these comments, so I hope you’ve heard something over the last week.
            So far, the Coronavirus has not caused any major disruptions in Japan. The primary focus has been on preventing its introduction to the country in any significant numbers. The only applicants I can see it affecting would be applicants from mainland China.

            Ultimately, MEXT will book your ticket to Japan, but to the maximum degree possible, I would recommend a flight that does not transit through China, at all.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Dear sarah!
      Actually, I would say that embassy coordinator told me to write just my name and surname, beacuse we are also told that our Japanese would not play a major role, but rather LA and test results would do. I don’t want to blame others for my mistakes, but that was totally their requirements. All in all, It is not the case here! Please read comments below attentively!

  104. Hi Travis. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge on this matter with all of us, even since I found the blog when I was far ahead in my process, I still find this information really useful.

    I’m writing from Colombia, right now I’m still waiting for the second screening results, I could only manage to get one LoA from University of Tokyo, which was not in my three first choices. I went through all the process smoothly, but two weeks ago I got an e-mail from the Embassy that the results may delay until the end of this month or beginning of February due to the high amount of applications that Japanese universities are processing, however, the very same day I got another e-mail from the University regarding the application to International Dormitories. After reading this article I was a little more confident about my results and completed the application right away, but now I am really concerned about the Japanese language level. By the time I took part of the first screening, I could only managed to complete the first part of the Japanese test, in which I could only get 55 points. Now after reading the comments from Mike and Samer I am feeling a little bit worried about this issue. Here in Colombia the quota for scholarships was supposed to be 5, for both 2019 and 2020, and to my knowledge, many applicants were turned down in the first screening even when their Japanese proficiency was good and some of them have already been to Japan.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share what has happened on this side so far, I have realized that the delays in the results are occurring in many countries and somehow the bad news come first. I will let you know if I have any update regarding my personal case. Cheers.

    1. Hi Georgi,

      Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experience.
      Based on what I understand from both Mike and Samer, they’re applications were declined at the Secondary Screening phase, which comes before MEXT reaches out to universities.
      The fact the University of Tokyo has already contacted you about housing indicates to me that MEXT did reach out to them to ask them to accept you, which would mean that you had passed the Secondary Screening phase.

      I understand your concerns about applicants with higher Japanese language ability being rejected during the Primary Screening. But while language ability is important (more so now than ever!), it is not everything. I work at a university where language ability is an important screening requirement for all applicants and we end up getting a large number of applicants with high language ability but poor academic ability or an unfocused application. In that case, the high language ability can’t save them. You have to have a combination of both. And it sounds like you’re in a great position for that.

      Please let me know how the results go in the end.
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  105. Warning! This is totally my view to this topic and, please, before considering my thoughts familiarize yourself with articles of the website’s author.

    Hello everyone! Here is Mike! The Mike)
    I think I’ve become the first person, who failed from the second screening! So, there are some mistakes, I think, were made during the whole process (I applied to MEXT non-degree (research student) program), I would like to share with you my thoughts:
    1. Do not spend your time excessively on thinking about scholarship (i.e. what will I do, if I win or don’t win), this can end up with pretty good depression and health problems.
    2. If your family matters, do not tell your parents and close people that you 99% passed (because it did not happen in the past), until you do not hear the results of second screening.
    3. Be prepared for Japanese language, it is advised to have N4 or N3.
    4. In application form: in terms you wish to study write – up to completion of master’s/professional graduate program (if MEXT have cut financing, they would probably choose those who’s stay not long)
    5. Do not forget about yourself, love and respect yourself for everything you made, even if you did not win the scholarship, this should not shatter your confidence. Try meditation, this helped me enormously.
    6. If you failed, try one more time. Life is full of challenges, never know what will happen in the future, we just need to continue our way!
    There are opportunities everywhere and in everything!
    Sincerely Mike!

    1. Hi Mike,

      I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you have been so willing to share your experience and advice for future applicants.
      There is a lot that I need to consider as I prepare to rewrite this article for next year, but I think all of your points are very good ones and would recommend them to anyone, especially your approach to mindset!

      I would add a few comments, though:
      3. This is not to say that you cannot apply if you do not have N4, but I would agree that as soon as you decide that you want to apply for this scholarship that you should start studying Japanese and do your best on the Japanese language test during the primary screening. Know that a higher language ability will increase your chances.
      4. What you write in this section is not binding in any way. You are free to apply for an extension to a doctoral program later if you change your mind, so it doesn’t hurt to write Master’s Degree, regardless of your plans. (However, if you fill in Master’s degree here, make sure that your FSRPP does not imply that you need to continue to a doctorate.)

      Those are just minor comments, though. In general, I think your advice is spot on, in the context of understanding the rest of the process.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. By the way, Travis, one more point! Even though I did not pass the second screening some universities were and are still eager to know my accommodation choice! This sounds crazy, but this is true. I don’t know, but maybe there is lack of collaboration between MEXT and universities that they even do not know about those who passed and who didn’t!

        1. Hi Mike,

          Thank you for sharing this. Once again, you’re bringing up something I have never heard about before.
          I’m very surprised to hear that the universities are still asking you about housing. In the past, my understand was that you would only get added to the list of incoming students (and therefore in need of housing) after MEXT contacted the university to ask them to officially accept you. Maybe your universities added you to their list of incoming students at the Letter of Acceptance stage instead.

          The housing email used to be another one of those almost-certain signs that you were getting in. I guess we’ve lost that, too.

          Thank you again.
          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Hello Travis and Mike!

            Travis, Thank you so much for your information and time to answer each of us. It so scary and stressful to hear that some of the applicants couldn’t pass. Mike, wish you good luck next year! I like your determination. I’m sure you’ll get it next year!

            I have a question regarding the housing. I’m still anxiously waiting for the results. At the beginning of January I got an email from my first choice university about housing. What i’m Worried is that the email was just asking me whether I want to stay at the dorm or not if I was enrolled that University and was asking this question from all applicants. No personal information nor any form to fill. I just replied “ yes, I want to stay” and asked to send information how to apply. But they just gave me the dorm website.
            Can I consider such kind of email as an indication of passing the second screening? Or was that just a general info about housing which they send to all applicants? Now that I read Mike’s message about housing, I’m more worried.
            Travis, would you please tell me what a housing email of passed applicants looks like?
            Thank you very much!!!

          2. Hi Ozi,

            In the past, I would have considered an email like the one that you received to essentially be confirmation of your acceptance. But like you said, Mike’s message has made me think twice.
            It sounds like some universities are reaching out about housing even if they don’t have MEXT’s final confirmation.

            Unfortunately, I’ve never seen any of the housing emails to successful applicants directly, so I don’t know what the contents look like. Since Mike’s story is the first time I’ve heard of housing contacting non-successful applicants, I don’t have any basis for comparison. Perhaps he would be willing to share what he received.

            In any case, the final results should be out soon. MEXT is running out of time to handle visas and tickets, so there is only so much longer they can wait!

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  106. yolandagraca28@gmail.com

    hello , Im yolanda from Angola who is also waiting for the second screening results , my question is did you leave the Japanese exam section blank

    1. Hi Yolanda,
      Yes I left the Japanese exam blank. I thought filling it randomly or at least writing the meaning of the words I knew wasn’t going to do much. Maybe it would have made a difference (no clue). But I think it is better to write something from now on.

        1. Hello everyone.
          I am also waiting for the second screening results here (research student).
          I just wanted to add a piece of information:
          I am French and when I went to take the language test, the jury told us before the test started that leaving the Japanese test blank would be eliminatory. So people have to fill the test even if they have no language ability.
          From what I saw in the comments this seems to be the case in other countries.
          I just find it extremely bizarre that applicants could have made it past the interview AND first screening and then be eliminated over something they did way before.
          Fingers crossed for everyone!!

          1. Hi Naam,

            Thank you for sharing this. The rules around filling in the Japanese language test seem to be a common theme here. I will keep following up to see what else I can learn!
            I agree with you that if they were going to eliminate applicants for this, it should have been during the primary screening, not at this stage of the process.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

    2. If it was question for me, I would say yes. I did write only my name and surname in English in Japanese exam test.

  107. Hi Travis!

    First of all, thanks a lot for this thread and your website as they provide a lot of insight into the scholarship program from someone who is very experienced.

    I applied for the MEXT 2020 postgraduate program and passed the first screening and have been waiting anxiously for the second screening result (like everyone else).
    Also, I acquired three acceptance letters from University of Tokyo, Keio University, and Tokyo Metropolitan University.

    Today I received an email from the embassy which, to be honest was very shocking.
    The embassy informed me that the reply came as negative from headquarters. When I called to further inquire about the reason behind the rejection, the embassy officer told me that it was because I hadn’t written anything on the Japanese written exam (which we took well before the first screening and interview stage).

    I went along with the conversation and stressed out that Japanese language was not a major requirement and that this was pointed out in the interview before getting even the primary acceptance. I demonstrated that I was willing to learn Japanese back then (and indeed I have been hard at work learning for the past few months) and they explicitly mentioned that the program accounts for Japanese courses for people who need it. I also tried convincing the embassy officer that I am much better in Japanese now, if there was a possibility to reconsider or even retake the Japanese exam, but it was futile and they said they already tried to talk to headquarters.

    Note that, as you mentioned above in your article I am certain I was not rejected for misrepresenting information or for a research plan related to weapons (which I should think would have also been accounted for in the primary screening).

    Do you know of any way that I can appeal to the program to reconsider the decision?

    I am willing and ready to do anything to fix this devastating blow. I have been working very hard for this and this way I will have wasted two years on this scholarship which I thought I already had in the bag!

    Thank you very very much in advance for any help you can provide me.

    1. Hi Samer,

      Thank you for sharing your experience here. I am very sorry to hear what happened to you.
      In the eight years that I have been working on this scholarship, you are only the second person to report that you were turned down at the second screening. The first person was also this year (look for the comments from “Mike” below on this page). It has never happened before that I am aware of.

      Unfortunately, there is no appeals process that I am aware of and no way forward but to try again next year.

      But both you and Mike received the same information from the Embassy, that your application did not pass because of insufficient Japanese language ability. Like you said, this has never been an issue in the past and I know many applicants have gone through without filling in any part of the Japanese language test.

      As you might know, during the Primary Screening phase, MEXT suddenly reduced the number of slots available to embassies around the world. It was one of the reasons that the responses to that screening were late. I suspect that your situation is related to that reduction. Even though they reduced the numbers, they probably still did not have enough budget and had to cut more applicants, so they are using Japanese language ability as the means to do that. I do not have any solid information to back up this theory yet, but since both you and Mike shared a common reason, that seems like it might be the case.

      I will keep doing more research into this situation and revise my articles for next year based on your information.

      Once again, I am sorry to hear what you went through, but I appreciate you sharing it.
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Dear Samer,
        Currently I’m very anxious too in waiting for my MEXT result and I’m am very sorry to hear about this. I’m thankful for your willingness to share your experience. And it actually made me remember something that I want to share to Travis and everybody too.
        When we’re taking language exam, our embassy actually stressed out the difference between this year and last year exam. First, we need to use pen, not pencil, all questions became multiple choice. The year before there’s a small segment where we need to write kanji, there’s none of that for MEXT 2020.
        Second, our embassy stressed out that even if you no nothing about Japanese language at all, you have to fill all of the question. Different with the year before where they ask us to not input random answers, this time they said random answer is okay.
        But I never thought this matter will still take effect in secondary screening.

        1. Hi Maygreen,

          Thank you for sharing this!
          You are the first person to bring that change to my attention and it could be an interesting clue. Do you mind if I ask what country you are from? (If you want, I won’t publish your answer). I’m trying to figure out if this is a worldwide issue with the Japanese language ability this year, or if it is just a few countries.
          Like you said, I never thought this would have been an issue in the secondary screening. If anything I thought it might impact the primary screening.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Dear Samer, Travis and Maygreen,
            Thank You so much for telling us about your result Samer and Mike. I am sure it wasn’t easy. I would like to add on to what Maygreen mentioned in the previous comment. We were told to do the same at the embassy in my country as well. There were around 50 students selected for the written exam and only 2 or 3 people raised their hands when asked about their knowledge of Japanese language. The rest of us did not have proficiency in the language. Nevertheless, we were instructed to not leave the Japanese multiple choice questions empty. So all of us attended the Japanese language test. I do not know how many people passed the primary screening but I can guess the number was less than 10 I think. I am not completely sure of the number though. When I called my embassy a few days ago, they told me that they do not know exactly when the results will be announced as they haven’t received the final list from the headquarters yet. Having read the experiences of Samer and Mike, I am now fully mentally prepared for a possible rejection because I haven’t received any information or email from my choice of university as well and it’s already late January.
            In the future I plan to be mindful of such an unexpected possibility of rejection despite coming this far. I would like to thank Travis for all his hard work and the effort he has put into creating this website. This platform has also allowed us students to share our fears and experiences without judgement. So I thank Travis once again.
            Sarah P

          2. Hi Sarah P,

            Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experience. “Leaving the Japanese Test Blank” seems to be an important theme here.
            I know in the past that it was possible to do so, but I will certainly be changing my advice about that in future articles.

            As far as I have heard, nobody has gotten official information about passing yet. But don’t let the lack of communication about housing bother you. That is not a sure sign one way or another.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

          3. Dear Travis and Samer,

            I am really sorry to hear extremely bad news from you. The rejection must be a devasting blow and I am also now seriously worried about my Second Screening results. It is necessary to find the real reason for both rejections and my thoughts are heading towards Maygreen explanation. When passing an exam in the embassy (I applied in Poland) we were also informed not to deliver empty forms, what was the major change from previous years. Anyway, I was aiming to do at least two out of three parts. Maybe in 2020 MEXT is trying to limit applications without the Japanese language abilities? I hope that this is the only reason to reject some people. Whole July was deadly stressfull time for me and I did not expect that January would be the same…
            Do you know maybe until which time they are required to provide us with the results of Second Screening?

          4. Hi Michal,

            So far, leaving the Japanese language exam blank seems to be a common thread.
            I think the underlying reason is a budget crunch and needing to reduce the numbers this year and the Japanese language test being a relatively easy way to filter and achieve that goal. If it was a strategic goal to reduce the number of applicants with low Japanese language ability, then they should have been eliminated during the Primary Screening. (Although I would not be surprised if that happened in future years).

            Typically, the Secondary Screening and Placement results should be out by the end of January, and in past years, many have come out earlier – it seems to be country-by-country most times, as each country announces the results when they have them for each of their applicants. But this year, I have not heard of any results. It might be late, and even into February, but they can’t wait too long. There are still visas and flight tickets to arrange.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

        2. Its shocking the same thing happened during our exam , we were asked to do just that. I dont know if the cut back , but we are 3 thats waiting for the secondary screeing , But lets all stay hopeful.

      2. Thank you Travis for your reply.
        It seems that it’s a budget constraint though the timing is awful. As you said, they were relying on people not getting LoA and thus reducing the number of applicants more (only explanation why it was announced at this stage).
        Honestly, I am thinking of contacting the professor at the University of Tokyo as I already have acquired a LoA. Probably the professor has some kind of funding or anything of this sort. Any advice ?
        Again thank you for this page and GOOD LUCK ALL !

        1. Hi Samer,

          Thank you for your feedback. I think budget has a lot to do with it this year – between the Olympics in 2020 and the Japanese government also offering free higher education to (domestic) students from low income brackets next year.
          Hopefully, they’ll be able to plan slots better next year and it will never happen again that they reduce the numbers partway through. But like you said, the timing is horrible for you.

          Contacting the professor at Tokyo isn’t a bad idea. I doubt that he will have any funds equivalent to a MEXT scholarship, but there might be some opportunities, and it will certainly help keep the lines of communication open in case you plan to try again next year!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hello Travis and Samer,
      I am very sorry to read this. I was already very surprised to read about what happened to Mike, but I was not expecting to read about this happening again in the ongoing secondary screening. Apparently, and perhaps due to budgetary reasons, Japanese language proficiency has become an important selection tool this year. I wonder if this only happened in countries that usually have many slots available (for example some Asian countries) or rather in countries with few slots per year.
      My Japanese language proficiency was poor as well during the Embassy test, so I can totally relate to your situation and how you must feel right now.
      Once again, I am very sorry for this outcome and I thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you all the best.

      1. Hi Ayu,

        Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
        I was very surprised, too, and am still trying to figure out what happened. At first, I thought Mike’s country might have recommended more applicants than they were allowed and needed to reduce the number, but now that it has happened in another country too, I am trying to figure out what could be the cause and whether this is a new standard or just a one-time cull.
        I will continue looking for answers and publish new articles about anything I find. Please let me know if you learn anything new, too.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

    3. Dear Samer
      Sorry to hear your rejection. I understand how frustrating is to be rejected after all you have done. Could you please tell us which embassy you applied from?
      Don’t give up bro and I wish you best in Future.

    4. Dear Samer!
      I am really disappointed that you also was rejected ! It was heartbreaking and shocking news for me, so i understand you, dear friend! I was also learning hard Japanese language for couple months, but as you can see MEXT decided to change their policy this year! Even my professor whom i contacted said it was unfair to do so… but as you might know we are not allowed to appeal. Dear friend, i wish only one thing, to become better and crush the committee this year by knowledge and language ability!
      Best regards Mike

      1. Hi Mike,

        Thank you for your feedback. I love your attitude and determination to get it next time!
        Do you mind if I ask what country you applied in? Now that this seems like it might be a trend, I want to try to learn everything I can about what happened so that I can help people avoid the same problem in the future. I am clearly going to have to revise my articles for the next cycle. . .

        I wish both you and Samer good luck in the next attempt!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  108. Hello Travis,

    First of all, I would like to give you my truly and deeply thanks for all the support and patience that you have, helping different students abroad. Blessings for you.

    I wanted to ask you two questions sir, but I will give you the background first. I’m applying for master/Ph.D. studies in Japan, and I have already passed the first screening, but second screening results are not released yet. For this reason, I have written to my Prospective supervisor and he told me that he heard that I’ve succeeded in being an awardee of the scholarship (this happened in late December).

    After this, some days ago the graduate school office have sent me an email asking me for a document that needs to be filled. They told me that they are sending this document to each prospective MEXT scholar (that means I’m still not an awardee?) to proceed with their internal procedure of acceptance of Research students.

    So my question is:
    In the case that I’ve been an awardee of the scholarship at this University, they can still reject me in their Research Student application? or is this just an internal/formal procedure?. That’s what is worrying me so much… and also I would like to have the final results at hand because I feel extremely anxious.

    Thank you for everything Travis, and sorry for the long message!.

    1. Hi Zed,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      If your prospective professor at your university has said that you succeeded at being an awardee of the scholarship, then I would think that your scholarship award is all-but guaranteed at this point. The Secondary Screening occurs before placement, and MEXT would not have contacted the university to ask them to confirm acceptance of you as a scholar unless you had already passes the screening.

      The reason that the university is still calling you a “prospective” MEXT scholar is that they’re not allowed to tell you the results until after MEXT releases its final announcement through the embassy. (Your professor really shouldn’t have said anything, either, but many do).
      I do not know what document the university might have sent you at this point, so I can only guess. In my experience, we never had any paperwork for applicants to fill out at this stage. However, I would guess that it is an internal formality or perhaps paperwork to determine whether they will accept you as a Non-Degree Research Student at first or as a Degree Student. I do not think there is any possibility that you would be rejected at this stage, but if you think the paperwork they sent you is particularly suspicious, let me know.

      You should be hearing good news from the Embassy, soon!
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hello Travis,
        Thank you so much for the quick reply.

        Well, this document is only asking me to fill the name of my supervisor, personal data, birthday, academic background, experience and research theme, plus copies of photos.
        I was told when I stablished contact with my professor to have preparatory education in Japanese, and I did, but I would like to have the 6 month language studies of Japanese plus being a Research student too. However, they haven’t told me anything about the 6 months of Japanese preparation.
        Do you think I should be calm? I expect everything to be ok Travis, thank you so much again!

        1. Hi Zed,

          If the document is that simple, then I do not think that there is any way it would impact your acceptance decision. It just sounds like some record keeping, or perhaps to satisfy the paperwork requirements of the university’s admission process.
          Since the professor already told you that you were accepted, I think you can be calm and assured that it’s going to work out in your favor!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  109. Thank you so much for the article. It had helped me through the deadfully long period of selection process. I am now waiting for the announcement of second selection. Along with everyone here I am really worried about it. I tried contacting our embassy regarding the results but they only reply it will be announced soon. They been telling that since December. So anxiety is reaching a new high. I am currently working so I need to give at least a month a notice beforehand and plus I intend to take IELTS before leaving. Not knowing what is going to happen is really dragging on my nerves.

    1. Hi Hsu,

      The embassy is only going to tell you when they are ready to release the results. They won’t give you any information or guesses about when the information will be available in advance, so don’t be worried by that response.
      I am very glad I could be helpful in the meantime!

      Typically, the end of January is the target time for the results release, so your anxiety-inducing condition should come to an end, soon!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Dear Travis,
        Thank you for your reply. After reading your reply, I got some strength to hope on. But then I stumbled on your article about how your GPA is necessary for the eligibility for the scholarship.
        I actually didn’t have good GPA during my university years. Is this going to be a problem in second selection?
        So sorry to bother you again like this.

        1. Hi Hsu,

          Your GPA calculation should have occurred during the primary screening and you would not have passed that stage if it was too low.
          Have you tried to convert your GPA? Sometimes applicants are surprised that the converted score is very favorable.

          In past years, I had never heard of anyone not passing the secondary screening. Although this year, I have heard about it for the first time, in both cases so far, it was not the applicant’s GPA but rather their Japanese language ability that was an issue.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  110. Dear Travis,
    Thank you so much for your blog. It’s been a great help and give me so much encouragement.

    Currently I’m waiting for the research student final result. My embassy said it will be announced at most by the final January. But when I read about my first choice university’s dorm information, their application deadline is actually in the middle January. So I ask the university if I should apply before or after the official announcement.

    Somehow they give me the dorm application form and ask me to submit before the university deadline. So is it safe to I assume that I’m accepted?

    I’m a bit worried because if I’m accepted I need to resign from my work by this January (I need 2 months preparation due to personal circumstances). I’m not confident enough to give my resignation letter before the official announcement, but I also don’t want to bother my company by giving the letter too close in the end of the month or more.


    1. Hi Augustine,

      I would recommend that you wait for the official announcement. If your university had reached out to you to ask you to complete the housing application, then I would take that as a sign that you had been accepted and placed there. But since you asked them for the form and they gave it to you, I’m not sure if that is a sure of an indication because I have never heard of that situation in the past.

      Almost every applicant I have ever heard of that has made it this far in the scholarship application has ultimately earned the scholarship. I only know of one case where an applicant passed the primary screening but did not pass the second. That was this year, and the applicant found out around the time of the secondary screening (which comes before MEXT contacts universities, anyway).
      So, you should be almost certain to receive the scholarship, but still, I would recommend waiting on official paperwork at your job until you receive the official announcement from MEXT.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. I’m grateful for your advice.
        The professor said they’re processing the document, but I do feel it’s better to be safe by waiting for the official final result. I will update again as soon as I receive the final result. Thank you very much.

  111. Hi Travis,
    Thank you so much for all the information you have provided. It helps a lot especially to reduce my anxiety of waiting the second screening result from MEXT,
    What worried me the most is, I contacted my 1st choice professor yesterday to know if he or the university received any contact from MEXT regarding the final result, however, he said he still not receive any info and will inform me if he receives any. But, some of candidates (5 to 6person) in my country already received dormitory or admission application request from their universities through this week.
    Is this because I have not yet passed my second screening? Please help me.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Anna,

      There are a number of possibilities. For one, the international office might be handling your paperwork and may not have had to contact your professor.
      Another possibility is that if your first-choice university was a private university, you may have been placed in your second or third choice (particularly if they were national universities). It costs MEXT less to place scholarship winners in a national university, so they may favor national universities, despite your priority list.

      Or, it is possible that your professor knows and just isn’t telling you. They’re supposed to keep it secret, after all!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Travis,
        Thank you so much for your response.
        For your information, my first and second choice are both national universities.
        I’m really worried now, we have sacrificed almost everything for the journey. Although there are 99% we will get selected during 2nd screening, but there is still 1% right?. Have you heard anyone from Southeast Asia got rejected in 2nd screening? And do you know why?
        Thank you.

        1. Hi Anna,

          I am sorry I don’t have anything else to tell you at this point. But universities (including professors) are not supposed to contact applicants at this point to tell them anything. So, I would not say that the lack of improperly leaked information should be a strong indicator of your result!

          I have only ever heard of one applicant being rejected during the secondary screening. That was this year, and he did not say where he was from. In his case, it sounded like the Embassy had nominated too many applicants and needed to reduce the number. He ended up getting eliminated because he had the least Japanese language ability.
          But this situation is the only time I have ever heard of this happening – nobody else has mentioned it happening to them this year either – an in his case, he already found out the result. So I do not think that something similar would have happened to you.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Hi Travis,
            Thank you for your reply.
            I will update you the result later.
            Thanks again!

  112. Hi Travis,

    I will be applying to multiple universities (e.g. MIT, Caltech, Tokyo). Most university results come out in February to April, but MEXT 2nd round result comes earlier in January. If I receive MEXT, can I still withdraw if e.g. in April a better offer arrives? What would be the consequences?
    I’m looking forward to hearing your experiences.

    Thank you very much and happy holidays!

    1. Hi Jack Song,

      You can withdraw at any stage of the process and the only consequences that you would face personally would be that you would have a significantly more difficult time if you tried to apply to the scholarship again in the future.

      However, you would be hurting other applicants and your country as a whole be withdrawing that late in the process. Each year, there is a set number of scholarship spaces available to each country. If you withdraw from the Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship after the primary screening process (usually the end of July/beginning of August of the year before you start your studies), then your scholarship slot goes vacant and the Embassy would not be able to nominate a replacement for you, so they would lose one scholar. And, of course, the applicant that would have earned that scholarship slot would lose their opportunity, too.

      I would encourage you to think about the path you want to take and what your priorities are, then try to apply in a way that you are minimizing the risk of having to withdraw late in the process.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  113. Hi Travis,

    I’ve been waiting for the final result from the Embassy of Japan in Thailand and they said that the final result will be announced at the end of January 2020.

    What I wanted to ask today is the email about the dorms. I’ve heard that normally, people will receive their information about the dorms from their advisor or the university before the announcement of the final result. But in my case, I haven’t received any e-mails from the university at all. Does that mean that I will not get the MEXT Scholarship? Is it normal to not receive any email from the university about the dorm?

    1. Hi Morris,

      I would not say that it is “normal” to hear from your university about the dorms. It does happen sometimes, but only in a small number of cases.
      It would only ever happen if you were planning to arrive in April and your university offers a dorm that you would be able to live in for the full semester. If you are arriving in the fall or if your university does not offer housing, then there would be no reason for them to contact you.

      Even if you are arriving in spring and your university does offer housing, do not be concerned if the university does not contact you. While getting contacted is a clear indication that you will be accepted there, not being contacted does not indicate non-acceptance.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  114. Hello everyone!
    My name is Mike, I am from Central Asia. I was on my way to 2020 research student.
    Despite getting high scores , guys I failed to pass the second screening of the MEXT scholarship due to insufficiency of Japanese language (at the time of application i totally did not know Japanese). When author says not to worry about second screening, it is not actual nowadays. The selection policies must have changed, I should warn everybody, these days MEXT is choosing according Japanese proficiency rather than professional background. Good luck everyone, I hope my failure will help others to avoid my mistake!

    1. Hi Mike,

      What was your research field? And did you apply to degree programs taught in English or Japanese?
      I have never heard of MEXT making Japanese language a factor for applicants to degree programs taught in English before, so I am very interested if the process has changed this year.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. My research area was economics. I applied to non-degree program (research student, not masters) taught in English! Unfortunately, dear Travis, this is true and I am really confused too. But embassy coordinator said that this is new rules, and MEXT wants to see language-able students in Japanese rather than in English. A lot of confusion and misunderstandings, they initially said that it was ok without Japanese, but in the end they just changed the rules. Maybe this is only in my country, I can’t say anything firm about the second screening process now in the other countries. Be cautious.

        1. Hi Mike,

          Thank you very much for sharing your experience. I will keep an eye out for similar results from other countries this year, as well.
          I have not seen any guidance from MEXT in this area, but it is likely that the communication is directly between MEXT and the embassies and not public or shared with universities at this stage.

          I will take your advice to heart and be cautious in my future recommendations. This has certainly been a year of changes for MEXT.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

        2. Hello Mike and Travis,
          I’m sorry for the bad news. I myself still anxiously waiting for the announcement as I happen to read the issues you pointed out. Is it okay with you if I ask for your condition, whether what university issued the LoA you’ve received (public/private) and if you have any contact with the Professor before the news came to you? I have been contacted days ago by my Professor asking me some information for him to fill the documents to be submitted to MEXT, I just want to know if that happens to you too before and whether if it means something for my scholarship.

          1. Hi Vian,

            If your professor has contacted you for information to fill out the forms, that means that you have already passed the Secondary Screening and have moved on to the University Placement Phase. MEXT does not reach out to universities to ask them to complete that paperwork until after you have passed the secondary screening.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

          2. Dear Vian!
            If MEXT contacted to your professor and your university, it means that you are highly likely accepted, I think. Have a nice day!

        3. Hello mike, thanks for sharing this.

          I am just curious. I assume your country’s japan embassy has announced the result for all candidates?
          Would it be a bother to tell us how many are accepted and failed in the second screening? I just want to know the general pictures of this year second screening.

          Thanks in advance

          1. Hi Chriss and Mike,

            Mike, since you’re the first person on here to share a story like yours, you’re getting very popular with requests! I think everyone is curious to know more, if you’re willing to share it, but I understand if it’s not something that you want to talk about.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

          2. Dear Chris and Travis!
            Dear Travis, I just want to help other people to navigate more attentively in the selection process!
            Dear Chris !
            Actually, I did not ask about others’ results since I was too busy with my own thoughts. But what I do know is I was chosen out of 5 candidates in the Second Screening!

    2. Dear all,
      Mike, am so sorry for the sad news that you could not make it. Travis, you raised a very important issue of being contacted by your professor asking for some information. Does that happen to all those who have passed secondary screening or in some instances the professors do not contact you as they may have all the information? I am asking because a number of my friends have been contacted and some not.

      1. Hi Gerald,

        Being contacted by your professor to ask for additional information is a strong indication that you have passed the MEXT Secondary Screening and that university is completing the final paperwork to accept you as a MEXT Scholar. However, “not being contacted” does not indicate that you are not accepted. It is entirely possible that the university already has all of the information that they need and does not need to contact you. For example, at the university where I processed scholarships, we never contacted applicants at this stage because we obtained all the required information before issuing a Letter of Acceptance, and we directed professors not to contact them either.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

        1. Dear Travis,
          Thank you so much for your response. I have been in touch with a my possible professor at the university which was my first choice. Yesterday he just told me everything should be in order as he has already accepted me. I hope what he meant was that he has accepted me to MEXT otherwise when he was contacted by embassy in early stages, he also notified me.

          1. Hi Gerald,

            At this time of year (or really back in Nov/Dec is more common), MEXT will reach out to the universities on your Placement Preference Form one-by-one to ask them to formally accept you. That is also when they will have to fill their answer about whether you will start as a research student or degree student and whether or not you will need to take the semester of Japanese language training.
            So, if he is referring to recent communication, then that should be a reference to the formal acceptance paperwork.

            It’s still going to take a while before you hear the final word from the embassy, though. They have to wait for every university processing every applicant from your country to be finished before they can announce the results all at once.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

        2. Dear Gerald !
          Thank you for your empathy! Only thing I would like to know whether out of accepted MEXT scholarship applicants were there any who did not know Japanese language like me!? It is interesting because I would like to know it is only my exception (or my country) or the case for everyone! Thank you!

          1. Hi Mike,

            I would suspect it is something limited to your country and a decision made by the Japanese embassy/your government there, since as of this point, I have not heard that same situation happening anywhere else. But that might change if I hear similar reports in the future.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

          2. Dear Mike,
            I may be wrong but all I know is that if you are applying for English taught programs, Japanese language efficiency do not matter. I can give you an example where in primary screening in our country, there were some candidates who could speak Japanese but did not make it to second screening. I think if Japanese language was a factor, they could have made it through. Anyway we are all learning here and this year’s experience will help us in future in case the rules of the game have changed.
            Thank you!

          3. Hi Gerald,

            Technically, Japanese language ability is not an assessment criteria for the scholarship, but I have heard anecdotal comments in the past of embassies using it as a factor when two candidates are too similar in other categories (grades, quality of FSRPP, interview performance, etc.) to make a decision based on those areas, alone. In those cases, it was a judgment call at the embassy level, though.
            The difference between those cases and Mike’s is that in the past, it happened by the end of the Primary Screening, so that all applicants who passed the primary screening eventually received the scholarship. I had never heard of it happening at this stage before.

            If I had to hazard a guess as to what happened this time . . . This year, there was some confusion right at the end of the Primary Screening process, as MEXT changed the number of slots available (or withheld that information until the last minute). As a result, many countries released their Primary Screening results late, after paring down their nominees to meet the new limits. It is possible that Mike’s embassy did not reduce the nominees at that time, perhaps hoping that some would not get LoAs and therefore make their decision easier, and therefore recommended a larger than allowed cadre, leaving MEXT to have to find a way to reduce the numbers.

            I will be following closely to see if I hear about this happening in any other countries or embassies, or if we see embassies calling for Japanese language ability in next year’s application process.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

      2. Dear Travis,
        I have just received email from Nagoya University about dormitory. I hope this is clear indication I will end up there. Though I am still anxious but I should say am a bit relieved.
        Thank you

        1. Hi Gerald,

          In my experience, if the housing office contacts you, it’s because the university has recorded you as a student that will be enrolled there during the next semester. In every case in the past that I know of, that has been a clear indicator that you have been awarded the scholarship and placed at that university!

          You may want to wait for the official announcement before celebrating, but at this point, you know exactly what that announcement is going to say, so Congratulations!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Dear Travis,
            Thank you so much for all the tips you post. It has been a long journey but whenever I got your response or read your article, I got motivated to push on. Though MEXT has not yet officially released the results, am glad I made it as we have started some processes with the university before my departure. I should also say your insights on how to choose a school and professor really helped me. I got three LOAs and I have been in touch with all the professors who accepted me. I would therefore encourage others who would wish to apply in near future to take that part so seriously. A big thank you TRAVIS And all colleagues for your helpful questions and answers.

          2. Hi Gerald,

            Thank you very much for your feedback!
            Comments like yours are the reason I keep this blog going. It’s great to hear that someone finds it useful.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

    3. Thank you for sharing your situation,
      Dear mike, i have a question for you If you may?
      Did you write anything on the japanese written exam, relating to the first screening?
      Thank you for your time.

  115. Aruzhan Y.0814

    Hello Travis,
    I hope everything is going alright with you.
    I am waiting for the results of the secondary screening and I am hopeful and anxious at the same time. I have searched literally everywhere, but I could not found any information regarding the embassy reccomended scholarship slots for this year (I mean for 2020) for Romania. My embassy did not told me when I turned on my LOAs if the secondary screening is still competitive or not, just that they reccomend their candidates and MEXT will decide who gets the scholarship in the end. I talked to a girl from my country who won the scholarship in 2016, she said in that year 5 candidates were reccomended by the embassy and as far as she knows all of them got it. Also I heard that number of slots has been decreased since then. Do you know somehow how many slots are available for Romania this year?
    And another question, based on what decides MEXT -if there are more candidates than slots-, who will recieve it? GPA, research plan, Universities or….? I have no idea….
    Thank you so much for your time! I would be so grateful if you could help me out with these questions.

    1. Hi Aruzhan,

      The number of slots available per country is not something that is generally made public. Sometimes the embassy shares that information, but if they don’t there are no official channels to get it. I usually recommend that applicants guess based on the numbers from previous years.
      As you mentioned, there appears to have been a decrease in the number of slots this year, but my understanding is that was made before the primary screening (that is why the primary screening results were late this year), so the reduction has already been applied.

      Since you have passed the primary screening and submitted your LoAs, I see no reason to think that you would not pass the secondary screening.

      When the Embassy submitted their list of candidates to MEXT, they would have most likely submitted them in rank order. The order is based on a total composite of your application, including the GPA, research plan, tests, interview score, etc. So, if MEXT were to order a country to reduce their numbers, they would eliminate the bottom person from that list. But again, my understanding is that that process already happened at the primary screening.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Greetings from Syria,
        Travis, thanks a lot for all of your support and efforts!
        Whenever I feel down or hopeless form second screening results, I enter your page!

        All my best,

        1. Hi Almasri,

          Thank you very much for your feedback! I am glad I have been able to help. I know this waiting stage can be tough to endure.
          I hope you hear your results soon!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  116. Hi Travis,

    I have passed the first screening and I am now waiting for the second screening results, but the 3 letters of acceptance are all from private universities (Hosei, Doshisha and Ritsumeikan). Because if this, I’m worried that I may lose the scholarship? (because of what I’ve heard regarding mext and private universities) What do you think are the chances of this happening? Have you ever heard of someone losing the scholarship at this point because of this?

    Also, I’ve heard people saying that the results for the second screening will begin to be released as of November 28. Is this true? (I ask because most/all the people I’ve heard from in the past state that they got their results in January)
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Jovan,

      I have never heard of an applicant losing the scholarship because their only choices were private universities in the past. MEXT prefers national universities because it costs less to place applicants there, but a certain number get placed at privates every year.
      I have heard that in some countries the embassy will contact applicants to let them know that they have passed the Secondary Screening in November, but usually, they would not have their final university placement yet by that time, so the placement information is not released until January. In other cases, the embassy will wait until January to release both the secondary screening and placement results.
      You might also find out unofficially from universities themselves (especially from the professor that agreed to supervise you, if you are in close contact), though they’re not supposed to tell you.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  117. Hi Travis!!!
    First of all thank you very much for all you advice and tips on everything about MEXT scholarship.

    So I have this problem and it’ s really scaring me. Please give any advice or what to do if you had this kind of problem:
    I have passed the 1st screening and turned my Letter of Provisional acceptance to the embassy ( deadline was mid October). And today i have received a call from Embassy that I ( doctors also) missed this part where this candidates health is adequate to study in Japan. It was not checked neither Yes nor No. On the form everything was okay- healthy – except that part. Unfortunately, Embassy staff also missed to double check. And after receiving the LOA and submitting them to the Embassy, they said “ we will hope for best that MEXT will accept your application!” Which they were not sure.
    Now i’m Sooo worried that MEXT might reject my application due to that mistake.
    Have you heard or had that kind of problems. That after submitting to the embassy the LOAs , but one part missing they reject the scholarship ?
    Please advice me what to do?
    Tons of thanks,

    1. Hi Imran,

      As long as the rest of your Medical Information Form indicated no particular problems, then I do not think there should be a significant problem. Usually, if we detected something like that when I was evaluating these applications at the university level, we’d understand that it was just the doctor’s oversight and would tell the applicant to go back to have that section re-completed, then send us the replacement by email. But unless the applicant had something like a chronic disease, or possible TB in the lung x-ray, or something like that (where there might be a question of the doctor not checking “yes”, it was never a big deal.)

      It’s not possible to be sure what MEXT will do, but I would be very surprised indeed if that rejected your application over something so small. I have certainly never heard of anything like that happening before.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  118. Hello guys! Firstly I would like to thank the website creators for such great content. You did great work! Very useful website for MEXT applicants, thank to all creators and supporters of this website! I am 2019 MEXT applicant, and I want to ask you whether it is a problem if you receive more LOAs than three? And do the recommendations written on backside of LOA affect to your chances to win the scholarship and enter the university?

    1. Hi Mike,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      It depends on how you ended up with four LoAs, since you were only supposed to contact a maximum of three universities.

      Ultimately, you can only put three universities on your Placement Preference form and you will only be able to submit the three LoAs that correspond to those universities. However, this year there is also a requirement that you submit all of your LoAs. So, if you have a legitimate reason for having more than three, I would recommend that you inform the embassy and give your explanation. They may never notice if you don’t, but if they do notice later, it could be considered noy being honest in your application.

      As far as I know, the recommendations on the back to not play a major factor in the application process. At this point, acceptance is essentially guaranteed and placement is generally in order of your placement preference form, factoring in MEXT’s preference for national universities.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi George!
        Sorry for late response!
        As Travis said at that time i contacted the embassy, and we had a chat long , where I had to explain in detail, why I received more LOA than 3. And finally, they approved my application, because,:
        1. it was first time i was applying
        2. They understand that I did it because the third university did not contacted for a long time
        3. I was very kind and good person(joke)

  119. Hi Travis!
    Greetings from Nepal!
    I really can’t thank you enough for the the help your articles have been throughout this application procedure. I was emailed by the university regarding lodging on December 21, 2018 and I had to wait till January 11, 2019 to get the official results of secondary screening through the Embassy of Japan here in Nepal. Also, I was asked to apply for the university ID card today (January 23rd, 2019). You have been an important part of my journey and I hope that you keep up this great work and make dreams come true. Again, thank you!

    1. Hi Shashwot,

      Thank you very much for sharing your results and congratulations on your success!
      I am very happy that I was able to be of some help during your application process and wish you the best as you prepare for your studies in Japan.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  120. Hey Travis,

    Just to add to the other comments: I’m from the UK, applying through the embassy in London. I received notification of passing secondary screening and my placement together on the 8th of January.

    There was no separate notification of passing the screening earlier, but I was contacted by my graduate school at Todai with instructions to apply for housing just before Christmas.

    Funny to think I’ve been visiting your website for almost a year at this point and the process is finally coming to a close. Thank you for all the work you put in to help others get through it all.

    1. Hi Jack,

      Congratulations! Thank you very much for sharing your results release timeline, as well as letting me know that you got the unofficial contact early.
      I’m glad to have been “with” you here for such a long application, and even more so to here that yours is coming to a successful conclusion and imminent travel to Japan!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  121. Hi Travis,
    Thank you so much for posting these articles so often and with so much detail! They were all incredibly useful as I went through the research scholarship application process, especially since the embassy tends to be vague about everything. I received email notification that I had passed the secondary screening and informing me of my university placement this past Monday, January 7th. I’m in the US and applied through the Boston consulate, though I don’t know who the recipients were from other consulates in the country or what their timelines were like.
    Anyways, thank you again and I look forward to reading more of your articles in the future!

    1. Hi Nadine,

      Thank you for your kind words, and for sharing your results!
      In the past, I have heard that at least the Primary Screening dates were different at different consulates across the US. I’ll have to find out from other applicants if their results were on the same timeline. But your information is very valuable – thank you!

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Travis and Nadine,
        Sharing my results as another applicant from the US: I just received word of my official acceptance from the consulate in San Francisco yesterday, January 23. I had previously received some email inquiries from my university regarding dorms on January 8, but I did not want to get my hopes up until seeing the final results. Thank you so much for this article, Travis, as it helped make the long wait much more bearable.

        1. Hi Ben,

          Congratulations! Thank you for sharing the dates of your information and contact from the university, as well!
          I wish you the best of luck in your studies here.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

      2. Hi Travis,
        I have a question about the visa application process for MEXT students. I was under the impression that, like you mentioned in this article, there was a MEXT-specific visa application and that I would hear about it from the embassy. However, the other day I contacted them asking about the visa and they told me I need to get a regular student visa (which is a bit troubling because now I have to ask for a COE from the university with only about a month before I leave). I was wondering if you knew anything else about the special visa application or what it entails?
        Thank you for your help!

        1. Hi Nadine Franklin,

          Regardless of whether you are an Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholar or a University Recommended MEXT Scholar, there should be a special visa application process for you. MEXT sends the list of accepted scholars to the Embassy nearest your home (as identified during the application process) and students on that list have a special process since your guarantor is essentially the Japanese government.

          However, if you contact them before that list arrives, or if you talk to someone besides the person responsible for MEXT Scholars, or if you contact an Embassy/Consulate other than the one that MEXT anticipates, then the person you talk to might not be aware of what you are talking about. My best advice to you is to wait until they send you directions and to make sure that you talk to the section responsible for MEXT scholars, not the section responsible for visas.
          The visa you apply for in the end is a “regular” student visa – there is no special category, it is just that you should have an accelerated application process that does not require a CoE. Sometimes, Japanese embassies can be frustratingly hard-headed about terminology. If you asked “is there a special kind of visa” they might answer “no” because the visa isn’t special, just the application process.

          I hope you can get through to the right section or that they provide you with the information soon!
          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  122. Hello Travis,
    First of all, I have read every article of your MEXT scholarship blog series. I cannot describe how much your advice helped me and I am now a recipient of embassy recommended MEXT scholarship 2019 from Nepal. The embassy officially announced that we had gotten the scholarship and our university placement on 10th of January. But all 5 of us had already received emails regarding housing, application guidelines etc from our respective universities since the third week of December. Hence it was not that big of a surprise, but still we were anxious about it till it became official.
    A huge thanks to you. Please keep up your good work.

    1. Hi Shirish,

      Congratulations on winning the scholarship and thank you very much for your feedback and kind comments!
      Thank you for sharing your results schedule, too!

      Good luck with your studies in Japan,
      – Travis from TranSenz

  123. Dear Travis,

    thank you again for the website and the continuous support to MEXT Applicants. In Finland we got the results for Secondary Screening yesterday (7th of January). I heard that my (Iraq and Cuban) friends had gotten their notifications in the first week of January, so the notification came around the time I expected it would.

    I got in my first choice, which means I’ll probably be in Tokyo from next April. Thank you for your support! Even though I got the scholarship already, I’d like to buy the other books in your series once they’re released just to say thank you! I’ll also consider the Patreon once my financial situation is a bit more stable.

    All the best!

    1. Hi Tuomas,

      Thank you very much for sharing your results and for your kind words!
      I am very happy to hear that you were able to put all of the advice into action to win the scholarship. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate hearing back from people like you who succeed in the application – that’s what gives me the motivation to keep working on this site.
      I also appreciate your generosity! If that does become a possibility later, I would very much appreciate it! In the meantime, I will keep working on that next book (and the ones after that . . .)

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  124. Hello Travis,
    Greetings from Juba, South Sudan.
    I have two things to share.
    1. The Time lines, and
    2. My Gratitude for your site, information and blog.
    I will start with the Time lines.
    1. Time lines.
    The Scholarship was announced on the 1st of June 2018.
    Deadline for submission of applications to the Embassy was 6th of July 2018. Yes, I mean 6th of July 2018. (https://www.ss.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/en_news_20180601.html)
    Interviews (Written and Oral) were conducted in the first week of August…
    Announcement of Primary Screening results were on the 8th of August 2018
    Deadline to contact universities was the 25th of August 2018
    Meanwhile the Deadline to submit the LOAs was on the 25th of September 2018.
    Notification of Results of Secondary Screening: Nov 2018 – Feb 2019.
    However, I received my positive notification on the 28th of December 2018.

    2. My Gratitude
    First and foremost, I guess for my country, the announcement was a bit late. I’ve been reading queries from other people on your blog page from different countries, we were like a month behind, from the announcement to the declaration of primary screening.
    With that said, I just had only a fortnight, to contact Universities. The Japanese secretary at the Embassy was very much helpful, I must say.
    But without your blog, I might not have succeeded. Your articles about finding a University and a Professor helped me so much. With your insights, I managed to get two LOA. The third University contacted me when it was already late, about the LOA (So I gave up and considered the first 2).
    I just want you to know that your advice “I have never heard of any applicant that passed the Primary Screening and submitted at least one LoA that did not ultimately receive the scholarship” was all that gave me hope from August to the 28th day of December.
    Thank you so much Travis for your advice and support.
    I will be joining the University of Electro-Communications, in Chofu, Tokyo. The Embassy notified me that the MEXT committee will communicate the Program and Courses as well as Japanese Language Training latter. I guess what I have received is a confirmation about the Scholarship. However, I haven’t heard from the University.
    Can I contact the University now and thank them (the Professor and the students support center), or wait for a mail from them?
    And can I thank the other University and inform the professor that I got accepted in another University? Or I should give it some time….

    Thanks so much. I will await your response..
    By the way, *****HAPPY NEW YEAR 2O19, TRAVIS*****

    1. Hi Manzu Gerald,

      Congratulations on receiving the MEXT Scholarship and on your placement!
      Wow! Thank you very much for your kind words and for sharing your experience in such detail.

      Since you have gotten the notification from the embassy, I think it is fine now to reach out to the university where you will be placed – as well as the other two that sent you LOAs (even the late one). When you contact the University of Electro-Communications, I would recommend that you keep your message short and limit it to expressing your thanks to them for their help so far and say that you look forward to working with them as you prepare to arrive in Japan.
      At this point, the embassy is still your primary point of contact for the scholarship, so there is not much information that the university can give you directly, even if you ask.

      If you are in touch with the professor who issued you the LoA, you can also start working with him or her about your research ideas, if the professor is willing.

      Good Luck with your pending move and studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hello Travis,
        It’s a pleasure getting the scholarship, thanks once again to your website.
        Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
        I will put in practice, your wonderful advice.
        I am one of those guys who’s looking forward to meeting you in Japan, one day. Once again, thank you!

        1. Hi Manzu Gerald,

          I am very glad to hear it and wish you the best of luck as you plan your trip to Japan!
          I look forward to meeting you here in the future.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Dear Travis,
            Greetings from Chofu City, Tokyo!
            I believe you are doing well.
            I just want to thank you again, for everything.
            I arrived here on the 3rd of April, and am currently for an intensive Japanese Language Course.
            I was wondering, whether there’s a platform for all MEXT Students, to gather and share more among themselves, perhaps after their first 6 months in Japan. If such activities exist, please do let me know, otherwise I seem to have gone out of context, from the Transenzjapan series.
            Here at UEC, I am the only MEXT 2019 student though. LOL.
            Once again, thank you!
            Am glad that am here!


            I have heard of some facebook groups for MEXT scholars and you may find communities on other platforms, as well, but I do not know how to access any of them directly, I’m afraid. I work mostly with applicants and don’t often hear from people much after they win the scholarship and arrive in Japan.
            I hope someone else can chime in with some recommendations!

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  125. I am from Malaysia and I am still waiting for final result of MEXT Scholarship 2019 (Research Student). In 2017, Malaysian candidates got to know the final result (nomination and university placement notification) sent from embassy on 27th December 2017.

    1. Hi Eric,

      I have been hearing from other countries that their Secondary Screening results were released last week – though nobody has reported receiving the official placements, but it’s possible that Malaysia did not get the word out before the New Year’s Break. At this point, I assume the Embassy is going to be closed for a few days (probably through the 3rd, at least), so I would expect a little bit of a delay.

      I hope you hear good news soon!
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. All the 24 Malaysia candidates are still waiting for nomination result from MEXT even though first week of 2019 has passed. Some of us did make a call to embassy, unfortunately embassy could not tell when will MEXT notify them regarding the final result, and they are waiting for it.

        1. Hi Eric,

          Thank you for letting me know. I hope you hear good news soon!
          It sounds like maybe someone in the group had a delay with their paperwork or had to be reassigned to a different university after the first one MEXT approached declined. That kind of situation can delay everyone’s results.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. I received the confirmation email (nomination and university placement) on 8th January, and I made it! I will enrol to University of Tsukuba this April as research student. Thank you so much for helping me through this blog.

          2. Hi Eric,

            Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your results. I am always happy to hear success stories!

            Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  126. Hi Travis,
    Greetings from Indonesia!

    Thank you so much for writing articles about MEXT Scholarship, you have helped me a lot throughout the scholarship application process. I really appreciate what you have done.

    This morning (December 28, 2018), I received the secondary screening result from the embassy, all 30 candidates who passed the primary screening also passed the secondary screening. The university placement will be announced later. I will let you know when the university placement result has been announced.

    1. Hi Alice,

      Thank you very much for your kind words and for sharing the timeline of your results. I wish you the best of luck in your university placement, too, and look forward to hearing back from you when you know where you will be studying!

      Good Luck,
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Travis!
        I just got my university placement result today (January 4, 2019). I have been placed at Kyoto University, it is my first choice.

        Once again, thank you so much for your kind assistance through the MEXT Articles! 😀

        1. Hi Alice,

          Thank you for sharing your results. I am very happy for you and wish you the best for your studies in Japan.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

    2. So there is another Indonesian here other than me that also passed the secondary screening with the help of lord Travis.

      Anyway, thank you so much Travis for the great effort you put here.

      1. Hi Harry,

        Thank you for your kind words. . . though perhaps too kind! I am glad I could help.

        Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  127. Hi Travis!

    You’ve been a huge help in the whole process and alleviating fears about this scholarship! I applied through embassy recommendation (I’m based in the Philippines) and I just received a confirmation e-mail from the embassy that I passed the secondary screening. They will inform me of the University placement by January 2019 according to the e-mail. Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Chris Cayco,

      Thank you very much for your kind words and for sharing the your results release date.
      I am very happy to hear that I was able to be of some small assistance in your application process.

      Good Luck with your placement and studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hey Travis,
      I just read the above conversations. It helps a lot really. There is one question I wanted to ask you. About the Undergraduate form i did not see any place where you can write the University of your choice. I saw that only in the Direct placement form. Assume i filled the Direct placement form am i going to submit both the forms (Undergraduate and Direct placement forms) to the embassy?
      I look forward to hearing from you.

      1. Hi M Ahmed,

        This article (and everything else on this site) is primarily about the scholarship application for research (graduate) students. I have not looked at the forms for undergraduates.
        I do know that in almost all cases for the undergraduate scholarship, you do not choose your university, MEXT does. Undergraduate applicants go to Japan first for intensive language training and then MEXT determines which language to place them in.

        Not everyone submits the Direct Placement Form – in fact, as I understand it, most do not. My understanding is that you would use that form if you already meet all the Japanese language requirements to enroll in a degree program in Japan without going through the language training and you are already in contact with that university, but I would recommend that you double-check the instructions on your own, since this is not my direct area of expertise.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  128. Hi Travis,
    In 2018 for the MEXT 2019 Embassy Recommended Research Scholarship in India this has been the timeline so far:

    1. Mid-May till Last week of May, 2018
    Preliminary screening or Document Screening to select candidates for the written test and interviews at the Embassy of Japan, New Delhi.

    2. Throughout the last week of June 2018
    Written tests and interviews of candidates from different fields of study conducted at the EoJ, New Delhi.

    3. Second week of July, 2018
    Results of the First Screening are communicated via email by the EoJ to the successful candidates.

    4. 6th September, 2018
    Deadline to submit the LoAs received from universities in Japan to the EoJ, New Delhi.
    From here I shall refer to my application in particular.

    5. 21st December, 2018
    I received the official Letter of Admission from the University of Tokyo and was asked to initiate the university accommodation procedure(s).

    6. mid-January, 2019 (tentative)
    Other candidates told me that they called the EoJ in New Delhi and were notified that the Second Screening results shall be declared by the embassy around mid-Jan.

    1. Hi Afraz Khan,

      Thank you very much for sharing your timeline, and congratulations on getting in to the University of Tokyo!

      Good Luck with your studies in Japan!
      – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Dear Travis,
      Exactly like what you have said, I just received an e-mail from the housing office of Kyoto University today. For the official annoucement, according to the Japan embassy here, it is about to come around mid-January next year.
      I will follow your advice, and thank you again!

      1. Hi Natthaphop,

        Congratulations! Even though you haven’t gotten the official results yet, the housing office wouldn’t be contacting you if you weren’t going to be enrolling there, so you know what those results will be.
        Thank you for sharing your experience.

        Good Luck,
        – Travis from TranSenz

    3. Hi Travis,
      The second screening results for MEXT embassy recommended scholarship Research Students was declared in India on 15th Jan, 2019. The EoJ, New Delhi called the candidates to confirm their postal address to send us documents regarding visa procedure.

      1. Hi Afraz Khan,

        Thank you very much for sharing your experience and dates. You are the first person to tell me that the embassy has started working on the visa process this year.
        Congratulations again on earning the scholarship!

        Good Luck!
        – Travis in Japan

        1. Thank you Travis!
          I just wanted to clarify that the EoJ still only processes diplomatic/official visas. Those states in India that fall within the jurisdiction of the Embassy of Japan, New Delhi have to go to Visa Application Centres (VAC) managed by private organisations- VFS Global, CKGS.

          The consulates however, continue to process ordinary visas but only those who live in states under the particular consulate’s jurisdiction can visit them for visa application.

          All of the above information is from the website of the Embassy of Japan, New Delhi. I shall update you of the specific procedure for MEXT Research Scholarship Students as soon as I receive my packet from the embassy.


          1. Hi Afraz,

            Thank you again for sharing such valuable information!
            The VAC system is common in some other countries, as well.
            However, MEXT scholarship recipients have a special visa application process, since you are essentially being invited by the Japanese government, and I think the embassy or consulate may be more involved than usual. So I would recommend that you wait for specific instructions from them.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

    4. Dear Afraz Khan,

      Do you mind if you can share the graduate school that you’ve been contacted in Todai?


      1. Hi Feys,

        Keep in mind that Afraz Khan was discussing the procedures from last year and timelines can change from year to year, so if your situation doesn’t exactly match, that is not a reason for panic yet.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  129. Hi Travis,
    In Iran, some students from our group were contacted by their universities in the last two week, so lets say, between mid December and late December. From what has been written in the embassy website, they will announce the placement results about mid January, and the results of final screening in February. I will, tell you the exact days when I get the results :).
    also thank you for sharing the article link, and most importantly, writing the article in the first place!

      1. Hi Travis,
        In Iran, we received the final results of second screening on January 6.
        still, 4 of our candidates( out of 14) have not given their final results though.

        1. Hi Parsa,

          Thank you for letting me know! Did you get your university placements, too?
          I hope the remaining 4 get their good news soon.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Yes, we have got our university placement as well.
            We hope so too. The embassy told them as their field of study is not something related to military or something, they should not worry about it, and they will just get the results later than others.

          2. Hi Parsa,

            Thank you for the update, and congratulations! I hope you got the university you wanted.
            MEXT determines the results of the Secondary Screening (which is when they would check for research related to the military, etc.) before they contact universities for placement, so if the applicants who have not yet heard their placement results yet have not yet heard that their application was rejected yet, then there should be no risk of that. It should just be a matter of university placement procedures.

            I hope they hear back soon!
            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

    1. Hey Travis,
      This is atsede and thank you for your information because this really helped me during my application process…Now i need to ask you about the timing of knowing the results of secondary screening. I have passed the first screening and i have also get three LOAs from three different national universities. now i am worried about the results and if there is a probability to fail the process.

      1. Hi Atsede,

        The timing for the Secondary Screening and Placement results varies by country. For this year, I have heard that the results have been released in several countries already, but not everywhere. The best way to find out when the results will be available would be to contact the embassy where you applied.

        If you passed the primary screening and submitted a Letter of Acceptance from at least one university in Japan, then I would say that your chances of failing the process at this point are less than .0000001%. I have never heard of an applicant making it this far but not receiving the scholarship in the end!

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

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