
Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship Field of Study and Research Program Plan

Man looking at a bulletin board full of notes and diagrams.
The Field of Study and Research Program Plan is the most important part of your MEXT Scholarship Application
Cover image of the book How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan
Need help with your Field of Study and Research Program Plan? How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan will walk you through choosing a field, developing a research question, and completing the final report to give you the best chance of success!

Field of Study and Research Program Plan for the Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship

The University-Recommended MEXT Scholarship uses a different format for the Field of Study and Research Program Plan. You can find my article about that format here. Both versions of the Field of Study and Research Program Plan include essentially the same content, but the form organization is different, there are different limitations, and your target audience is different, too!

This article can still be helpful if you are applying for the University-Recommended MEXT Scholarship, but I recommend the one above, instead.

Why the Field of Study and Research Program Plan Matters

The Field of Study and Research Program Plan is the single-most important part of your MEXT Scholarship application at the graduate level.

Whether you’re applying for a research student status, Master’s Degree, or PhD, this is the most important element that you have any control over. So, it’s understandable that most applicants get more anxious about this form and what it should include than anything else in the application process.

Downloading the Form

The Field of Study and Research Program Plan form is available on the official Study in Japan website, but for the last few years, they have only provided a pdf version.

If you want a Microsoft Word version so that you can actually type in it, here is a link to download that version. This is from 2020, when MEXT used to release the form in Word format, but the format has not changed since then. I cannot guarantee that it will stay the same forever, though, so please compare it to the pdf version on the page above before you use it to write your proposal!

Purpose of the Field of Study and Research Program Plan

Here’s the important thing to keep in mind: The purpose of the Field of Study and Research Program is not to be a a final proposal for your thesis research!

Wait, what?!

That’s right. It’s not final, but you should write it as if it is.

The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that you understand the state of research in your field, can identify an important issue, and develop a research question and specific research steps that will contribute to resolving the issue. Your actual research question and steps will likely change later, under guidance from your Academic Advisor (that’s kind of their job, after all), but for now, you need to show what you are capable of to convince that advisor to accept you in the first place.

Field of Study and Research Program Plan Sections

In Japan, the Field of Study and Research Program Plan (研究計画書 kenkyukeikakusho) is part of any graduate school application. It is not unique to the MEXT scholarship. There is a set format and elements that Japanese universities are looking for. Although the MEXT format only includes three questions, there certain content expectations for each of those question, and it is not necessarily obvious what they want.

As a foreigner, you wouldn’t necessarily be expected to know all of the expected elements of the Field of Study and Research Program Plan, but if you do hit them (and I will show you how, below), you will stand out in a good way.

This article is based on more than eight months of research into Japanese professors’ websites, university websites, and talking with faculty members at the university where I work, plus years of coaching MEXT applicants through creating the form. It is the same model you will find in my book, How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan, although the book obviously goes into more detail and also helps you develop your research question and subject.

You can find my research sources at the bottom of the article, but they’re all in Japanese.

Disclaimer: This is all only my own research and conclusions. It has not been formally vetted by any MEXT officials, Embassy staff, or grad school admissions committees. I did have an applicant in 2018 tell me that his local consulate had recommended this article to him, though, and more recently a Japanese professor friend bought a copy to share with the undergraduate international students in his lab so that they could apply.

Sections of the Field of Study and Research Program Plan

Field of Study and Research Program Plan: Formatting Notes


You are limited to no more than 2 pages for the entire form! This includes the instructions and name line, so you are going to have to be concise and focused.

Do not delete the instruction section of the form or the question text, etc. Unless your embassy or consulate specifically tells you to do so. Everyone has the same amount of space to work with, so you have to make use of what you have.

Honestly, I have never seen a Field of Study and Research Program Plan that needed more than 2 pages! (But I have seen many that needed to cut unnecessary content to be more concise!)

Font Size:

The default font size in the Field of Study and Research Program Plan that you download from the MEXT website is 10 pt Times New Roman, which is small, but given your space limitations, I recommend keeping it at that size. If you have extra space to play with, you can increase it to TNR 12 pt.

Titles and Formatting:

As you will see below, I recommend adding a few subtitles within sections to make the text easier to read. I suggest making each of the titles bold and setting them apart on a line of their own. Leave one blank line above each title, if you can manage it. You can also center then.

While you may be tempted to forgo titles and blank lines because of the length limitations, I would suggest keeping them in. White space and organization make your Field of Study and Research Program Plan easier to read. Nobody likes a big old wall of text. It makes reviewers tired just to look at, and you don’t want that!

Tables, Graphs, and Diagrams:

If they add to the document and are necessary to answer the questions below, you can include them, but I have almost never seen a case where they added any value. The one exception to this is adding your research timeline as a table, with individual steps listed, which I recommend including as an attachment (more below).


I recommend two attachments: The research timeline above and a list of references. I’ll get into each section in more detail below. If your particular academic field demands large diagrams or other references that you want to include as attachments, that could be possible, but consider seriously whether they are necessary or not.

Completing the Field of Study and Research Program Plan

1. Past and Present Field of Study

Your past and present field of study refers to your academic majors in any past university degrees, not professional working experience. You can only refer to a field of study from work experience if you worked as a professional researcher and are using that experience to meet the eligibility criteria for your degree program.

Here is what the section should cover.

Research Background

Recommended Heading: None. Since you only have one sub-section in this question, there is no need to add another title.
Recommended Length: 3-4 sentences
Recommended Content: Describe what you have researched in the past and how that experience led to you grasping the importance of the topic you will research in Japan, including its significance.

Since MEXT requires that you study a topic that you majored in in the past, this is your opportunity to show the connection.

Make sure that you describe the importance of your research interest in terms of what it will contribute to society. This is not a personal statement. “I am interested in microfinance because my family was poor” is not a good explanation. “Based on my past research into microfinance in developing countries, I became interested in a systematic examination of the impact of microfinance-supported entrepreneurial ventures in former agricultural areas of developed countries has impacted population movements and rural revitalization is necessary to apply effective practices both in Japan and abroad” is better.

To strengthen the statement above, you could add a closing statement about why your research could benefit Japan and your home country and why Japan is the best place to pursue it.

Do not add extra lines to this section beyond what is given in the form. The most important part of your Field of Study and Research Program Plan is still to come in the next section, so you want to save your space for that.

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2-1. Research Theme in Japan

In this section, you will cover the title of your intended research (or at least a narrow description of the field), as well as your research theme sentence.

Research Title

Recommended Heading: None. Simply center the text at the top of this section and make it bold.
Recommended Length: Title and Subtitle, like it would be on a completed thesis.
Recommended Content: This is your sales copy. It needs to grab attention so your reviewers read further.

The main title is your catchy description and the subtitle is how exactly you plan to study it. For example:

The Contribution of ‘Outsider’ Expertise to Rural Revitalization Projects: An Exploration of the Yuzu Industry in Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture


You are not locked into using this title. Like almost everything else in your Field of Study and Research Program Plan, it will probably change once you begin your research under your advisor. But it’s still important to have a solid idea at this stage.

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Research Theme

Recommended Heading: None. Continue directly after the title.
Recommended Length: 1-2 sentences
Recommended Content: This should take a format like “I intend to research [RESEARCH QUESTION] by examining [SPECIFIC EXAMPLE] from [APPROACH] perspective in order to [OUTCOME].” It does not need to be exact, but it does need to cover those elements.

It is important to include the intended outcome of your research. Conducting research is never the goal – you should have something you intend to accomplish through it. Returning to JAIST’s example from the previous section:

This study will elucidate how specialist knowledge held by outsiders to rural revitalization projects can contribute to those projects, by examining the example of Yuzu farmers in Nomi City, Ishikawa Prefecture’s contributions to local efforts by way of surveys and interviews, in order to advance the effectiveness of rural revitalization projects across Japan.


Yes, the original Japanese is also a long run-on sentence. That happens a lot in Japanese.

Unlike the title, you should format this section in paragraph format, left or full justification (not centered) and not bold.

This article is only about how to format your form for submission and assumes that you have already developed your research question, example, and methods fully. If you have not done that yet, I recommend my book, How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan, which goes into detail on the process of choosing your field of study, developing and refining your questions, and also discusses formatting in much more detail.

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2-2. Research Plan

In this section, you will go into more detail on the academic background of your research and how it fits into the field, as well as exactly how you plan to pursue it. This is the core of your plan and should take up the most space – all of the space that you are given on the first page as well as an entire second sheet of paper, or close to it.

Here are the subsections to include. Unlike previous questions, I recommend that you do include the titles for each sub-section. This section is long and having titles on their own lines, preferably centered, will break it up and make it easier for your reviewers to read.

Research Goals

Recommended Heading: Research Goals
Recommended Length: 1-2 paragraphs
Recommended Content: This is where you describe the academic value of your research and is perhaps the most important section of the entire form.

Your first paragraph should cover the research question you intend to answer and how – an expansion of your detailed research theme. The second paragraph should outline the possible academic and practical benefits of your research.

The first paragraph of this section is also where you can provide brief background on your research topic. Give the readers just enough to understand what you are saying and why your research is important, no more than 1-2 sentences.

The most common place I see lengthy unnecessary content in Field of Study and Research Program Plans is unnecessary background. Remember, the point of this document is not to show what is already known in the field, it is to demonstrate what research you will conduct to contribute to it!

Remember that not everyone is an expert in your field, so try to keep the jargon to a minimum. You want your research to have value outside of your narrow field, so you have to be able to describe that to non-experts. At the very least, I recommend opening each paragraph with a strong topic sentence that is jargon-free and understandable to any reader. You can then go into technical detail in the body of the paragraphs.

When discussing the benefits, it would be beneficial to mention specifically how they apply to Japan, your home country, and/or bringing the two closer together.

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Existing Research

Recommended Heading: Existing Research
Recommended Length: 2-4 sentences
Recommended Content: In this section, you want to give a very brief introduction to the state of your field, with 1-2 examples, to show how your research fits into and contributes to it.

Your first sentence should describe the state of the field, particularly the most relevant studies to your own research. For example, if your field is still developing, you would state where current research stands and how you will add to it. If your research is targeting a gap in your field, then you would describe the state around that gap.

You can then give examples (with citations) of generally no more than two of the most important, related studies. But only mention them in the context of how they relate to your proposed research. Remember, you are not trying to show off how much you know about what has already been written. Your goals is to show how you will add to the field.

Your final sentence should refer back to your research goals to explain how your research will extend knowledge in the field (e.g. by using a new method or approach, examining a different data set, contribute to resolving a conflict or gap, etc.)

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Research Methodology

Recommended Heading: Research Methodology
Recommended Length: 1-2 paragraphs
Recommended Content: Describe your research methodology (quantitative, qualitative, hybrid), specific methods, the data you will collect and how you will analyze that data in order to answer the research question / accomplish the research goals you set above.

In a second, optional, paragraph, describe the limitations of your research and how you will account for them.

At the end of the Existing Research section, you explained why your research would add to the field. In this section, you will explain how. This section should explain your research process, including each research step you will take, what data you expect to gain from it, and how you will analyze that data to show that you can answer your research question.

Prof. Tajima from Keio mentioned in his blog that he expects his advisees to do field research twice during their degree. For example, students would do a survey study first then return later for interviews to go into more detail, or do field studies in two places for comparison purposes.

This is the section that I most often find lacking in Field of Study and Research Program Plans. Many applicants cannot demonstrate the steps they will take to answer their research question (these are usually applicants who have wasted way too much space on describing the research that has already been done in their field), which is a huge red flag. You must demonstrate the steps to answer your research question!

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(Optional) Hypothesis

Recommended Heading: Hypothesis
Recommended Length: 2-3 sentences
Recommended Content: Present the hypothesis that you intend to test through your research.

This section will not be possible for all applicants, but if it is applicable, I recommend including it.

A hypothesis is your proposed answer to your research question that you will test. It is not a certain, final answer and in most cases, should not be correct. Professor Tajima from Keio University wrote in his blog that if your hypothesis turns out to be accurate, then your research could be considered a 99% failure. (Keio) After all, if you already know the answer before you have even started your graduate program, then there really wasn’t any point in your research.

If you include this section, you should explain what data / analysis results would prove the hypothesis true, to show that it can be tested.

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Specific Research Plan

Recommended Heading: Research Plan
Recommended Length: 1-1.5 paragraphs
Recommended Content: Describe your research steps in order, connected to your semesters of study in Japan. Focus on steps that are related to research (i.e. you don’t need to mention the language semester or studying for the entrance exam). Your steps should include a literature review, topic approval (including ethical review, if using human subjects), data collection steps, and analysis steps. You should also mention when you will write and defend your thesis, but that should be as brief as possible (e.g. “In semester four I will write and submit my thesis.”)

Include a reference to any intended interim publications or presentations and finish the paragraph with an explanation of how you plan to distribute your results. Be specific in both of these cases. Don’t just say you intend to publish, mention the specific journal title that you want to publish in or specific conference where you intend to present! That will show your knowledge of your field!

If your research includes multiple sequential data analyses, etc., that are hard to show in paragraph format, you can attach a research timeline, as I describe below.

The second, partial paragraph, if included, should describe how you intend to interact with the community during the course of your studies. Be specific. “I intend to interact with the community” is meaningless. If you plan to hold workshops based on your research, or use a specific skill you have to interact with the community, like holding cooking classes at a local community center, explain that to show that you bring a unique approach to community interaction!

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That’s It – Sort Of

The sections mentioned above should complete the two-page form and should stand on their own to present your entire research.

Obviously, your first draft is going to need work. I recommend revising it yourself then getting it reviewed by an academic expert in your field as well as a language expert.

I do offer paid reviewing services where I go through the formatting and presentation to assess if you have presented your proposal well, incorporating all of the elements above in a logical order. However, I cannot offer an academic review to tell you if your research is appropriate in your field.

For more information on my reviewing services, check out the “coaching “1-on-1 Support” link at the top of this page.


I recommend adding one or two attachments to your FSRPP: Your specific research timeline (if necessary) and your list of sources. Each should be its own page and they should be in that order.

Attachments should not be critical to understanding your research plan. They are a place to put space-consuming references that can be understood via a quick scan. They have value in showing your preparedness, but the value is not commensurate with the space that they consume.

Research Timeline

Recommended Heading: Research Timeline
Recommended Length: Table, timeline, gantt chart, etc., long enough to cover the content below
Recommended Content: Detailed explanations of the steps you will go through in your research program (2 years for Masters, 3 for PhD).

Recently, my impression has been that most applicants do not need a research timeline. In fact, I have seen many examples where the research timeline detracted from the FSRPP! For example, cases that included very little research but focused only on the courses applicants wanted to take and community engagement or timelines that made it clear that the applicant had not researched the degree progression or academic calendar at their desired university.

I only recommend including a timeline if it was not possible to explain the research steps in sufficient detail in the Specific Research Plan paragraph. In my experience, this is usually only the case for STEM applicants who have detailed lists of experiments or analysis steps. In social sciences and humanities, it is often unnecessary.

You can mention coursework (i.e. specific course names that are related to your research) and community interaction in your timeline, but keep it brief and do not detract from the research focus. If less than half the content is specific to your research, you should probably skip the timeline.

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Selected References

Recommended Heading: Selected Sources
Recommended Length: 0.5-1 page
Recommended Content: Bibliographical references for all sources you mentioned in the text of your Field of Study and Research Program Plan (particularly in the existing research section) plus key sources you used in your literature reviews when creating your plan.

As a general rule, you should not have more than 3-4 cited sources in your document. Any more than that, and you have probably spent too much time on research background and not enough describing your research. Aside from the cited sources, though, you can include other references that you used.

List your references in alphabetical order, using the format most common to your field of study. Make sure that they are formatted consistently!

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My Sources

Cover image of the book How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan
This article is based on Chapter 7 of my book, How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan. The book includes more details on each of the sections above that would be too much for a web article, plus other chapters on how to develop your research idea from scratch, all the way through a completed product!

I put this article together based on several Japanese faculty blogs, university websites, and prep school pages. You can find those sources below:

How to Research and Craft a Research Plan

KALS Graduate School Application Prep School application advice article

Prof. Tajima from Keio University’s Blog

JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Application Advice Page

Study Channel Research Plan Writing Guide

Five Steps to Writing a Lousy Research Plan (Professor Nakahara of University of Tokyo’s Blog)


Please let me know in the comments below!

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314 thoughts on “Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship Field of Study and Research Program Plan”

  1. Hi Travis
    I wish to apply for a second masters degree in Japan. In that case when I write my research plan, should it be aligned with my field of study in bachelor’s degree or my first masters degree? Could you please me with this?

    1. Hi Arya,

      Either one is fine. MEXT requires that you choose a field that has been your major field of study in a past university degree, so you could choose either one.
      Of course, it doesn’t seem to make much sense to study the same field that you already studied in a previous masters. If you are not changing fields, I think they would expect you to move on to a PhD.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis

  2. Hey Traviz, I hope you’re doing well🌺
    After going to Japan, how long does it take to receive your first stipend? How much money should you be carrying?

    1. Hi P,

      I hope other readers can share their most recent experiences, but as far as I recall, you should get your first payment at the start of your third scholarship month, which should be June for spring arrivals or November for fall.
      MEXT recommends that you bring the equivalent of $2,000 USD with you to Japan (though if you have it in an account that you can access through a debit card, you don’t need to bring all of it at once). But you might want more if you’re going to be living in a major city, like Tokyo, since you’ll be setting up your housing and lifestyle during those first few months and it might take more than what it will cost later on.

      Any advice from recent MEXT scholars would be appreciated!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. And in that time(before the first payment of scholarship), one will still be attending language school, is that correct?

        1. Hi P,

          Assuming that you start in the language program, yes, you would be in that program for your entire first semester in Japan, including the time before receiving your first stipend.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  3. Hey Travis,
    Thank you so much for your effort and help so far!
    I have a question for the research plan paper. It should be in 2 pages.
    Should we directly Type on the form that MEXT has ,leaving all the instructions, not deleting anything from the form, or we can use a new form , making sure that 1-Past and present field of study and 2-Research theme and plan in Japan are included ?
    Because if we can delete the instructions , we can have more space.

    1. Hi I San,

      As far as I know, you have to use the form that MEXT provides and cannot delete any of the instructions. Some embassies or consulates may make exceptions, so you should check with the embassy or consulate where you will apply for their guidance.

      Honestly, though, I have never seen a Field of Study and Research Plan that needed more space than the form allows. I have only seen examples that needed to be more concise and cut out unnecessary information. 🙂

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  4. Hi Travis, thank you for your great efforts in helping us..
    I have two questions regarding the research plan:
    1- I have contacted The Japanese Embassy in Syria regarding the length of the research plan, and they said that you have 2 pages after the instructions and some extra paragraphs so that makes it 3 pages… would you recommend me to write 3 pages if I needed that ?
    2- My field of study is urban design and figures are really necessary, because of the 2-page limitation. Can I reference images in the text and add them in a separate attachment?

    Thank you again

    1. Hi Abdulghany,

      1. I’m not going to contradict what a specific embassy says. I can give you general advice, but if the embassy where you choose to apply gives you different instructions, by all means, prioritize that!
      (That said, in over a decade of working on this scholarship, I have never seen a Field of Study and Research Program Plan that needed more than 2 pages to make an effective proposal. I have seen many that had lots of extraneous information and wasted space that could have been cut down to two pages, though! My opinion is that shorter is better, as long as it clearly explains your research, since it makes it easier for reviewers to check and evaluate.)
      2. In general, figures and diagrams do not count toward the two-page limit, so you could include them as attachments as you said and reference them in the text.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  5. Travis where can I get MS word version of Research plan document because, the one given by embassy has less space and is not editable? Also, tell after writing through MS Word, do we have to convert it into pdf form too?

  6. Hi, is it mandatory to add a “References” section in attachments? Regarding the sources mentioned in the text, do you recommend a specific format for citing and referencing, such as APA or Chicago? And if I decide to not cite nor add references can I be accused of plagiarism?

    1. Hi Val,

      You should cite sources in your FSRPP, particularly in the existing research section. So, if you cite them, you need to include them in your references.
      MEXT does not specify a particular style guide (Chicago, APA, etc), so I recommend you use the one that is standard for your field.

      Yes, failure to accurately cite sources is plagiarism.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  7. Hi
    my research topic in undergraduate degree is not very aligned with my research topic i’m intending to do . however my major in general is aligned, so if i just mention my major and how it provided me with foundations that aligns with my research interest, it makes more sense
    so what should i do , should i mention my research topic or just explaining my major ?
    i majored in software engineering
    my research was Developing application for improving
    livestock sustainable health and
    my research in the master degree for MEXT is exploring User Experience Design Strategies for Enhanced Immersion in Virtual Reality Gaming

    1. I majored in Software Engineering. My academic background, coupled with coursework in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), has laid a strong foundation for my research interests and aspirations. During my studies, I delved into various aspects of software development, system design, and user interface design, this background has inspired my pursuit of Exploring User Experience Design Strategies for Enhanced Immersion in Virtual Reality Gaming, where I aim to apply similar user-centric principles to enhance immersion and engagement in VR gaming experiences.

      1. Hi Mawadda,

        That explanation seems fine, but you would want to shorten it and make it more concise. You have limited space for the whole document and you want to use as much of it as possible for your research proposal.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Mawadda,

      You do have to describe your past field of research, but you can also mention any side courses that you took that were similar to your research topic in Japan. In your case, both topics are within the same field of study, so there is no problem with the eligibility consideration. You just need to show how your previous studies and research inspired your interest in the research topic in Japan and why it is important. This should all be done in about 1-2 sentences and is not a particularly important part of the document compared to your research proposal in the following sections.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  8. Hi Travis, I have one doubt
    In the guide for creating a field of study and research plan that’s at the beginning of the format, it says that “both a single-side and dual-side printing will be acceptable”, meaning that we actually get more space if we use dual-side printing, right?

    1. Hi Macarena,

      You get a maximum of two pages, but it’s your choice whether to print them on two sides of the same sheet of paper or two separate sheets of paper. (I recommend the latter). Printing double-sided does not give you 4 pages.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  9. Pingback: MEXT Scholarship Eligibility Criteria – 2023/2024 Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  10. Pingback: How to Apply for the Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship in 2024/2025 | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  11. Hey Travis,
    I wanted to apply for PhD in Japan. Actually I have visited Japan as part of Sakura science program funded by Japan Science and Technology. It was an international marine biology course. I’m a member of the Sakura science club. Can I just write this in my past and present field of study in the application form to better explain how I can contribute more to the country 8n terms of my research. Will that be a good thing ? Please give your advice…

    1. Hi Elsa,

      Nothing that you mentioned in that comment shows how you can contribute to your country. Awards and selections in the past are not valuable in and of themselves. What did you do with those awards? What were the results? Do you have any past examples of having contributed? Evidence of actual impact would be more important/valuable.
      In terms of your FSRPP, any evidence you mention should also be directly relevant to your research proposal and how you plan to make use of the results to contribute in the future.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thank you for the information
        I thought it would just show how I engaged with Japanese academic and scientific communities earlier and had helped me develop an interest and commitment to research in Japan. Also can I highlight my experience in marine biology through this program in the FSRPP
        What do you think of it??

        1. Hi Elsa,

          My answer has not changed from my previous comment.
          Everything in the FSRPP should connect to your research proposal in Japan–to show your research experience in that field and how it has prepared you for the research you will do in Japan, as well as what motivated you. You should also keep the background information to a minimum in order to focus on your research proposal in Japan.

          If you just want to list your past accomplishments, ask your recommender to include them in their letter of recommendation.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  12. Dear Travis,
    I wish to apply for MEXT Scholarship of 2025 session. I’m currently doing my masters degree in marine biology and my dissertation work is on bivalves and their depuration. But I wanted to work 9n microalgae for my PhD and I even talked with a professor from Tokyo University and he advised me to write my proposal based on biofuel production from marine microalgae. But my previous studies and the intended research proposal for not have a connection. Moreover I am not able to find any professors actively involved in research regarding bivalves and their depuration. So what should I do regarding my research plan? Please help if you are able to

    1. Hi Arya,

      With your current degree and your proposed study on microalgae both being within the field of marine biology, that is more than enough of a connection! You wouldn’t even need to explain the connection, since they are within the same academic field.
      My advice is to go ahead and write your proposal on the topic of 9n microalgae. Mention why you think that research topic is important and what inspired you to study it in your Past and Present Field of Study and that will be fine.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Dear Travis
        Thank you for the reply.
        My specific research proposal that I intend to submit is based on the biosynthetic enzymes and other metabolic pathway integration into microalgae for enhancing biofuel production. This is related to Genetic engineering and this is what the professor asked me to work on, but my masters thesis do not have any content of genetic engineering. Is this a problem while i write my past and present field of study?

        1. Hi Arya,

          I’m not an expert in your field, but those topics sound close to me, even if the approach is slightly different from what you did before.
          As long as you can say in your past and present field of study that your past research made you interested in this approach, it should be perfectly fine.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  13. Pingback: Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship Exams: Resources (Primary Screening) | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  14. Pingback: How to Apply for the Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship in 2023/2024 | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  15. Hello and thanks for the hard work. I wanna apply for this scholarship next year . My selected major will be illustration and generally art. But I have heard rumors that the chances for getting art scholarship is much less than someone who is applying for engineering stuff. Is that really true? (Note that I’m great at mathematics and English and I know a little bit of japanese. And hot a A+ for nearly all of my courses at the last year of highschool)

    1. Hi Mohsen,

      It sounds like you are planning to apply for the scholarship for undergraduates, but in that case, the available fields of study are limited, so you should check the application guidelines.

      Art is not one of the allowed fields in the undergraduate scholarship, but it might be possible under the “Culture and General Education” category of the Specialized Training Colleges MEXT Scholarship. That scholarship is type is not available in all countries, though, and the degree awarded is not equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in the end. You would have to check with the Japanese embassy in your country once the application period opens to see if you are eligible to apply.

      Once you finish your undergraduate degree, it is possible to apply for the graduate scholarship in art fields, so you might be better served by completing your undergrad in your home country then applying for the graduate scholarship in Japan, if that’s what you still want at that time.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thanks so much for the respond. And yes, I was planning – and I am planning to apply for the Specialized Training College, for the Culture and General Education and moreover there exists this type of scholarship in my country AND one of the most important thing I have realized is that exclusively ONE candidate is going to be chosen for the seat; of course that person should be on top of everyone. Obviously, I devised a plan to be on top everyone else-no wait I mean appear better than everyone. Thanks anyway, wish me luck and to you too.

  16. Pingback: Sample MEXT Scholarship Field of Study and Research Program Plan with Analysis | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  17. Hi Travis, I hope you are doing well.
    Thank you for the valuable article and I also took your guide on how to write your research proposal.
    I applied for the MEXT fellowship last April. I was selected to take the written exam but unfortunately I was not selected for the interview.
    I am still thinking of applying for this year and I would like to know if I can still apply with my same research proposal or should I change it?

    Thanks for answering me 🙏

    1. Hi Abdel,

      There is no rule saying that you cannot use the same research proposal when reapplying, but since you didn’t pass last time, I would recommend that you do everything possible to improve your chances for the next application. The part of the application most under your control is the Field of Study and Research Program Plan, so if you can make it stronger or more compelling (it can still be the same research topic!), then I recommend doing that.
      Even though you made it to the written exams last time, in most cases the application is not evaluated on a round-to-round basis. Your performance in each round should be considered cumulatively, so a stronger research proposal would probably improve your chances of being invited to the interview, even if your written exam scores didn’t change. That’s why I recommend looking at any improvement you can make!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  18. Pingback: August 2022 MEXT Scholarship Q&A Video and Transcript | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  19. Pingback: How to Prepare for the MEXT Scholarship Interview (Embassy) | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  20. Pingback: How to Apply for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship in 2022/2023 | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  21. Hi Travis,

    Thank you for your informative guides! They’ve been a big help.
    I was wondering – for the research proposal, is it necessary to keep the instructions in the version I submit to the embassy? I’ve seen examples that have done it both ways, and deleting it would free up some extra space in the 2 page limit.

    – Ell

    1. Hi Ell,

      As far as I know, it is necessary to keep the instructions and I have never seen an official example or official instructions saying that it is acceptable to remove them.
      I have also never seen a Field of Study and Research Program Plan that could not fit within the 2-page limit even with the instructions included, at least after a little editing!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi, the whole thing is a bit confusing; is it 2 pages MAX including the initial page you fill out (the one you download in pdf from the embassy website)? Or is it 2 pages EXTRA so that in total it’d be 3 pages?
        Becuase if the first initial form they give you counts as “1 page”, then in reality you have to fit most of your plan in a single page, which seems crazy….
        And how would I attach the 2 extra pages? Do i rename them “attachments”?

        Thank you very much!

        1. Hi Lucas,

          It is two pages, including that first page that you download, so you have to be concise!
          I’m not sure why MEXT has gone to only providing the form as a PDF file instead of an editable word file, but I have a link to the 2020 version of the form (back when it was in Word) in this article, so as long as the format hasn’t changed since then next year, you could use that. In that case, your additional pages would simply be additional pages in the word doc.

          You only need to label a page as an attachment if it is something that is not part of the two-page plan, such as your list or resources, or a separate diagram.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  22. Godbless Amokwaw

    Hi there, i am currently applying for the mext scholarship in the graduate school of business.
    My field of study is busness /management .
    Can you please recommend mext recommended Japan universities and academic advisors/ professors with respect to my field of sdudies
    …And also, should the Field of study forms be submitted after the embassy’s first screening just like the placement preference forms or otherwise.
    Redards, Godbless (Ghana)

    1. Hi Godbless Amokwaw,

      I have an article about how to find universities and professors that teach in your field in English, so I recommend you start there. If you need more detailed advice, I have a whole book on the subject that goes into a lot more detail about ways to evaluate which program and professor is best for you.

      Your Field of Study and Research Program Plan needs to be submitted with the rest of the application documents at the start of the Primary Screening – it is one of the most important documents in the screening!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Godbless Amokwaw

        Please will it be appropriate to use this as a research plan…

        “Within the two years period of research work in Japan, I intend to gather literature review on innovation and entrepreneurship, decide my research design, prepare questionnaires, conduct observation and interviews with Japanese industries and entrepreneurs.
        The ultimate goal of the research is to implement Japanese or advanced countries’ methodology in equipping graduates with innovative and entrepreneurial skills among African countries in order not to rely only on government for employment”.

        1. Hi Godbless Amokwaw,

          That isn’t a research plan, it’s a statement that you will create a research plan in the future.
          You need to decide on your research question and research design before writing the FSRPP and detail your expected research in that document. I think you also need a more specific outcome proposal, as well – a specific area where your research can be applied.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  23. Thank you for your detailed explanation, I was so nervous about that section since I never wrote a thesis before.
    1. I am planning to apply to a masters degree through Embassy recommendation MEXT. I want to apply to a masters in Robotic fabrication and design computation. But this major heavily relies on experimenting with the robots and materials. So I’m not sure how accurate my timeline can be. Is it ok if my plan changes throughout my studies?
    2. I wanted to ask about the submission of the files. Do I merge the field study search along with the timeline and citations? And they would be separate by the head titles?
    Also another question, I’m not sure if you touched up on that topic on another blog, can you mention what files must be merged and what are submitted individually? I tried contacting the embassy but the information is only available in my country’s native language which I unfortunately don’t speak, since I grew up in another country.

    Thank you for all the effort you put to help future MEXT scholars

    1. Hi Yasemin,

      1. Yes! It is not a problem if your timeline changes during your degree – in fact, your research plan almost certainly should change. After all, you created this plan without input from your future advisor. But at this point, you want to create a plan to show that you can do so, and to attract the attention of an advisor.

      2. For the FSRPP, I recommend that you include the Timeline and Citations each on a separate page attached to the Field of Study and Research Program Plan and title each with “Attachment: Research Timeline”, etc. If you are submitting the files digitally, then they should all be part of one file.

      I recommend using Google Translate to translate the embassy website, since they might have specific instructions that you would need to follow. It depends from country to country how they want you to submit the forms (in person, by post, by email, etc.) and there may be additional requirements in some cases. The most important thing is to follow the embassy’s instructions!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  24. Pingback: Applicant’s Perspective: Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship Primary Screening in 2021 (Guest Post) | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  25. Pingback: University-Recommended MEXT Scholarship Field of Study and Research Program Plan | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  26. Greetings,

    I would like to ask if the research plan will be discussed during the MEXT interview. And whether or not I am in dialogue with any professors in Japan. At the moment, I am not in any active discussions with any professors in Japan and wonder if this will be touched upon during the interview.

    1. Hi Zhang,

      I have another article about the interview where I cover what is typically asked, including feedback from past applicants.
      You can certainly expect that they will ask about your research and whether or not you have been in contact with professors. If you aren’t in contact with professors, they will likely ask you why, so you should be prepared to answer.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  27. Dear Travis,
    I was wondering if there is a minimum score that we should get in the English test to pass the interview.

    Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Meru,

      I’m not aware of a minimum score. Typically the threshold is a B2 level on the CEFR, but I don’t know what that would be numerically on the embassy’s language proficiency test.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  28. Pingback: MEXT Scholarship Eligibility Criteria – 2021/2022 Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  29. Dear Travis,

    my friend showed me his research proposal and he deleted the guide for creating the FRRP instructions, which created more space. Is this what the embassy intend applicants to do but i noticed you mentioned that don’t delete any of the instructions of the research plan.

    Best Regards,

    1. Hi Nauman,

      MEXT does not intend for applicants to delete any part of the explanation. If it was OK to do so, it would be stated in the form, itself.
      However, if your friend gets away with it, please let me know and I will add that to my notes in the future.

      I think I have mentioned this in a few exchanges with you in the past, but after reviewing dozens of FSRPPs in this new format, I have never seen one that needed more space than the form allows to make its point.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  30. bassazin assefa

    Hi I wanna study project management OR strategic management for MA , but i applied for English language or public policy and research program for masters degree ,is it possible and get in confused writing in field of study and research plan?Any suggestion please?Thank you many much in advance!

    1. Hi bassazin assefa,

      Your research proposal needs to match the degree program that you are applying for. I think you need to take some time to decide exactly what you want to study, then choose a research topic in that field and apply for the degree program that matches that research topic.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  31. Dear Travis,

    Concerning the advisors; can we write the name of professor assistant of the school or should it be a professor who has good experience?

    Thank you,

    1. Also, for my research proposal I did a two page proposal, and added a page of the timeline and another of references, however I did not put additional attachments as a title, is it going to be a problem?

      1. Hi Meru,

        It is better to title your attachments with the word “attachment” to make sure that the reviewers know you do not intend it to be part of the two pages, but it should not disqualify your application if you have not done so!

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Meru,

      The professor has to be qualified to supervise graduate students at your level, but that is the only requirement.
      Unfortunately, the only way to know if they are qualified to supervise students is to check their lab website, if they have one, or to get in touch with them directly to ask.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Dear Travis,
        Thank you very much for your reply.
        Now that I applied for the scholarship, I was wondering if I should start getting in touch with my advisors even if the embassy told me that it should be done after the first screening?

        1. Hi Meru,

          In my opinion, there is not much to be gained by getting in touch with supervisors after you submit your application to the Embassy but before the results of the Primary Screening. It’s not really enough time to start building up a relationship and you cannot formally ask for Letters of Acceptance until after you pass the Primary Screening. Universities and Professors who are familiar with the scholarship will know that most applicants are eliminated during the Primary Screening, too, and may not be willing to reply during this time.

          You can try it if you really want to, but be prepared in advance for the universities/professors to not be very responsive.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

          1. Dear Travis,

            Thank you very much for your reply.
            Now what would you advise me to do before the primary screening. Should I just prepare for the language tests and interview that is it?

          2. Hi Meru,

            I recommend studying for the language tests and preparing for the interview as your top priorities.
            If you haven’t already, you should also decide on the professors and universities that you want to apply to when it comes time to ask for a Letter of Provisional Acceptance and make sure you know the application process for each university as well as how to contact the professors. If you prepare that, then you can contact them as soon as you get the results of the Primary Screening.

            Good Luck!
            – Travis from TranSenz

  32. Patrick Selau Menoti

    Do I send the Field of Study and Research Plan in the form they sent me? Or should I just write everything in a blank doc file?

    1. Patrick Selau Menoti

      Adding to my question… how should I attach these extra documents? Should I just add a third and fourth page to my Form, or should I use separate documents?

      1. Hi Patrick Selau Menoti,

        If you are attaching documents, like a research timeline or a list of references, you should include them as additional pages, but clearly title each one “Attachment”

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

  33. Thank you very much for this timely information. I have a question,if you don’t mind. As a person applying as a non-regular research student, who would like to extend the MEXT scholarship for a Master’s degree, would it be advisable to fill in the FSRPP form as a master’s student? If not, how would you recommend filling it? Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Boluwatife,

      If you are applying as a non-degree student and plan to enter the Master’s Program as soon as possible (e.g. after one semester), then you would likely spend your entire time working on a single research project that spans your research and degree student time. In that case, I recommend that you write one proposal for that overall research, including both the non-degree and degree time.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  34. Francisco Medina

    Hello Travis,

    This question might sound a little bit obvious but since the pages are just 2 this is necessary.

    does the 2 pages include the part:

    “≪Guide for Creating a Field of Study and Research Plan Sheet/作成要領≫
    (1) As this sheet is one of the most important references for selection and university placement, outline your field of study and specify your research theme and plan in line with the following items 1 and 2. If plagiarism or fraud is discovered after selection, the selection will be cancelled retroactively.
    (2) This sheet must be typewritten or written in block letters. If possible, please write in Japanese.
    (3) This sheet must be created within two pages. Additional materials may be attached if necessary. Both a single-side and dual-side printing will be acceptable.

    or does the lenght of 2 pages doesn’t include the part from the government explanation?

    1. Hi Francisco Medina,

      The 2 pages does include the instruction section. Unless your embassy tells you otherwise, you need to leave those instructions in place and still fit the whole FSRPP within two sheets of paper.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  35. Hi Trans, I can’t thank you enough for posting this. I had trouble writing my research proposal due to the 2 page limit. This question is unrelated to the research plan, but I can’t find any appropriate place to ask you in your blog.

    With the health certificate, the nearest one in our city has most of the exams or tests needed for the health certificate (xray, urinalysis, occult blood, etc.) except for one test (ESR). is it fine to leave this test blank as long as the overall results of the medical certificate is okay and that the physician approves? Thank you very much if you could answer this question

    1. Hi Dennis,

      My understanding is that you need all of the tests done. So, if the clinic does not conduct one of the necessary tests, you can see if they can assign it to another clinic, or perhaps get the remaining test done somewhere else and bring the proof of the results to the clinic filling out the Health Certificate so they can fill in all of the details.
      If you want to continue to follow up to see if an exception would be possible, I recommend contacting the embassy directly.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  36. Hi Trans, thanks for your help.
    I am a fresh graduate with BSc in Chemical Engineering. I want to pursue a field related to bioprocess engineering. How do I put together my research theme if it has to take the form as you stated?

    1. Hi Joseph,

      This article is just about how to format your research proposal for the MEXT Scholarship application. It assumes that you already have developed a research question.
      I cover the process of developing a research question in my book How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan but I haven’t written an article here yet about that.
      Until I can get that article written, I suggest that you consult with your current academic advisor about developing a research topic for your particular field of study.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  37. Hello!
    First, I would like to thank for all this useful information. I have a question please. you included the research questions in the Research Goals section while in other formats, I’ve noticed that research questions and research goals are two separated sections, so I’m not sure which way to follow.

    Another question please, should we put research questions in question forms, I mean like this “Does so and so affect so and so?” or should we write them this way “this study will examine to what extent so and so will affect so and so. ”

    One last thing, If I don’t have a middle name, should I put my father’s name instead or should I leave it blank?

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Hi Lily,

      There is no one “right way” to write the research proposal. If you have another template you want to use (grouping sections differently), that is not a problem, as long as you include all of the aspects I highlight here.
      I think you should not phrase your research question as a question, but instead use the format, “This study will examine . . .” That allows for a lot more detail in the description and fits better in a paragraph.

      If you do not have a middle name (referring to your passport or birth certificate), then you should leave that blank. Your name must match your legal name from your passport.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  38. Pingback: How to Apply for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship in 2021/2022 | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  39. Hi Travis,
    This is Andrea, I have a question regarding the PAST AND PRESENT FIELD OF STUDY. You say that this refers to my academic majors in any past university degrees and not to any work experience. However, I did major in translation (by taking extra classes on this topic) but haven’t carried out any type of research before. All my work experience is in translation and education of English Language and I want them to take that into consideration. since my research would be on Bilingual Education. Can I still mention my work experience at some point?

    1. Hi Andrea,

      Past and Present Field of Study does not have to be limited to research, you can also describe the coursework and the projects/papers for those courses that you have completed.
      It is fine to mention your work experience in one sentence to describe how it motivated you to further your research, but it should only be a brief mention. Stay focused on the academic side of your research and particularly what you want to research in Japan.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  40. Dear Travis,

    I am planning to apply for MEXT through embassy for master.
    I was wondering concerning the recommendation letter if I could give it from any of my professors or it has to be my adviser? (I would prefer having it from one of my professors).
    Also, concerning the research plan , in the timeline I would like to include the potential courses that I will take, however I am not sure how to do that, since the three universities do not have the same courses, should I just include the courses that are similar between the three, or include random courses from the three universities, or choose one university and include all the courses?
    Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Mariam,

      The letter should be from your academic advisor, or from the Dean or someone higher in your university. The idea is that they want to hear from someone who has overseen your entire course of studies and knows you better than a professor who only had you in a class or two.

      For the research plan, including the courses isn’t necessary or all that significant, so you can leave it out. Your focus should be on the research. However, if you want to mention courses related to your research, then you can mention them briefly in your research timeline. In that case, try to describe them in a way that applies to each of the universities on your list.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  41. Hello Trans,
    Thanks for all of your blogs they have been of great help. I have a question regarding attachments.
    In the extra note provided by the embassy of my country they have mentioned “do not insert
    or attach any unnecessary record other than the Research Proposal.”
    Should I take it as to strictly adhere to two page limit and not include timeline and references.

    1. Hi Mike,

      Personally, I think the list of references would still be necessary if you cite any in your proposal (to avoid plagiarism), so you should be able to get away with including those as a separate page. But most other attachments I have seen in all of my time reviewing applications (timelines, graphs, etc.) are unnecessary and do not add to understanding the plan.

      If you have no citations, then you should not need any attachments.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  42. Hi Mr. Transenz,
    Thanks for the explanation. However, i still have something that bugs my mind about the “past and present field of study” part. Can I state my achievements (i.e. winning a national competition) and experience (i.e. becoming a teaching assistant under my professor in my previous university back then)? And is there any difference in applicants limit between Japanese entry MEXT with English entry?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Akmal,

      Your Field of Study and Research Program Plan should be focused on the research that you want to complete in Japan and when you mention your Past and Present Field of Study, it should be related to your future research proposal. If you won an award for research that was related to your field in Japan, then go ahead and mention it. But if it was for something unrelated, then I do not think putting it in this document would help. (Instead, ask your recommender to mention it in their letter of recommendation!)
      Being a TA also should only be mentioned here if you were teaching a field related to your research proposal and that experience gave you new skills or motivated you to pursue your particular research.

      There is no separate quote for scholars studying in English and those studying in Japanese, as far as I know.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  43. Hello Travis,
    do you have a sample research plan document I can look at?

    Thank you for all your help!

  44. Nikita Sharma

    Thank you so much for this information, Trans!
    I am so excited about this application form, however, due to the pandemic especially when “India” is concerned, I thought the chances for MEXT to release the form will be delayed. Due to which I didn’t get the chance to make a good network with professors with the specific research plan. I feel a bit hesitant towards even starting the process as the application process has already been started and now doesn’t seem like the best time to contact professors. What should I even do in this situation, should I start contacting now? Is it too late?

    1. Hi Nikita Sharma,

      You do not necessarily need to contact professors to write your Field of Study and Research Program Plan or to before submitting your application. It’s a good thing for networking, but not essential to your application. If you have the time now to be able to write a Field of Study and Research Program Plan, I think you should still give the application a shot this year!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  45. Dear Travis,
    For my proposal, I would like to include the potential courses I will take for my master in my timeline. However, I am not sure wheteher I should copy aste the course list of my first choice university along with my timeline, or I should just put the similar courses that are in my three universities (thus not list all the courses) and write below that these are the similar courses in the 3 universities however for sure I am expecetd to take more courses.

    1. Also please, concerning the letter of recommendation to apply through embassy, should it be from my advisor, or is it possible to be just from a professor that I had a class with? (I would prefere to get it from my professor)

      1. Hi Meru,

        Your letter should be from your Academic Advisor, since that is the requirement in the guidelines and also the person who should know your overall academic performance throughout your degree the best.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Meru,

      When including your coursework plans in your Field of Study and Research Program Plan, I recommend that you stick to mentioning just a few of the key courses that relate to your research. For example: “Coursework including . . .” and fill in the fields after that. In a situation like yours where the course titles differ between the universities, then I would recommend listing the course subjects, not the exact titles.

      I hope that helps.
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  46. Hello Travis,
    I couldn’t thank you enough for all the useful information and advice you have posted on this site. I don’t understand one thing, though. In the 2022 research plan form it says the same about it being two pages, but does the timetable and the references also count in that or are do they count as attachments? Because my plan is 2 pages long but it gets to 4 with the timetable and reference.
    Again thank you, thank you!

    1. Hi Mary-Anne,

      Attachments to the Field of Study and Research Program Plan do not count toward the 2-page limit, but they should be clearly marked as attachments and also should not be essential to understanding the content of the plan. For example, you cannot leave the explanation of your research progress to just the timeline, you also need to cover the process in general within the two pages of the plan, then use the timeline to add detail.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  47. Hi Travis, hope you’re well. First off, Thank you so much for your informative posts!
    Secondly, I too have a few queries I needed help with. What should one mention for their current field of study if for instance the applicant is not working in research. Is this only meant for PhD applicants or should I add the current chosen or desired field of study? I am a bit confused!
    Another question; so I’m pursuing a masters that is slightly different from my undergrad major (chemical-mechanical eng) but the particular research I’m pursuing is usually a common theme in both departments with mech departments having more of a focus in it. Would that be a problem for me? I mean I intend to fully justify my interest and link them to my education and perhaps my experience?! Also could I use my current professional work experience as an engineer to make my case stronger? As in I was thinking of mentioning how undergrad introduced me to the specific subject and my current work experience further matured my interest for the field, or something like that? What do you think?

    Sorry for so many queries in a single comment.

    1. Hi Wajdan Khan,

      Your “current field of study” should be your major and your specific focus within that major during your most recent degree. If you have already graduated and are working, you would still refer to the last university degree that you earned. This applies to both Master’s and PhD applicants.
      If you can show how your past field of study is related to the field/subject that you want to research in Japan, then it should be fine to change fields. The situation you described, where both fields study the same theme, sounds like it should not be a problem.
      You can refer to your current work experience briefly in the Past and Present Field of Study, but it should not be more than a sentence to show how it relates to your research interest. The approach you described of describing how your undergraduate work and professional experience led to your research interest sounds good, but don’t spend too much time/spaced focused on the past. The most important part of this document is to propose the research that you want to complete in the future.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  48. Hi Travis,

    Can you use Times New Roman font size 9 if possible. would your application get rejected if you use that size?

    Best Regards,

    1. Hi Nauman,

      I have not heard of an application being rejected just because of the font size. But on the other hand, I think it is a better idea to try to shorten your research proposal by cutting out unnecessary parts rather than try to fit more words in by shrinking the font size. Part of the point of the page limit here is to force applicants to present their research in a short, succinct manner to make it easier for reviewers to go through it.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi
        The reason i want to use Times New Roman 9 is the space between headings and paragraph takes a lot of space. if use 9 everything fits perfectly and if i use 10 it goes slightly into the 3rd page.
        I mean i doubt they will reject my application between between font size 9 and 10 because for UK nationals you have to merge 1 application documents with research plan and abstract theses into a single pdf for email submission.

        [Notes for email submission]

        Application files (1), (3), (8) and (9) if applicable should be saved in the order of the numbers specified in the Application Guidelines (see 9. Application Documents) in a PDF file, except (2) Placement Preference Application Form and (7) Medical Certificate (or Self-Assessment Medical Report) separately.
        Your referee should email a signed recommendation letter (6) / (10), preferably in headed letter form, directly to the Embassy.
        Authorised transcripts (4) and degree certificates or letters of prospective graduation (5) can be directly emailed to the Embassy from your university.
        Please specify the programme you are applying for in the title of the email (eg. “2022 Postgraduate Scholarship”).
        The size of each email should not exceed 10MB otherwise it cannot be received.
        Due to high volume of emails we receive, we are not able to send an acknowledgement of receipt to each application. If you wish to check the receipt, it is recommended that you set up an option of “Request a Delivery Receipt” in your email account before emailing your application.

        Best Regards,

        1. Hi Nauman,

          If that is how you want to submit it, I do not think your application would be rejected for the font size alone.
          I think there are better ways to handle the length issue, but it’s up to you.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  49. Hello Trans, I would like to know if it would be feasible to get MEXT for a master’s field in intercultural communications, japanese linguistics or anything along the lines of social studies? The problem is I’ve graduated from an IT background which I’ve stopped having interest in so I it would be hard to come up with a research proposal I can base off of, unless I do a lot of research on the program that the universities deal with (my graduation paper gives a brief abstract and introduction for why students study abroad in southeast asia and the problem of finding information for them, but the main paper itself is just about the development of decision support software to answer that problem statement) so I don’t believe I can make it stand out besides trying to reach for some off-hand connections. The only other connection I can make as of now is that I’m currently studying at a specialized training school for english-japanese translation.

    1. Hi Faisal,

      The scholarship guidelines state that applicants “should apply for the field of study they majored in at university or its related field.” It is up to you to convince reviewers that your fields are “related” when you are not applying in the same major. Applying for intercultural linguistics when your previous degree was in IT sounds like it might be a challenge, but if you can think of a way to relate it, you can still apply. You should certainly do a lot of research on the programs that universities offer, in any case!
      Please note that the statement I quoted above is specific to degree programs at universities, so unfortunately your studies at the specialized training school wouldn’t count as a “major at university”.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  50. Hello Trans,
    Thank you so much for all the information and advice.
    I just need more information about your paid review
    thanks again.

    1. Hi Hala,

      I have more information about my paid review service at the coaching link at the top of the page. You can also find a form there to send an inquiry and I will follow up with you directly by email.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  51. Hi Travis,
    I’ve been reading a lot of your blog posts recently so I would like to say thank you for your amazing blog! Further, I have questions regarding the field of study and research program.
    I have been accepted in a university in Japan, and they said that I am nominated as a MEXT scholar. They asked me to fill a form and the research plan sheet. The sheet is kinda different from the embassy one, mine has no specific section provided. My first question, is the research plan still an important consideration aspect to MEXT at this point given that I practically have been accepted and nominated by my university?
    I actually not really confident with my current research plan, so if this is still an important aspect for consideration I think I should do more work to improve it. Lastly, do you recommend me to set the research plan section and content like the embassy one?

    Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi SM,

      Thank you very much for your kind feedback.
      Congratulations on your acceptance and nomination as a MEXT Scholar!

      Based on the timing, I would assume that you are being nominated under the Top Global University MEXT Scholarship category. In that case, there should be no further competitive screening of your application after the university has selected you for nomination.
      It is still important to put effort into creating a well thought out application, but if you already wrote a research proposal and were accepted based on that, then your proposal should be fine as is and just needs to be placed into the format for MEXT’s sheet. I would not worry about refining the contents too much at this point.

      Unfortunately, I do not know what the form looks like for your application process. If it resembles the Field of Study and Research Program Plan form for the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship, I have a guide for that format as well. Otherwise, I would recommend you use your best judgement for how to put the different sections into MEXT’s format to ensure your plan is coherent.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thank you for your response! I have one more question, but this is regarding transcript. I was studying abroad for my Bachelor’s degree. I asked them to send me certified copy of my transcript but due wfh policy they can’t send physical document right now. So I printed the scanned document that they gave and sent them to the university. But I didn’t say anything about it to the university in japan. Now i have been accepted and nominated for the MEXT SGU. They asked me to provide transcript again for applying to mext.

        My question is:
        Is it gonna be fine if i still send the printed scanned transcript for the mext screening given that i practically have been accepted by the university.

        Thank you in advance Travis. Please stay safe and healthy.

        1. Hi SM,

          I think you should ask the university directly what they will accept in your case. There is no specific exception for your situation that I know of, so it is going to be a case-by-case decision. If you let them know that your university cannot send a hardcopy transcript due to the pandemic, the Japanese university might be able to offer a suggestion. (Such as having your previous university email them a scan, directly, or something like that.

          Good Luck and Stay Healthy!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  52. Dear Travis:
    While doing my research proposal I had some doubts about the methodological aspects that should be included. I want to do some interviews with key actors of the policy that I aim to analyze (it would be a pretty big part of the project). The problem is that my Japanese level is still pretty basic (N4) but I hope to improve it really fast in case I win the scholarship (I would have a year to prepare).
    If I add to the research proposal that I want to do these interviews as one of the methodological tools, would it be detrimental to me as a candidate since I’m not fluent in Japanese? Would it be better to left it out?
    PS: I’m applying to study a Master in Political Science

    1. Hi Isla,

      It’s not uncommon for me to see applicants proposing interviews as part of their research methodology despite having little or no Japanese language ability, so I do not think this is a problem. Working on improving your Japanese ability is great, but if your language is not up to task when you come to the interviews, they you would have to find a workaround, like getting assistance from an interpreter, etc. I think as long as you are prepared with ideas about how to overcome the language barrier, then I think you should be fine.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  53. Dear Travis,
    Concerning the literature review of the proposal, how many articles and sources would you suggest for the references? (I am a Management student).

    Thank you,

    1. Hi Meru,

      I cannot give you a specific number, but the best answer I can offer is “enough sources to cover the field related to your research question.” It is really going to vary based on how narrow your research field is already and how diverse the theories and sources are in your particular field.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  54. Hi Trans, im a student in Masters in Cameroon and i wsih to apply for the MEXT scholarship. Well i have a question: Is it possible for me to start studies in another domain than the one I learned? Because, what I studied and got graduated at my Bachelor was Computer Sciences and now i wish to apply for studies in Arts (Graphic Arts). Is it possible for me please?
    Best regards!

    1. Hi Nyama,

      One of the requirements for the scholarship for Graduate Studies is that you have to apply in the field of study that you majored in previously at university or its related field. There is no clear definition of “related field” so if you can show (in the past and present field of study portion of your Field of Study and Research Program Plan) how your proposed research field in Japan is related to research that you completed in your undergraduate program, then you can apply.
      It is up to you to show how they are related though.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  55. Hi Travis,

    My Masters thesis isn’t directly related to anything I studied in my BA but the courses are related. I studied history and want to study International Relations.

    Do you think I will still have a chance even though my thesis isn’t related to any piece of work I did at university?



    1. Hi Billy,

      MEXT requires that you apply in a field that you majored in, or its related field, but there is no requirement that your field in Japan be related to your bachelor’s thesis (if you had one) or one specific piece of research/paper.
      History and International Relations are close enough in my experience, and I have no doubt that you can show how your research into a particular topic led to an interest in international relations.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  56. Hi Travis,

    You mentioned that the Field of Study and Research Plan has to be 2 pages long. Does that include double sides would it be 4 pages on Word or 2 pages.

    Best Regards,

  57. Hi Travis,
    Do you know of any examples of winning Field of Study and Research Program Plans relating to psychology or biology?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Ryan,

      I have worked with coaching clients who wrote plans related to biology (mostly related to medical applications), so I have seen successful plans in that field, but unfortunately, I do not have permission to share them.
      I have not seen any research plans related to psychology yet. That doesn’t mean they’re not out there, just that nobody in that field has hired me as a coach!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  58. Hi Travis,
    I want to apply for MEXT2021-2022 through the embassy. Thus, I was wondering if this updated version of research plan is the one I should use now.

    Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Meru,

      Yes, as far as I know, this is the form that you will use if you are applying through the embassy. The embassy recommended MEXT Scholarship switched over to this form two years ago, though the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship still uses the old form.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  59. Samuel Olatunbosun

    Hi Transenz, is it possible to apply for a taught masters rather than a research masters. If it is possible, does that mean I don’t need a research plan? Thanks

    1. Hi Samuel Olatunbosun,

      In general, masters degrees in Japan meet the definition of “taught masters” as far as I understand the definition of that term. Most of your degree consists of taking courses, but you will need to complete a culminating thesis or capstone project. So, you will always need a Field of Study and Research Program Plan (for that thesis/capstone) for your application.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  60. Hey Travis,

    Nice job deleting my comment that included a mild but valid criticism about how your advice about writing a research proposal does not apply to every field. I thought the purpose of this blog was to help others. What if you’re misleading some people in fields you have no idea about? I guess you don’t care, otherwise you would have at least addressed that comment instead of censoring it. Can’t believe I actually wanted to pay you to help me with this stuff. Now I know better. Also, you may be able to censor comments here but you can be sure that I will discuss this in other MEXT scholarship forums and prevent others from wasting their money on your services.

    1. Hi Ana,

      Thank you for your feedback.
      I did not delete your comment, I just simply had not reviewed and approved it yet by the time you posted this second one. I get a lot of spam on here (there are a surprising number of witch-doctors that want to advertise their services in my comments. I’m not even kidding.), so I review each comment one by one before approving them – and usually try to take the time to write a reply at the same time. That means that it takes some time before your comments will show up.

      I appreciate feedback and criticism. It’s the only way I can get better and make this site more helpful. This site started with my own personal experience, but it has grown as people like you have shared how their experience was different, which gave me the opportunity to learn a new perspective, do more research, and add more resources here. Your point about how some of my content was more focused on science and engineering than arts (now posted!) was a good one and made me think about the language I use in the posts.

      Please do discuss any differences of opinion about the scholarship process here or elsewhere. But I would ask you to consider that I did not delete your comment and have not censored any comment on this blog (other than obvious spam), ever.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  61. Dear Travis,

    I feel like your advice is mostly applicable to those in the sciences rather than humanities. This sentence about how “if you already know the answer before you have even started your graduate program, then there really wasn’t any point in your research” is not always accurate. In philosophy, we often pick a stance to argue for at the beginning, so we already know what the answer is going to be. We even have to have some idea of how we intend to get to that answer. But the challenge is to find enough evidence and to take the necessary logical steps to get to that answer successfully. Also, a lot of research in fields such as arts and literature is not really about finding out an answer but to simply demonstrate something. Do you really think people in such fields need to follow this advice?

    1. Hi Ana,

      Thank you for your feedback. Certainly some of the terminology in the posts here refer to science fields, but I think if you think about it more broadly, it still applies in other fields, too, but you just have to translate the terms to make sense for you. If I borrow your philosophy example, then you might have chosen a stance and a final answer, but until you have enough of the evidence and have made the logical steps in order to be able to make a persuasive case, then you don’t “know” the answer, at least for the purpose of your research. In fields where you choose a stance and try to establish its validity, I think you can think of the “answer” not as the result, but as being the steps that you will take to get there.
      I will try to make my language a little more accommodating to other fields/approaches in future posts.

      I should also add that the comment you referred to was in the optional hypothesis section, which is something I see far more often in science and engineering papers, as well as social sciences. You might not need a hypothesis in your research proposal in the arts and literature fields you are referring to.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  62. Hi Travis, thank you for the writing guide!

    I noticed that you wrote maximum of 2 pages for this document. But I saw from Ritsumeikan University application documents cheklist, they stated no page limit on Field of Study and Research Plan (please see the picture I attached as link). https://imgur.com/JnrNrmq

    1. Hi Naufal,

      It looks like Ritsumeikan (and possibly all universities) are using the older version of the Field of Study and Research Program Plan. I have a separate article about that version of the form.
      When this new version was introduced for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship two years ago, I had expected it to be adopted for the University, too, but it seems that hasn’t happened yet.

      Even though there is no official limit in this version, 2-3 pages, plus attachments, if necessary, is still a good target. You only have the professors’ attention for so long and I’ve honestly never seen a plan that required longer than that to get the point across.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Exactly my research plan length. I followed your previous recommendation and just found this updated recommendation after I finished writing. It got positive review from my senior who received MEXT. Thank you so much!

  63. Hi Travis!
    1 – So, I’m working on gathering my documents for the University-recommended scholarship, and I’m a bit in doubt about how to send the recommendation letters. Do you think it’s okay to send a colored copy of a recommendation letter? Or is it recommended to send originals only? Is that also true for other documents?

    2 – In another subject: I was not called for the interview during the selection for the embassy recommended scholarship. In their e-mail stating this, the embassy made a recommendation that I try again next year, and to pursue certification of Japanese language proficiency before doing so. As it was, the embassy’s selection did not include the language proficiency exam so, although I could present my TOEFL score (with C1 proficiency), in terms of Japanese I couldn’t present anything that stated that I do have an intermediary level. Since I met all prerequisites, as I read them in your blog, and since my research plan was read by multiple PhDs that are experts on my field that found it to be good, do you think the Japanese level might have indeed been the main reason for my refusal? By the way, my field of study is Neuroscience.

    As always, thank you for reading through my rambling, and thank you for the thoroughly helpful articles. Stay safe!

    1. Hi João Pedro,

      1. Typically, all of the documents must be submitted as originals by post, unless the university has specifically provided other instructions. I would recommend that you make arrangements now to be able to send everything by post, in case that is what will be required. Do not send copies unless it is specifically allowed in the application instructions from the university.

      2. Without seeing all of your application documents together, I’m not sure what could have been the issue with your last Embassy application. The Japanese language proficiency could have been an issue, particularly if the programs you were interested were taught in Japanese or you were going for a medical doctorate program.
      Another potential concern is, even if PhDs read your FSRPP, they would likely have been reading for the academic merit of the proposal. The embassy is also looking for the social outcomes and how your research would contribute to the relationship between Japan and your home country. They are less likely to have academic experts reviewing your proposal on a solely academic basis. Sometimes it can help to get a review by someone who is not an expert in your field.

      On the other hand, the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship doesn’t go through the same embassy review phase, so a more academic-oriented plan has a better chance of success there, I think.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Yeah, well, they did ask me specificaly for my general field and specific field, which I replied, respectively, with Medicine and Neuroscience. Indeed, that might have made it more necessary to have some form of proof of a basic level of Japanese, since they didn’t conduct the exams.

        In another subject: I’m currently rewriting my 4-page research plan to fit into the 2-page University-recommended form. My prospective supervisor sent me the form he received this month from the uni admin, which contains the three question structure from the “old” form. I’m reading your book (which is awesome) for the plan and trying to adapt your advice for the first draft into this old form – along with reading your article with advice for the older form. As it is, my only doubt is about including the Research Goals subsection in the Research Theme in Japan (question 2) rather than in question 3 (Study Program in Japan), because question 3 says “(…) particularly corcerning the ultimate goal of your research.”. Do you think its best to leave the Research goals in question 2?

        1. Hi Joao Pedro,

          Thank you for the feedback on the book. I am glad that you have found it helpful!
          But it is indeed written for the format currently used in the Embassy-Recommended MEXT Scholarship. That format changed right as I was publishing the book, and I have expected the university format to be updated to match ever since.

          Regarding your question, if you want to move the research goals to the 3rd question, I do not think that would be a problem. The way I looked at the questions, I kept the research goals (as in, what you hope to contribute to the field) in question in 2, and in question 3, my approach would be to show the process that clearly indicates how you can achieve those goals. For example, what data you will collect and how you will analyze it. Question 3 should also include how you you disseminate those findings.

          But I do not think that either way is wrong, so write it however it makes the most sense for your plan. MEXT is not going to look at your FSRPP and say, “Oh, he answered this portion in question 2 when it should have been in question 3, so we have to reject the application.” I think they are always going to look at it as a whole.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  64. Hi Travis,

    I am working on my MEXT Master’s research plan, and I want to confirm some things about formatting. Is it appropriate to open the university’s MEXT application form as a Microsoft Word document and type directly onto it? This seems to be the most straightforward way to me. I am hoping that as long as I do not alter other parts of the application form and stay within the bounds of the space given for the research plan it will be ok.

    Also, Osaka University’s MEXT form is in 10pnt font. Would it suffice to type out my plan in this font as well? It would give me more room for content, especially since Osaka U only provides one page (with included instructions on the top) for the research plan. Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Jimmy C.,

      MEXT’s official guidelines for the 2020-2021 University Recommended MEXT Scholarship application are not out yet and I have not seen any specific instructions from Osaka U, either, so I don’t have anything concrete to refer to, but I’ll try to answer as best I can. If you can point in the direction of the specific instructions from Osaka, that might help.
      In the meantime, yes, you should be able to edit the Field of Study and Research Program Plan as a word document (what format is the version you found in? I’ve almost always seen it in word in the past). Depending on whether Osaka is using the FSRPP format that I described in this article or the format that the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship used last year (see my older article on that format) you should be able to add pages to the document. Whether you are limited to just one page or can add as many as you want (I still don’t recommend adding more than one) depends on the version of the form and the local instructions.

      10pt font is a little small, but if that’s what the form is naturally in, it’s fine to use. For the sake of your reviewers’ eyes though, if you can make it a little larger and still fit in the allotted space, I would recommend it.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hello Travis,

        I realized there are actually two pages (the form did not seem to load properly the first time) so I believe space is no longer an issue.

        I have a somewhat unrelated question about something that may or may not affect my MEXT application. There is a possibility that my current major will change, due to some scheduling choices in my undergraduate career. The major change will only affect one class I take later on, and the degree I end up receiving will not be any less relevant to the proposed MEXT Master’s program than my current one is. How would this affect my application chances? There is a slight chance that my undergraduate major change would be approved before the MEXT deadline, but I would like to know what precautions I need to take regarding this, and whether or not to contact the MEXT office at Osaka U in advance. Once again thank you so much for the advice.

        1. Hi Jimmy C.,

          I took a look at the form and it says that you can go up to 2000 words, so the page count should not be an issue.

          I cannot think of any way that your change of major would affect your MEXT application, since it only concerns changing one class and you would be within the same field. It might affect your graduation thesis that you submit the abstract for, but without any other details, I do not see an issue.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  65. Hello Travis!
    Here we have deadline in the middle of October, i’m polisihing my research plan right now and i have one question. Since now we are limited to 2 pages of Word, even though ”Guide for Creating a Field of Study and Research Plan Sheet” takes around half a page, it means we need to squeeze research plan into 1 and half pages right? To overall, including everything, not go beyond 2 pages? It was a bit difficult to put everything in just 1 and half pages. But i think i managed.
    Also, thank you very much for this post, it’s incredibly helpful!

    1. Hi Tina,

      Thank you very much for your kind feedback!
      Yes, the instructions section count toward your two-page limit, unfortunately. I’m glad to hear that you were able to fit everything in! Once you get to the interview stage, you’ll have an opportunity to expand on what you’ve written, as well, in response to the questions.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  66. Hello Travis. Thank you so much for the great post. Lately I was having a lot of questions about the MEXT 2020 application form and you are the only who is able to answers them)
    I have on more question that I would like to ask. When it comes to Research theme and plan, should they be related to Japan in any way? For example, my research title is something about Artificial Intelligence and its reliability. Should I modify it to something like Japanese AI and it reliability and so on. Because initially I wanted research on something that is global topic and mention that Japan would be a great place for that research since it is a technology oriented country. Now I am wondering maybe I should change the whole plan and relate it to something totally Japan themed. Like the example you gave in the post. Hope I was clear with my explanation. Thanks in advance)

    1. Hi Vasi,

      Your research subject does not necessarily have to be directly related to Japan, so you do not need to focus it only on AI in Japan. Since yours is a global topic, you just need to be able to explain why Japan is the best place for the research, which should be relatively easy. You should also be able to show how your research will benefit Japan and your home country, but since AI is an active research field here, and advances in it should have a benefit for Japan, so I do not see a problem there, either. You should be able to justify any topic.

      You also need to conduct your primary research in Japan, in general, since under the MEXT Scholarship, you cannot participate in extended research or internships outside of Japan.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  67. Hi! Thank you for your information!
    My name is Aziza, I am from Kyrgyzstan. I study Journalism and Mass Communications.
    I have a question regarding the exam. I’ve passed the first screening and now I’m waiting for the exam. However, my senpai from Kyrgyzstan, who was selected two years ago, told me that I need at least N3 in order to pass the second round, but my Japanese level is N5 or maybe lower. I thought I could handle it without N3. I’m worried now. I still do hope that there is a chance to win without perfect Japanese, cause I’m eager to learn. But still, I want to know your opinion on this. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Aziza,

      MEXT does not have any specific requirement for applicants to have JLPT scores and universities will only require JLPT scores if you are applying to a program taught in Japanese.
      However, embassies are permitted to establish their own requirements. I do not have any insight as to what those might be, so it is possible that the information from your senpai is correct.

      I do know that in the language exams you do have to try to fill it out to the best of your ability and not leave it blank. Some applicants were rejected during the secondary screening last year for leaving the Japanese language test blank.

      The best thing that you can do at this point is to do your best on the parts of the application that are under your control and not spend time worrying about what you cannot affect.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  68. Hello 🙂
    Thank you very much for writing about this, it helped so much. I do have one question, is there a way to see an example of already written research plan? I feel like i know exactly what to write but i fear to make a mistake 😮

    1. Hi Tina,

      Unfortunately, I do not have any samples of a research plan using the current format that I have permission to share.
      There are a few samples that past applicants have shared online based on old formats of the plan that may or may not be relevant. The most well-known is Lars Martinson, but he applied well over a decade ago in the field of art.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. I see. thank you very much ^^
        One more question, if possible.
        So we leave everything as it is? For example the form has ”Guide for Creating a Field of Study and Research Plan Sheet”. we don’t need to erase it right? 😮
        Just fill Past and present field of study and Research theme and plan in Japan

        1. Hi Tina,

          Right, you should not delete any parts of the form or its instructions. You are free to add space to the various questions as needed, though, so long as you do not go over the two page limit.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  69. Hello Travis,
    There is a small space left at the end of my research plan, do you recommend me to fill it and write more or it won’t be a problem ?

    Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Ela,

      It is not a problem to have a little white space as long as you have clearly covered everything the plan is meant to convey!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  70. Pingback: MEXT Scholarship in 2020 - Travis from TranSenz Interviewed | TranSenz: MEXT Scholarship and Visa Information for Moving to Japan

  71. Hi again, Travis. Thanks for answering my previous question! So, I’m now wondering about the level of specificity that I should go into when writing my research plan for research in neuroscience. At the moment, I’ve stabilished enough knowledge of my research area: to write an introducion with the current state of the art on the theme; define what would my experimental subjects be (mice); what is the precise neurological and behavioral phenomena that I’ll do research on; what are the key neural pathways and brain structures of interest; a short list of two or three likely experimental instruments/interventions; and what are the questions that I want to answer with my research.
    What that said, I’m still not decided concerning specificities like exact experimental procedures, for example. Do you think that level specificity should be included in this type of plan? I know for a fact that, during a master’s course, we are supposed to read piles of books and attend to hundreds of hours of lectures, and that our exact methods will be decided alongside PhDs that are experts on the area, along with other research colleagues from the lab that will co-author or final paper. So, I’m inclined to think that I don’t have to relate absolutely everything. What are your thoughts on that? Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi João Pedro,

      While I am not an expert in your field, it sounds to me like you have enough specificity included already. For the experimental procedures, you could list one or two as examples that you might use, but also mention that you will determine the final procedures in consultation with your advisor, like you suggested. That would be perfectly reasonable!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  72. Dear Travis ,
    Firstly ,Thank you for your effort , you make the process much easier for me .
    I’d like to ask if I should be an expert on the research topic I choose , I’m a computer science fresh graduate and I’d like to publish a paper on Artificial intelligent, I took some basic courses in this field, would my lack of expertise be a problem ? 🙁

    Thank you in advance .

    1. Hi Ela,

      You’re not expected to be an expert in your field before starting a Master’s Degree, but you will be expected to have a clear idea of what you want to research in the field and to perform the necessary background research and literature reviews to develop your research question and approach.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  73. Hi Travis,

    Again, thanks so much for the great guides and answering my other question on GPA.

    My research goals are highly theoretical (topological quantum computing) which means essentailly my entire research plan is to study topological insulators, study quantum computing, then combine the two. Should I be including all sub-areas of those topics in my research plan? I am afraid I have included too much jargon in my plan, but if I use less jargon, my research plan won’t be as detailed. What do you suggest?


    1. Hi Jimmy,

      Since your research plan is limited to only two pages, I would consider that to be guidance that you do not need to go into too much detail. In general, I recommend stating the objective of your research and the steps you will take to get there in the minimum amount of detail necessary to get the point across. (Pardon my lack of understanding of your field) If you were to say “I plan to study issue X in quantum computing by testing the application of different topological insulators, to maximize energy efficiency. To test the topological insulators, I will [examples of specific research steps]. . .” That type of phrase would introduce the point of your research for non-experts and then, by giving an example or two, show that you know what you’re talking about to experts.

      I hope that helps, but without understanding the field, I’m afraid my examples may not be that relevant.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  74. Hello, Travis! I hope you’ve doing well lately, despite current circumstances. Anyways, I’m currently working very hard to secure a scolarship, and I’m glad to have wandered into your page. Concerning the initial screening for the Embassy-Recommended Scolarship: my country’s Japanese embassy’s instructions page asks for a four-pages-max research project/plan, which should countain a Title, Abstract, Introduction, “Main-body”, Methods (optionally) and References. There’s also some deviance from these instructions as presented by the consulate, which also conducts the selection for the Scholarship separately from the Embassy. That leads me to believe that there’s plenty of difference from what is to be expected from the plan I’ll be presenting to the one as per the form you made available here. What would be your recommendations for preparing to write this specific “type” of plan?

    1. Hi João Pedro,

      The plan and format that I have presented here are the format required by MEXT, per their guidelines, so I would assume that you will need to complete it eventually.
      However, many countries also include their own separate requirements or conduct pre-screenings, which seems to be the case for you.

      Unfortunately, I cannot keep up with all of the country-specific requirements. However, it looks like the contents of the plan required by your consulate contains many of the same sections. Since you have more space, you would simply expand on the level of detail, and perhaps add more citations and references. I’m afraid that is the best suggestion that I can offer.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  75. Hi Travis.
    Firstly I really want to thank you for advising us on this wonderful journey. There are several pages on the web that manage how to applied effectively and definitively this is the most accurate that I have found.
    Travis, I have a simple question: ¿What is the difference between the benefits that you specify on the Research Background section and Research Goals section?
    I’m kindly asking you this because the fact that the relations of both countries are strengthened due to research is a way of benefit isn’t ? for that reason it could be filled in both sections that kind of benefit?
    Again, どうもありがとうございました。greetings from Colombia!!!

    1. Hi Andres,

      Thank you very much for your kind feedback.
      The primary difference in the description of benefits between the two sections is the level of detail. Also, it is not strictly necessary to include that content in both sections, so you could choose only one, if it makes sense for your plan.

      In the “Research Background”, my suggestion is to describe in a single sentence or less how your research topic could benefit Japan and your home county. For example, if you were researching ultralight alloys, in the Research Background, you could say something like “developing lighter alloys without losing strength could benefit automobile manufacturers in both countries. By the time you get to the Research Goals, you will have described your specific research in more detail – for example, maybe you want to experiment with creating new aluminium-based high entropy alloys. So, in that case, you would be more specific about how your specific research will contribute to the field of developing new alloys, then tie that back to the original practical goal.

      Does that make sense?
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  76. Sylion Muramira

    Dear Readers,
    can you share with me a format of research plan? or how best can we choose a research theme?

    1. Hi Sylion Muramira,

      This article is an example format for the FSRPP.
      I do not have an article yet about how to choose a research theme, though I cover it in detail in my book, How to Write a Scholarship-Winning Field of Study and Research Program Plan.” However, if you don’t want to buy the book, then I would recommend talking to an academic advisor at your current university in your field to ask for their help.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  77. Hi!
    I still have not clear if I should send this document with my initial application? or only after I have passed the first screening.

    Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi Lorena,

      It all depends on your country and their rules. In most countries, you need to send this and all of the application documents at the same time for the initial submission, but other countries only ask for a smaller set of documents as a preliminary screening. Please refer to the Japanese embassy where you will apply for the specific instructions in your case.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  78. Hi Travis, good day.
    First of all, thank you for your all your efforts in this blog.
    I’d like to ask some advice regarding the Research Background. You mentioned that it should only be 2-3 sentences ideally and should consume no more space than what the blank template allotted. I’m having trouble meeting this criteria since my field is science & engineering, and it takes a lot of words to connect my past research to the goal of that research field and then eventually why I wish to pursue graduate studies (in Japan). Do you think it would be advisable to maintain the ideal length and make the thought of the section a bit incomplete? I was thinking that this is the first thing the reviewer would see in my FSRPP. Or do reviewers usually just skim through the first section and really focus on the 2nd question?
    Any insights you may have is valued and highly appreciated. Thanks again for your kind patience and assistance.

    1. Hi Marc,

      I am sorry this reply is coming so late!
      In my opinion, what you intend to research in Japan is far far more important than what you have done in the past. Your Research Background should only go into as much detail as is required to show that you have the appropriate background and motivation to pursue the research in Japan that you will describe in the next sections.
      Your goal connection does not have to be elaborate and really isn’t that significant of a factor, so I would recommend conserving space there to use in more valuable sections. It is more important to make the goal of what you want to accomplish through your research in Japan clear.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  79. Hello! Thank you so much Sir for the informative article! I have 2 questions
    Is it necessary to add research timeline in research plan question?? As there is a limitation of two pages so i find it difficult because one page is for research theme question and i also have to briefly explain my research plan in just 1 page so it is difficult for me
    What happen if our research plan exceed than 2 pages?
    Kindly help me in this regard thanks!!

    1. Hi Haroon,

      No, the research timeline is not a requirement. In many cases, it is a convenient way to express your exact research steps clearly, but if you can do that in the context of the paragraph, then you do not need the timeline.
      The research timeline should also never be essential to understanding your Field of Study and Research Program Plan. Ultimately, it is an attachment, only. It can be used to add detail, but your plan should be comprehensible without it.

      Yes, there is a limitation of two pages. If your plan is longer than two pages, you will need to condense it by focusing on what it is that you need this document to convey. I have reviewed dozens of research plans since the two-page limit was imposed and have never seen a FSRPP that actually needed more than two pages to make its point!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  80. Thank you for your excellent Travis!
    Is it necessary to add timeline section? I almost reached 2 pages in research theme section!!

    1. Hi Haroon,

      No, the timeline is not necessary, but I find that it is often an easy way to display your research process.
      If you cover the content of your research process in the text, then you can also include the timeline as an additional attachment (not counting toward your two pages), but that only really works if it is a visual representation of what you have already discussed. If you use the timeline as an attachment, then there shouldn’t be anything in there that is original and critical to understanding your research proposal.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  81. Hi Trans, my school is refusing to give me another original copy for submission, they are charging me my final year school fee before releasing another copy will be be signed and stamped. The figure is extremely high, so am planning on submitting a scanned copy to the embassy. I hope it will fly

    1. Hi Bogema,

      I think you will have already turned in your application for now, so I hope your solution worked out.
      Since your school fee is something that you would have to pay, anyway, to proceed with your education and graduate (and thereby qualify for the MEXT Scholarship), I would have recommended paying it and getting the official form, but if your solution worked, that’s great.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  82. Hey Travis,
    I’d like first to thank you for your tremendous efforts to help us.
    I have two questions on my mind :
    1. concerning the timeline in the research proposal, I’m applying for a Master’s degree, so I’ve planned my RP during a one year (which gonna be the second year of my Master) and not two years (because I thought the first year of my Master would be dedicated for courses and the second for the research)…is that correct ?

    2. I could only find two universities teaching my exact major and a very close one. I’m confused what exactly to write in the “field of study in Japan”, My question is, can I write the first choice (which is my major exactly) or should I write them both and seperate them with a slash maybe ?

    again thanks a million for your kind support !

    1. Hi Amina,

      Thank you for your kind feedback!
      1. In general, you would be starting work on your research in your first year, unless your program specifically states that you will not be assigned to an advisor until the second year, or something like that. Most FSRPPs do cover the duration of the whole degree, so if you write a plan that covers only one year, you’ll need to explain in the interview that it is because (all of) your chosen degree programs have a structure of one year of classes followed by one year of research. Obviously, make sure that’s true, first!
      2. You do not need to be too worried about getting the major exact on that form. It’s great if you can, but as long as what you write clearly falls within the major, that is good enough. If the exact major at your first university is close enough to the major at the “very close one”, that should be fine to just write that.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  83. Hi Travis,
    Simple question: are scanned original ink signature and seal on original transcript Japanese admin critic-proof ?
    Or would it be needed a fresh ink signature and seal on the scanned originals ?

    Thank you for your work, really helpful.



    1. Hi Shan,

      Thank you for your kind feedback.
      A scanned ink signature or seal is no longer original, it is a copy by definition, so that would not be acceptable. Only the document with the original ink signature on it can be considered an original.
      If you are concerned about submitting your only original document (such as an academic transcript), then you can make a copy and get it certified as an accurate copy of the original by an official at your school. That certified copy will be considered an “original”.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

        1. Hi Bogema,

          I’m sorry to hear that it is difficult, but “nearly impossible” means that it is possible, right?
          Consider that at least some of the other applicants that you are competing with will get that certified copy. It’s going to make a difference that they put in that effort.

          If you cannot get a copy certified by your school, another option is to get it certified by a notary.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  84. Hello Travis. Thank you so much for your efforts with us. I am very confused about how to choose my MA major study field. I have BA degree in English Language Teaching, on the other hand I am a children’s book illustrator. I car so much about child psychology and social development. I don’t know what to study yet so I cannot write my research plan yet. How can you help me in this?

    1. Hi Bara,

      MEXT requires that you apply in a field that you majored in in the past or a related field. There is no strict definition of “related”, so it is up to you to justify it.
      Personally, I think you would have a much clearer path to apply in ELT, but to also work in your interest, you could focus on teaching pedagogy for children or Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) within ELT to also promote social development.

      To be perfectly blunt, if you do not have something that you are passionate about studying (in order to lead to a future goal that you are passionate about pursuing), then it might not be the right time to apply for graduate school, particularly in a program where you would be competing with highly motivated applicants who typically have a clear focus for their research.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  85. Supratik Sil Roy


    Thank you for sharing your kind suggestions and providing guidance. I have graduated with an engineering degree 7 years ago, after which i have been working in a totally different field till now. I am planning to join a graduate program in the field of either environment engineering or food production through MEXT scholarship, which has no connection to my undergraduate majors. I would be obliged if you can share your views and opinion of how this would be interpreted by the MEXT authorities and Japanese university. Will my application be rejected straightaway or there may be some room for negotiation?

    1. Hi Supratik Sil Roy,

      The question of whether or not your major is related is going to come during the primary screening (at the embassy for the Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship or at the university for the University Recommended MEXT Scholarship), likely during the document screening phase, before you have the opportunity to speak to the reviewers. If they do reject your application at that stage, they will not tell you why it was rejected or give any feedback, so you would not have the opportunity to negotiate.

      My best suggestion to you would be to make the case as strongly as you can in your Field of Study and Research Program Plan that there is a connection. It doesn’t have to be a strong one, but as long as there is something there. Even having the word “engineering” in both fields of study might be enough for the reviewers to think there is some connection there and give your application a shot!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  86. Hey,
    when saying “You are limited to no more than 2 pages for the entire form” ,
    does it mean 1 page added to the downloaded form? or is it 2 pages in addition to the downloaded form ?
    thanks in advance, and for ll your efforts.

    1. Hi Salma,

      The two pages includes the form. So, the form (with all of the instructions, etc), plus up to one additional page.
      You can also have attachments, for example you can attach diagrams or your bibliography in addition to the two sheets, but all of the content of your FSRPP needs to fit within those two pages and stand on its own without the attachments.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  87. Hello Travis,

    I’m applying for a MEXT Scholarship, PhD level. The thing is that I’m already doing a PhD (now on my 2nd year) in my home country, but the access to resources, bibliography and the tutors’ knowledge is very limited. Thus, I decided to look for better options and make a fresh new start, Do you think it’s ok if I mention that on my MEXT application form? I would use all my previous research to enrich my new thesis, and I understand that I would have to leave all my PhD progress behind, since I don’t think I’ll be able to transfer any credits. Would they see it as a positive thing that I’m actually looking for a better opportunity/future? Or would I look like someone who doesn’t commit with what he has already started? By the way, my research topic revolves around Archeological Heritage Sites Management in Peru.

    1. Hi Luis,

      You would need to indicate on your MEXT application form that you are currently enrolled in a PhD program in your academic background. If you are continuing on a similar research theme in Japan, you can also mention it the essay questions in the application form as well as in your Field of Study and Research Program Plan, explaining what your research has been so far and why you need to leave your program in Peru and start fresh in Japan to be able to successfully complete it. If you explain it well, it could certainly be an asset that you already have research complete in Peru. It’s all in how you present it!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. I have a similar situation. In the application it was stated that applicants who have already commenced studies on a program but are yet to complete it prior to their application should include results of such programs up till the time of their application.
        I’m already in my 3rd and final session in my PhD program here in Nigeria. But the situation here is that my school does not issue any form of results whatsoever until the final completion of the program. For this reason I don’t know if to include my already ongoing PhD program in my application as they may request for results so far.
        Pls I need your inputs

        1. Hi Joshua,

          I’m sorry for the delay in my reply. I’ve been overwhelmed with questions here and could not keep up.
          You should absolutely list your PhD program in your academic background in the application. In that case, you would need to include a Certificate of Expected Graduation for the program, but if there are no results available yet, you can just explain that and it should not be a problem. For example, if your PhD is a research-only degree, then in place of the Certificate of Grades, you could include a single sheet of paper with a note that your PhD is based entirely on your dissertation and no interim results are available in the program.
          You would also need to include your transcript, etc., from your earlier degrees.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  88. Hi Travis,
    Great article. Really value-adding and helpful. Kudos to you!
    Just like to ask, will it help my cause to mention that my past research was awarded an award back in undergraduate? Or do you think items like that don’t help my cause, since it’s just a competition among all research works in my department and is actually a very subjective/informal one.
    Thanks for your endless patience in answering trivial questions like these.
    Stay safe!

    1. Hi Cedric,

      I don’t think it’s going to make a huge difference, but it certainly won’t hurt to mention it briefly. A good place to get that information in would be the letter of recommendation, if your recommender was familiar with that award.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  89. Hi Transenz,

    I just finished reading your available books on MEXT and would fully recommend anyone here to buy them as they give you a thorough guide to the process. I’ve finished my research plan and having a look at the UK MEXT requirements you need two reference letters. I have two referees lined up to provide these letter but is there anything specific in terms of structure or content that I should ask them to include to make me stand out.


    1. Hi William,

      Thank you very much for your feedback! I am thrilled to hear that you found the books to be useful in preparing your application.

      For your letters of recommendation, are there any specifications as to who they should be from? In the past, I have seen that when two letters were requested, one had to be an academic advisor, Dean, or someone higher. The second (usually optional in the examples I’ve seen, since it doesn’t apply to everyone) would be from an employer. Do you have any guidelines like that?

      In general, the letters must include a statement that the person highly recommends you and a description of how they know you/what context they have interacted with you. I would also recommend that you look at the sample format that MEXT provides on their website to see what kinds of questions they ask. You do not need to use that format (or follow it’s instructions about sealing the letter) – it is optional and based on a format that used to be mandatory several years ago.

      Finally, in the books and articles here, I have mentioned having an application strategy and theme, which includes some reason why you are uniquely suited to succeed in your particular research and goals. Any comments in the letter that support that theme would also be beneficial!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  90. Hello sir,
    Thanks for helping in developing my research plan. I really appreciate your help.
    I am at completing my research plan, I have to ask you one more question about research methodology.
    In the research methodology, I have described specific research method and after that, I listed the experiment names, at last, I have written limitations of the study. After that, it is alright to write a specific journal name and details or not?
    In the end, I have attached the research timeline of my study. This is the right way to write all things I listed above.
    Please kindly give me a reply.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Kaushal Vora,

      Your approach from the methodology section onward sounds fine. There is no one “right way” to write this plan, as long as it contains all of the elements. Sometimes, you are going to have to make variations on the pattern I’ve suggested here, and that’s fine!
      I think it is fine to list a specific journal (I assume you are describing somewhere where you hope to publish your findings). If it is a particularly difficult journal to get into, you can qualify your statement by saying “a journal such as X”

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. I have written a research study something different you suggested, I have added some of my thought about how I have to write, but as you suggested I have considered all contents about a research study.
        so thank you for helping me.

  91. Hello,
    Thank you for giving me an answer.
    I have one more question about the research study. For your perspective what if we write a research proposal and attach it in our application. If we write a research proposal it is alright to write all things you suggest in the research study?
    What is a better, write a research proposal or all data write in the research study form or both things we have to do?

    1. Hi Kaushal Vora,

      Your Field of Study and Research Program Plan should be your research proposal. That is what the screening committee will consider when they process your application. Everything needs to fit in the form and, at least as of the last Embassy Recommended MEXT Scholarship application process, the total length must be under two pages.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  92. Kaushal Vora

    Hello sir,
    Thank you for guidance. it’s helped me every way.
    I have a question related to research methodology. In research methodology, you told that you have to write 1 or 1.5 paragraph, But instead of that, I have decided to write research methodology in a flow chart.
    This is right to do this way or we have to write a paragraph?
    After the completion of my research study, you can help me with telly?
    kindly answer my questions
    Thank you

    1. Hi Kaushal Vora,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      It is hard for me to give a definitive answer without seeing exactly what you are talking about, but I will give it my best guess.

      My suggestion is that your research methodology section should describe the methods that you will use and how they are best suited to provide you with the data that you need to answer your research question. I do not see how a flow chart could answer this question.
      However, in the research plan, I suggest that you describe the process of how you will proceed with your research, which is the sequence of steps you will conduct. I could see how a flow chart would work there, instead. (I have recommended a timeline table, but a flowchart could also do the job!).

      I’m not sure exactly what you mean with helping you with telly. If you mean reviewing your plan, I do offer a paid review service for FSRPPs, and you can find details at the coaching link at the top of the page.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Kaushal Vora

        Thank you
        I mistook Methodology to Specific Research plan that’s why the problem happens.

  93. Hi, Travis.

    I tried to download the format mentioned above, but the link sends me to the japanese MEXT page. Is there anything wrong? or am I the guilty? lol

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Mozart,

      Thank you for pointing that out. It looks like MEXT changed the link for where the form was. I have fixed it now in the article. (The page you were getting was MEXT’s 404 “Not Found” page).

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  94. Hi Trans,

    Many thanks for the information you provide on this website, which is really helpful to anyone thinking about a MEXT scholarship.
    I am currently in the process of applying for a university-recommended scholarship. Among some of the questions, the university is asking for a confirmation that I will not withdraw from the program when recommended to MEXT. It seems unusual to request such a confirmation since the result is not guaranteed yet. Is this a normal question that is asked by the universities in processing MEXT scholarship applications?

    1. Hi Xiang,

      I have been hearing about that request more often lately. Just a few days ago, someone posted on here complaining that the university got upset at them after they signed that agreement and later wanted to back out.
      Each university has a limited number of nomination slots that it can use each year. In general, if they select you for nomination, you can reasonably expect to receive the scholarship. The only thing standing in your way would be a MEXT budget cut. That happened last year and quite a few nominees didn’t earn the scholarship. But since then, MEXT has essentially halved the original number of nomination places each university has, so I do not anticipate another cut this year.

      From the university’s perspective, they cannot replace a nominee in their list if one drops out. There are no alternates. So, if you drop out after they nominate you, they lose a prestigious scholarship place. Now that the universities have fewer places than ever, that hurts. So, it seems perfectly normal that the university wants to ask you to commit.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  95. Hi!

    I have a question that I have never seen the answer to anywhere and I really hope you can answer it.

    Can you apply for a master’s degree if you’re already studying for a master’s degree?

    I want to get a master’s in international relations in Japan. I did my undergraduate in philosophy and minored in government (politics, etc.) and I intend to do a masters in philosophy focusing on political philosophy. I will also take a lot of courses in the political science so that my degree will be more related to what I want to study in Japan. But it’s not quite the same thing. Political philosophy is more theoretical but international relations is more practical. I want to study both. Would that be possible? I really appreciate your answer because I searched the internet all over and couldn’t find anything. Thank you

    1. Hi Ana,

      Yes, you can apply for a second master’s via the MEXT Scholarship. However, you might face a challenge in justifying why a second master’s is more valuable than a PhD. I have no direct evidence to support this, but anecdotally, I have heard that MEXt would prefer that you move on to more advanced studies. So, be prepared to answer questions, particularly, in your interview, about why a second Master’s is better.
      The other think that you would need to consider is that you cannot drop to a “lower” level of study. So, if you have already earned a Master’d degree by the time you start your MEXT Scholarship, you would not be able to start as a Master’s level research student. You would have to start directly with the degree.

      Have you found a university in Japan that offers a philosophy degree taught in English with political philosophy as an option? That’s the most important question.

      For a graduate degree, you must be registered in a single graduate school and your ability to take courses from other schools will be seriously limited or not available at all. So, the best way for you to answer your own question is to find a program in Japan that teaches what you want to study (in English). If you can find a philosophy program taught in English in Japan that includes political science and political philosophy coursework, then it is possible to study that. (Although, you might have a better chance at finding a Poli Sci program that includes elements of political philosophy). If you cannot find a program that teaches what you want, then it would not be possible.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Dear Travis, thank you so much for your reply.

        Even though my background is in political philosophy, I am not intending to study philosophy in Japan at all (and even if I wanted to, I couldn’t because I checked and there are no such programs in English). I want to move from political philosophy to something more practical such as political science and international relations and this is the reason I have for wanting to study a second master’s degree. Even though my degree is related to politics and political theory, I would still need to learn the research methods of political science to be able to do a PhD in that field. Would that be ok?

        Also, can I just apply as a non-degree research student and not commit myself to either a master’s or PhD degree from the beginning and just figure this out while I’m in Japan? Or is that not possible for someone who has a master’s degree?

        Thank you so much for your help

        1. Hi Ana,

          I’m sorry. It sounds like I misread your question. Thank you for the clarification.
          Yes, if your background is in political philosophy, then moving on to a degree in political science would meet the requirements of a “related field”. And it also makes sense why you would want another master’s in that case. But for the sake of your application, you should justify the change of fields and lower degree based on the outcomes. During your application process, I suggest that you be able to justify what a Master’s in political science in Japan will do for your future goals (particularly goals that involve you making a positive impact on the world in a particular field) that a PhD in philosophy would not.

          About the degree level, since you will have a Master’s degree already, you would not be able to be a research (non-degree) student to the best of my understanding. Your choices would be research student learning to a PhD (which might be possible, depending on how much research method etc. catch-up you need) or direct Master’s degree student.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  96. Hello,
    I had a few questions:
    1. I was wondering what is the difference between the 2 sections you suggested, PREVIOUS RESEARCH IN THE FIELD (2-3 sentences) and EXISTING RESEARCH (2-4 sentences)? (total 4-7 sentences)
    From what I gathered from your post, in both I should describe research that exists in the field/the current state of the field – isn’t it the same thing?And you mentioned in EXISTING RESEARCH, I should also explain how my research would extend knowledge in the field. Thus I wonder if it would be suitable to combine these sections rather have about 5~6 sentences (3 for describing the state of the field/relevant existing research, and 2~3 for how my research would extend knowledge in the field)? Or, is there an important reason that these are separate sections?

    2. Since the new format is 2 pages max, does this include attachments such as a timeline or sources, or are they not counted in the total length?

    3. How often does the format change like this? For the 2021 application cycle (applications sent in 2020), will you be making another post like this if it changes yet again?

    Thank you very much!

    1. Hi Vera,

      1. Thank you very much for catching that. It looks like when I updated the article at some point in the past, I ended up with the same section twice. “Existing Research” was meant to be a replacement for “Previous Research in the Field”, but I did not delete the old paragraph. You only need to cover that material once!

      2. No, attachments are not counted in the length, so your timeline, sources, etc. can be in addition to the two pages. However, since they are attachments and references, only, they cannot be essential to understanding the rest of the document. Especially with the timeline, if you include it as an attachment, a reviewer must still be able to understand the general idea of how you plan to approach your research without reading the timeline.

      3. I think the last time I saw the format change was over 5 years ago. (When the question about past research was added to the University Recommended FSRPP.) If it does change again, I will write an update as quickly as possible. However, even if the format changes, the essence of the research plan should not change significantly, so it should still be mostly a matter of fitting this same content into new headings, etc.)

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Shadrach osazee

        Hello! The Japanese embassy in my country(Nigeria) is pretty far from where I live I live in a different city entirely, I wanted to know if the form can be submitted on one’s behalf if mailed? Please help me out.

        1. Hi Shadrach osazee,

          You may be able to submit the application by post, but each embassy has its own submission requirements, so I recommend that you check with them directly.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  97. Just want to say a big Thank you to you for spending time to share this useful information. Before your blog I have no idea how to write a research plan (my last education was coursework). I will submit my application next week and wait for the result by June. Again, thank you so much. Cheers!

    1. Hi Tia,

      Thank you very much for your feedback and kind comments! I wish you good luck with your application. Please let me know about your results in June.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  98. Hello Transenz, thank you so much for your work helping us!

    I failed the MEXT application last year at the first phase last year but I am already working on next year’s!
    I have MA on International Relations and I would like to go for a PhD. The topic is Japanese foreign policy towards another country. I have some doubts though.
    This project does not have a link to my home country Spain…I do not know if that’s a big problem. Second, how can I justify doing it in Japan? I mean, it is about Japanese foreign policy… but perhaps I should stress the fieldwork needs to be done in Japan.
    And finally, is it possible to move for a short period of time abroad to conduct the research (fieldwork)?

    Thanks a lot! I hope you can help me

    1. Hi Javier Delgado,

      I’m sorry to hear that your results last year weren’t ideal, but I admire you for trying again!

      Since your research is about Japan’s foreign policy, that should be enough to justify why your research needs to be done in Japan, but you should also be doing your fieldwork in Japan, too.
      The application guidelines specifically say that applicants who intend to do extended fieldwork outside Japan are ineligible, so even mentioning fieldwork outside of the country is going raise red flags – and if you say “move” outside Japan, then that is going to sound like long-term research. Is there any way that you can focus the fieldwork on people or institutions withing Japan?
      If you must do research outside Japan, then emphasize how short it will be (a week or so?). The maximum amount of time that you can be away from Japan is about a month, and that, of course, would only be possible during the breaks between semesters.

      As for how to relate the research to Spain, my suggestion would be to see if you can find where Spain has a similar type of relationship with a different country as the relationship Japan has that you are researching, so that there is some way to apply to research there. Or if there is some way that understanding Japan’s foreign policy in this situation can benefit Spain’s relations with Japan.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  99. Hi Travis, I am applying for the University Recommended MEXT scholarship and I was wondering if the 2 page limit applies to that too. Also, my grad school research (marine biology) is quite a jump from my undergrad research (genetics), so I don’t have experience with all the methods I will be using. Nevertheless, my potential supervisor has approved my joining his lab. But you said in Book 2 Chapter 6 that I must establish prior experience with the methods. What should I do?

    1. Hi Rupandey,

      That’s an excellent question.
      The official guidelines have not come out for the university-recommended MEXT scholarship for this year yet. Actually, they usually do not come out until after universities have finished accepting applications. So, at this point, the best I can give you is my best guess, based on past experience.

      I suspect that, in the end, MEXT will require a two-page FSRPP from all applicants, just like they did from the Embassy application route. Changes in one application process like this usually continue through to the others. However, some universities might use the old form at the point of the original application and then ask you to resubmit it on the new format if accepted.

      Even with the old format, keeping your FSRPP to 2 pages was a good idea, so if you write it that way and include all of the sections that I mentioned in my book, it will be easy to insert those sections into whichever format that university tells you to use.

      If your target advisor has already approved you joining his lab, then you do not need to worry so much about establishing your experience with the methods, but I would certainly recommend that you start researching what those methods are in the meantime and getting as familiar with them as possible. For now, keep that section to a minimum and try to focus on your experience with the subject field (i.e. the overlap between marine bio and genetics, as it affects your particular research).

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  100. Hello TranSenz,

    Can I ask about the format of the study/research plan, for UNIVERSITY recommendation.
    While most universities in the past, and currently too, use the exact form as the MEXT Embassy form, it’s different for Todai (engineering): theirs is called a statement of study plan.
    As per their FAQ, can be divided into five parts: motivation, objectives, methods, expected, schedule. Basically a regular research proposal.
    Though it’s not stated, I presume it is based off of this MEXT Embassy form.
    Can you advice on filling this: adhere strictly to their FAQ’s 5 parts, or merge information as it would be required on the MEXT form i.e. past and present field of study, theme, plan.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Jack,

      I wasn’t aware that Todai used a different form for their application. That’s interesting, since they’ll eventually need to submit the MEXT form to MEXT itself during the nomination process.

      My recommendation for filling out the MEXT format does include most of those topics, even if they are not specifically labeled as such. So, my recommendation to you would be to follow Todai’s format, but also think about where each of those sections would fit into the MEXT FSRPP, as well.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thanks for the input.

        Could you suggest a place for ‘past and present field of study’?
        Do you think this would go better in ‘Motivation’ (because it comes first) or it would be OK add a new ‘Background’ (like in most research proposals).

        By the way, the Todai form is actually blank, with only space for applicant name and number. The headings aren’t literally placed in the form.

        Thanks again.

        1. Hi Jack,

          I would suggest that you’re thinking about this backwards. The point is not “where are you going to fit the past and present field of study” (which is a vague and unhelpful question to begin with). The question is “what parts of the Today categories are you going to put into the Past and Present Field of Study in the end?”

          My suggestion in this article is that your “Past and Present Field of Study” should essentially be your “Background”, which is just another way of saying “Motivation.” They’re all really the same thing. Your motivation/background should describe the past research experience that led you to your interest in pursuing this research topic in graduate school, so that neatly answers all three!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  101. Hi Travis, been reading your blog the last couple months — sadly, I found it too late for the original application, but by some miracle I’ve still managed to pass that!

    I wasn’t exactly happy with my research plan at the time, and I’d really like to go down a considerably different line of study. In fact, while I wrote a plan primarily on one topic, there are about three different fields that I’m interested in — energy management, astrophyics, and sea ice, transferring the necessary skills from a computational physics MSc (which specialised in sea ice). I even wrote about all of this in the research plan, and they somehow still gave it the go-ahead!

    Now this research plan was, frankly, quite poorly formatted/structured. I’m ashamed to say that it probably looked a bit thrown-together. It most certainly does not have a timeline, and has little detail on specifics. It’s not something I’m that keen to present to professors as an actual plan!

    In summary, then, I have two questions. Firstly, while I assume I can’t (or shouldn’t) change the research plan from what I submitted in the original application, would it be allowed by MEXT for me to submit a suggestion of an updated/more relevant research plan to the university itself while seeking a LOA? Following on from that, from your experience, is it allowed by MEXT to be applying/have letters of acceptance relating to more than one research plan in more than one field?

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read my long question!
    – Eamon

    1. I’m very sorry — I’ve just found the relevant information in another of your posts. Many thanks, and you may disregard these questions!

      – Eamon

    2. Hi Eamon,

      I saw in a follow-up post that you said you had found the answer to your question elsewhere, but I can’t recall how I answered a similar question in the past and sometimes things change, so I thought I would answer it anyway, based on what I would say if I were hearing the question for the first time today.

      You cannot change the official field of study and research program plan, but it is not MEXT that you need to worry about, it is the universities. At this point, they are the ones making the decision. So, when you send your official documents to apply for the Letter of Provisional Acceptance, you could include a supplementary explanation at that point, tailored to each university. You can’t replace, but you can supplement.

      Regarding how MEXT would look at having multiple Letters of Acceptance in different fields, as long as there is a common theme to them, it should not be a problem. Ultimately, you will only be pursuing one research project, and most likely the one that you got the Letter of Provisional Acceptance for at your first-choice university.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  102. Thank you very much for your help!
    Is it possible to modify the research proposal after submitting it to the embassy and passing the first screening (before sending it to the targeted professor)? not that I change it completely but to add or delete some sentences?

    1. Hi Basma,

      You cannot edit the document itself, but you are not committed to doing that research exactly. You can explain to your adivsor in your communication that you have been thinking about some minor tweaks. And, of course, once you are accepted and start working with that advisor on your actual research, it could all change significantly.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  103. Thanks for your effort! I have a question: the embassy asked for an original recommendation letter and 3 copies of it. But in the guideline it says, we need to send the LORs in a sealed envelope.
    I am just confused. How can we get 3 copies of it if it is inside a sealed envelope?

    1. Hi Akazad,

      The application instructions no longer require that the Letter of Recommendation be sealed. The sample letter of acceptance format that MEXT provides comes from an era when they did have to be sealed, but that has changed. Even though that template instructs the recommender to seal it, you do not need to use that template at all.

      If your recommender did seal the letter, then I recommend you contact the embassy where you are applying for their guidance. They may tell you to submit it as-is, or they may tell you to open it and make copies. I have heard both solutions in the past, so please check which is better for your embassy.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Just an after thought, I think if they want the letters to be sealed and submitted along with 3 copies, then the recommender would have to make the 3 copies and seal all letters together in an envelope

        1. Hi Bogema,

          Yes, if the embassy is demanding that all three letters be in a sealed envelope, that would be the case. The scholarship guidelines do not say that the letters must be sealed, though. Those instructions only appear on the sample letter, which you aren’t required to use.
          If your advisor has given you one letter sealed, then I recommend that you contact the embassy to ask them what they want you to do – whether you should open the letter and make copies yourself or turn in only one sealed letter.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  104. Hey Travis, I got shortlisted for the first screening process. Now, I have to bring all the documents required for application to the diplomatic office of my country. In that connection, I had a query, please.
    You said to add the timeline and the sources as attachments, and it also says the same thing in the Field of Study and Research plan document. Does that I mean don’t staple those two attachment pages together with the Field of Study and Research plan document?
    So the two pages of the Field of Study and Research plan document stays separate from the two attachment pages?
    Your help will oblige me much. Thanks and regards.

    1. Hi Altair,

      I do not recommend keeping the attachments separate, because then it might not be easily apparent what they are supposed to go to.
      Instead, my recommendation would be to title the top of each page with “Attachment 1: Timeline” and “Attachment 2: Selected Sources”.
      That way it is clear from the labels and the content that they are additional references and not part of the 2-page plan.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thank you for your advice, Travis. I passed the first screening. Now, I will have to contact the universities. Could you help me with one information? What is this “pledge form” that I need to submit to MEXT and more importantly how do I get hold of it? Do the universities send one themselves, when they send the provisional acceptance certificate or something?

        1. Hi Altair,

          As far as I know, the Pledge Form is something that you sign after you arrive in Japan as a scholarship student. You should not need it until then.
          It basically describes the rules that you have to follow and also indicates your understanding that violating them can result in your scholarship being revoked.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  105. Hi, this is an extremely useful article, I was just about to send my documents to the Embassy but now I will be looking through them again, to make sure I touched on every point you mentioned here.

    I have a question that is not so much about the context but about the figuration of the documents: in the guidelines they ask you to write neatly or type. And I don’t know where I got it from, but I got this idea that they give preference to hand-written application forms and research plans (?? Like, I seriously don’t know where I got this information from, but in my mind it’s already a true statement). I even asked my Dean to write me a hand-written recommendation letter for that reason.

    Anyway, I do have a neat handwriting, and I already completed my application form and research plan. However, after reading through your article, and how you give advise about font size and spacing, I have a stronger urge to re-type all my documents. Would you recommend a typed-in research plan/application form over hand-written? I know I may be looking too deep into this, but I could really use your advice on that.

    1. Hi Tetiana,

      Thank you for your kind words!
      I think the preference would be for typed documents, for the simple reason that they are a lot easier to read! You won’t be penalized for having them handwritten (as long as everything is legible), because it is an allowable option, but I would recommend typing if it is possible to make the switch (I realize that by the time I got to this comment, it is probably too late).

      Japan has a weird preference for hand-writing things like resumes, that drives me crazy, but fortunately, those old-fashioned ideas do not extend to university applications.
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  106. Hi!
    I have a question about the time-bound. If I am going to apply as research student but I want to continue with master’s degree an Ph’D, I should achieve my plan within 5 years or only the time as research student?

    1. Hi Liz,

      The typical course of action is to spend about one semester as a research student before moving into your first degree. So, if that is your plan, then I would recommend that your Field of Study and Research Program Plan cover your research student semester as well as your Master’s degree (all as part of one research project). You would write about your PhD research plans when you apply to extend your scholarship later.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  107. Hi, I’m applying for the mext scholarship and I just downloaded the research plan form only to realize it’s only a page despite you mentioning a two page form. Is there something wrong with mine?

    1. Hi Aurora,

      Sorry for the confusing explanation.
      No, there is nothing wrong with your form. The first page contains all of the questions, but your answer may continue on to a second page.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  108. Thanks for all your help. Could you please attach/upload a filled form? I really need it as fast as possible.

    1. Hi Nan,

      I’m afraid I do not have a filled example form for the current version of the form. I have included links to several examples based on old forms in the appendix of my book, but this version is too new, and nobody has shared a successful example yet.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  109. Hi Travis I really appreciate this platform to learn about the MEXT Scholarship. I am an applicant and I am from Nigeria. I am stocked on the Field of Study and Research Plan . I want to major for Masters Degree and into the Humanities specifically Linguistics & Global Communication, Linguistics and Cultural Studies or Media and Mass Communication. The problem I have is what will i use as Research Title that will be beneficial and fusing into my Home country and that of Japan. I was thinking on “I will contribute to Global Communication – Creating a World of connection that will promote effective communication and interaction between students (Age 8-10) in Japan and their friends in other Countries. Doest this make a good Research Title?/if No, please suggest a good one for me thanks.

    1. Hi Ruth,

      What you have suggested is not a research title, but more of your personal goal. A research title needs to describe the academic question that you will research and possibly what your target dataset will be. If you wanted to study how mass media contributes to children’s international outlooks and decided to focus on specific television shows, an example would be, “Intercultural Interaction in Children’s Media: Representing the Other in Japanese and Nigerian Children’s Shows.”

      That’s just something I came up with off the top of my head, but I hope that helps make it clear what a research title should look like. Your should be based on your exact research subject for your thesis.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  110. Hi Travis!
    Thank you for all your guides! They have helped me enormously.
    I have a question regarding the field of study and research plan for the MEXT Research scholarship (embassy recommendation). I read somewhere that if you are invited to the first screening and pass you have to write another field of study and research plan, but this time more detailed (so 6-8 pages) to send to the universities. I cannot find this anywhere else in the guidelines, but maybe this is something that is logical? Could you confirm for me if I have to write another/extended field of study and research plan (or any other extra documents for that matter) or if I only have to submit everything to the university I have already submitted to the embassy? Thank you in advance. Kind regards.

    1. Hi Shar,

      Thank you for your kind words!
      I’m not sure where you heard that rumor about the second Field of Study and Research Program Plan, but that is not accurate according to what I know of the scholarship. When you contact universities, you are required to send them the same documents that you sent to the embassy during the primary screening.

      Perhaps the origin of that rumor is that up until this year, there was no limit on the length of the Field of Study and Research Program Plan, so applicants often wrote longer plans (though I never heard of many being as long as 6-8 pages!) to submit to both the Embassy and University. I don’t think it would ever have been a good idea to write that long, though.

      You should only have to submit the same length FSRPP that you sent to the Embassy.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Hi Travis,
        Am very grateful for your effort invested in educating people about MEXT scholarship which has helped me a lot. My question: it is stated that the form should not be more than two pages. Does that include the page where the questions are and also the attachments I would add. I have about 3 pages including the questions. Thank you.

        1. Hi Dennis,

          The questions are included, but attachments would not be. So, you need to condense your writing down to fit everything within one extra page added to the form page with the questions.

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  111. hi,
    i am applying for master’s by mext scholarship. i have read your article multiple times but i am still finding difficulty to understand what should i write in past and present field of study. like, previous research you’ve done or your major’s field.
    another question, research plan guidelines that you have given, can they be used for every subject or there will be different headings.
    last question, what is the difference between two headings; previous in the field and existing research. what i understood is that, in previous research we are going to give theories related to our research topic and in existing research heading, we are going to give literature review. Am I right?

    1. Hi Nisma,

      In the past and present field of study, you should describe your past major and research with a focus on the most relevant connection to what you want to study in Japan.
      Indeed, you may need to change the headings I have suggested or even the contents of the sections in different fields (such as business or visual arts). This is just a suggested template, not a requirement!
      I had intended the “Previous Research in the Field” to be an overview of the field with “Existing Research” highlighting the studies most similar to what you plan to research. You could conceivably combine the two sections as well, but I would recommend including both the overview and details.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  112. Hi Transenz!
    I’m here asking you again another question, this time related to the fact that the Research topic has to match one’s past major. Well I’m still an undergraduate student (although I’m applying this year, well I’ve just sent my application actually) majoring in Chinese studies (sort of), I study stuff like Chinese, Chinese history, philosophy, politics, law, society etc. in my home country. My Research topic is related to the field of Political Science, and it’s on Chinese democratisation. Do you think the two fields are not related? I tried my best to show the connection on the Research Plan, since it would take a closer look at Chinese internal politics and so on. So even though the major is Political Science (and not Chinese studies per se) the Research itself is still related to China.
    Do you think it could be a problem/my application will be rejected because of this?

    1. Hi Marco,

      If your research is on Chinese democratization, that would seem to be related very closely to your previous degree in Chinese studies, so I see no potential problem.
      It is not the name of the program that matters but the contents of the studies.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

      1. Thanks for your reply!
        You were right and I indeed passed the first screening! But now I have another question: how important is the first screening in the overall selection process? From what I gathered, the Research Plan is the single most important document, does that mean the first screening (being all about documents and not exams/interview) is also the most important? I have trouble understanding how the whole process works in terms of the importance of each step, and I hoped you could shed some light into it.

        1. Hi Marco,

          I am very happy to hear that you passed the document screening!
          The document screening is not a separate screening, though, it is all part of the “Primary Screening”, which also includes the tests and interviews. Your performance on every part of the Primary Screening is cumulative, so it’s not as if it resets with each stage that you pass. The exams are generally intended to be a qualifying cut-off, rather than something that will contribute significantly to your relative rank among applicants, as far as I know. So, the last key factor for your application will be the interview.

          A solid interview can help you pass applicants who might have been ahead of you after the document screening stage (or keep your place, if you’re already at the top). But one of the reasons I say the FSRPP is so important is that it also helps you prepare for the interview by making sure that all of your goals are aligned and you have a clear goal that you want to accomplish. That is something that the interview panel will also be looking for!

          Good Luck!
          – Travis from TranSenz

  113. Hello Travis!

    You have no idea how helpful your articles have been to my MEXT application!

    I have a burning question I’ll like to ask you. Hope you don’t mind?

    My undergraduate university has not started issuing certificates to fresh graduates (Class of ’18), I’m hoping if I could use my statement of result in place of my certificate since it’s currently unavailable. Will it be acceptable?

    Also, I want to ask if the medical form should be typed or filled with pen?

    1. Hi Toyin,

      You do not need a formal diploma, etc. A certificate of graduation can be a letter from an official at your university verifying that you have met all requirements and completed the degree, including the date of completion. If your statement of result meets that description, then you should be able to use it.

      For the medical form, either typing or pen is fine, but since you will be bringing it to the doctor to be filled in, unless the doctor has a typewriter in his office, I think filling in by pen is the only choice.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  114. Hello! Thank you so much for the informative article! I have a question, the form I downloaded (2020) does not include “Research Title”. Should I add it?

    1. Hi Nour,

      No, I do not recommend writing “Research Title” – that would be a waste of a line. Just write your title itself, center it and make it bold so that it stands out from the following paragraphs. That should be clear enough!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  115. Hello dear Travis thanks for you grate help I uploaded your guid your sample but I cannot apply because after 2 april 2020 I’ll be 35 year old anywhere thanks.

    1. Hi Farrukh,

      I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can find another opportunity that suits your situation.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  116. Hi TranSenz

    Your blog has been so helpful,am applying for the emabassy recomedation from Botswana, Africa. May you kindly breakdown the timeline to be included in the graduate research plan ( MBA), It’s confusing me a lot

    1. Hi Mercy Rams,

      I have never seen a research timeline specific to an MBA, but in general, you want to look at what the final output requirement is for your degree (thesis, project, etc) and think about the steps that you need to get there. Most common steps include literature review, experiment or research design, research/data collection, analysis, and writing, but this is going to vary based on your degree.
      For each step, you would want to think about what you would be doing and how long you think it would take to accomplish.

      I also recommend looking at the degree progression information for your first choice university to see what their expectations are and building your timeline based on that.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  117. Hi, Travis, I don’t get the research plan heading, in the research plan section. do i have to write the summary of my whole research plan and study plant in that research plan heading?
    thanks for your hardwork.

    1. Hi Afandi,

      I went into detail in the article about what I recommend including under the Research Plan (in several sub-sections that I recommend you add). Was there some part of that specifically that you found confusing?
      Your study plans (i.e. course plans) are not terribly significant, so I would recommend that you focus on your original research.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  118. Hi Travis, I have a quick question,
    I bet you are probably preparing an article about this already, but on the Application form for this 2020 they have added the three questions about ‘motivation for studying in Japan’. Considering that, do you think it is still important to include the aspects about how the research will be good for both the home country and Japan. In particular I’m thinking about the ‘second partial paragraph’ you describe for the ‘specific research plan’.

    1. Hi Bennet,

      Unfortunately, I still do not have that article finished.
      Yes, I do think that it is still important to touch on the benefits of your research to Japan and your home country in the FSRPP. The reason is that you don’t want to rely on the reviewers’ memory. They are going to be going through dozens or possibly hundreds of applications, and they all start to run together at some point. You want to keep their memories fresh at every opportunity!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  119. Hi Travis,

    I was just wondering who the audience will be for my research plan. I’m studying medicine and I was wondering if I should write my research plan intended for the general public to understand or professionals?


    1. Hi Joseph,

      It’s tricky – your audience will include both non-experts at the Embassy and your target professor at the university, so you have to write it to be understood by non-experts, but with enough detail that an academic in your field will understand the academic merit. I recommend using a mix of impact statements that explain to a general audience what your research will produce along with technical explanations of the exact procedures that you plan to pursue to reach those ends, for the benefit of academic experts.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  120. Hello, Travis! Thank you always for your informative articles, I find them extremely helpful. I wanted to ask you about the “≪Guide for Creating a Field of Study and Research Plan Sheet/作成要領≫ ” at the top of the page for the research plan form. Since we are already working with a limited space, is it okay to delete that guide from the form when completing it? Or do they prefer the form exactly as is, with just our answers filled out?

    Thank you again.

    1. Hi Sav,

      Thank you for your kind words!
      Unfortunately, no, I do not think it would be acceptable to delete part of the form instructions to give yourself more space – that could be considered cheating.
      You have the same amount of space to work with as every other applicant, so you have to figure out how to be concise in your proposal. (You are certainly not the only person that struggles with this, though! That has been the biggest challenge with many of my coaching and review clients, as well.)

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  121. Hi Travis !
    Thank you a lot for this guide, it’s really useful to me. I just had a question that I don’t think you covered. In the information document given by the Embassy concerning eligibility and the application process, it says that candidates for a doctoral level should write another 2-page research project (in English) in addition to the “Field of study and research plan”. What should I write in it ? I guess it should not be a translation/repetition of what I wrote in Japanese in the “Field of study and research plan”, but what do you think ?
    Thanks !

    1. Hi Vic,

      There is no mention of a document like that in MEXT’s application guidelines, but I know that in many countries, the local embassy adds additional requirements, so it could possibly be a requirement just for your country.
      Could you link me to the application guidelines you are looking at so that I can take a look and make some suggestions?

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  122. Hello Travis! I have been reading your book on writing the Field of Study and Research Plan and I must say I would recommend to anyone like me who doesn’t have an academic background.
    I have a question. My consulate asks only for the Research Plan (no Field of Study) in Portuguese and it should have at most 6 pages and include title, abstract, introduction, objective, methodology, references. Will I need to fill this form later in the process? I was thinking of doing a Research Plan in your format since the start, but I am worried that my competition is going to have a longer research plan. Have you encountered in the past cases like this, where the consulate format is totally different from Mext guidelines?

    1. Hi Vinicius,

      Thank you very much for your kind words!
      It sounds like your country has a pre-screening process before you get to the actual MEXT forms. I have seen that in several countries in the past, including Brazil. In the case of other applicants from Brazil, I have recommended them to write both. Usually, it makes more sense to write the longer version first, and then condense it down to also fit the MEXT format that I talk about in Chapter 7 and in this article.

      I hope that helps!
      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  123. Dear Travis,

    Thank you so much for this amazing post! it’s really helping me alot in writing the research plan.

    I was wondering if you could help me with the “What kinds of things do you think you can contribute to Japan and your home country through your experience of studying in Japan?” question found in the application research form. Are there certain points that you think must be tackled while answering this question?
    Again, thanks alot!

    1. Hi Mari,

      Thank you very much for your kind words!
      My next article to update is going to cover the new version of the application form and those three open-ended questions.

      My recommendation in the meantime would be to think about what you want to accomplish after graduation, how your research will contribute to your progress in that goal, and what other benefits that research could have to others in your field.

      In general, MEXT is looking to produce graduates who will become a bridge between their home country and Japan and help promote Japan within their country. I wrote about this to some degree in my article about How to Maximize Your Changes, and the same philosophy applies to these questions.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  124. Hi,

    Sorry to bother you, but I could not find any information on the following point on official MEXT website.
    I will apply soon to the MEXT scholarship and am particularly interested in a very specific master that does’nt have any other equivalent in Japan (and abroad).
    Is it possible to write only one program in the placement preference form 2020, or should I pick-up other similar programs, even if I don’t think they are exactly what I am looking for?
    Would it be a problem to have two blank spaces after my first choice, or is it perfectly okay?

    Thank you for all your work,
    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Chloe,

      It is possible to list only one program, but understand that it is a risk:
      – The embassy is probably going to ask you why you only have one program and you are going to have to persuade them that it is sufficiently unique that you could not possibly conduct your desired research anywhere else. (Be aware that they may assume that you simply were too lazy to research other universities until you explain.)
      – If you are already in touch with a professor in that program and have a provisional agreement from that professor to accept you if you pass the primary screening, that’s fine, but otherwise you run the risk of not being able to obtain a Letter of Acceptance there. In that case, you could lose the scholarship (or have to apply somewhere else after all to be able to get a Letter of Acceptance) even if you pass the Primary Screening.

      It is not “perfectly okay”, but it can be possible to leave blank spaces if you understand and account for the risks.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  125. Thank you so much for this amazing guide!!!!!
    I have a concern about the “previous research in the field” section:
    Should I talk about another research in the field that has connection with the current research “existing research”, or can I talk about my Master’s thesis research which has tight connection with the current research?

    1. and,
      when describing the previous research should I talk about the results of the research or just describe it methodologically?

      1. Hi Kheira,

        You should describe what makes it different from your proposed research. For example, if you are researching a similar topic but with a different methodology than what has been used before, you would focus on that. In general, though, you should be focused on the results and how your research will produce results that do not yet exist to add to the general level of knowledge in the field.

        Good Luck!
        – Travis from TranSenz

    2. Hi Kheira,

      Thank you for your kind words!
      The Previous Research in the Field section should refer to published research by established scholars in the field – essentially, you are describing the state of the academic field as it relates to your research question.
      This section does not refer to your previous research in the field and I think it is considered academically undesirable to cite your own previous work, unless you are one of the leaders in the field.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  126. Hi,
    Thank you so much for all the articles you have posted about the MEXT scholarship, it has really helped! I am just now a bit confused with the new 2020 research plan format. To my understanding this now means that an applicant’s entire research plan should be covered using this new form and limited to two pages? There is no need for an extra research proposal plan? I was under the impression (from researching online and reading other’s research proposals) that we had to fill out the field of study and research plan form, as well as have a separate research proposal which would have looked something along the lines of having an abstract, introduction, background, conclusion, ect.

    I’m sorry, the whole application process has really confused me even though I have tried to do as much research on it as I can and even called my consulate for questions. So thank you for any clarifications!

    1. Hi Jen Ta,

      That’s right. Your entire research plan needs to fit within the two pages you are given for the document.
      The form changed this year, so any references you find from past years are going to be based on a different format. In the past, there was no space limit and there were different questions for the “field of study” and “research plan”, but that does not apply anymore.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  127. Hi Travis! Thank you for the article!
    I’ve been getting started on my field of study plan and I have one question, it says in the form that “if possible, write in Japanese” but is it recommended?
    I majored in Japanese so I do have the capacity to write it in full Japanese, however I still have more confidence that I will be able to express myself better in English. So I decided to write in Japanese only if it would be a “bonus point” for me.
    So, does an applicant who wrote his application in Japanese have more chances to be selected?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Naam,

      My recommendation is to write in English if the program you are applying to is taught in English and to write in Japanese if it is taught in Japanese. Ultimately, you will have to express your research in the language your program is taught in, so now is a good time to start!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  128. Thank you for the excellent guide, Travis!
    I have some questions about my own proposal concerning this form.
    I think I might have done something wrong with the categorization of my form.
    In 研究テーマ, I wrote about the current problems and gaps in the projected research and I wrote about why the research is significant, in detail, in 7 paragraphs. It includes the objectives of the proposed research and I used many references in this part.
    And in 研究計画, I described the plan of the research, the methodology and the ‘problem statement’. It took 2 long and 2 short paragraphs.
    The theme is surely longer than the plan but I did some things with the attachments.
    This form is numbered as “3” so I wrote 3 on top, then I numbered my attachments as 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4, four in total.
    I am planning to do a survey research to certain sample groups, so I added sample questions to the 3.1 and it took two pages. They are simply “possible” questions to be asked to the sample group. Then I added my reserch timetable as 3.2, nothing else. 3.3 is called “Targeted Effects”, in which I hypothesise possible effects of the research, it is a single page too. And 3.4 is references I cited.

    To be honest, I attempted to reduce this page to 2 pages and I did so by putting extra information as “attachments”, as there is not a certain limit to the attachments. I also set the font size of my own words to 9 or 9,5.

    Do you think that this categorization of mine sounds too wrong? There is too little time left for the deadline and I got worried.
    Thank you a lot for your support to everyone.

    1. Hi Aaron,

      It’s hard to say without seeing your actual paper, but it sounds like you have probably gone into far more detail than is necessary and should try to cut out unnecessary information. As an example, I don’t think more than a sentence or two is necessary to explain your target effects. And I have never seen a plan that needed more than 2 paragraphs to explain why the research was significant.

      While what you have done is not prohibited, my guess is that you could benefit from being more concise. Remember, your reviewers will be going through dozens or hundreds of FSRPPs. The point in limiting the length is to make it easier for them to read through each one. You want to make sure that they can quickly and easily grasp the value and preparedness of your research.

      Again, please take all of this with a grain of salt, since I have not seen your actual FSRPP, but that would be my feedback in general.
      If you are interested in a full review, I do offer that as part of my coaching services.

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

  129. Hi Trans! So nice to see you finally uploaded your guide for the 2020 embassy recommendation. I must say, yes! they changed it again for this year haha. Is there a way where I could ask you to review my important documents before I submit it like the research plan and application form? Or course, i understand there is an “expertise compensation” to this and i think we can negotiate with that. Let me know what you think 😉

    1. Hi Pat,

      Yes, I’m working on the new forms and processes as quickly as I can. So much changed this year!
      I do offer a review service and you can find more information at the “Coaching” link at the top of the page, including a list of the services and prices.

      At the moment, I have a short waiting list, so there could be a slight delay, but if you are interested, I would be happy to work with you soon!

      Good Luck!
      – Travis from TranSenz

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