How to Win the MEXT Scholarship book sitting on table with coffee

How to Win the MEXT Scholarship

Have you ever wondered:

  • How can I apply for the MEXT Scholarship to study in Japan?
  • Am I eligible for the MEXT Graduate Scholarship?
  • How can I improve my MEXT Scholarship application?

This guide answers all of those questions and more with clear explanations and bonus worksheets to help you follow along.

Get the Most Trusted Independent MEXT Scholarship Application Guide!

The MEXT scholarship is one of the world’s most generous scholarship schemes for graduate students. It is competitive, but if you know what the reviewers are looking for and how to approach the application, there is no reason why you cannot earn it for yourself!

How to Win the MEXT Scholarship introduces the scholarship benefits and requirements as well as its goals, then walks you through the process of creating an unstoppable application strategy.

What’s waiting for you: Free tuition. Living stipend of over 1.5 million yen per year. Round-trip flight to Japan.

Why this guide?

Travis Senzaki is an expert in the MEXT scholarship application process and has worked with over 10,000 scholarship applicants over 15 years. He worked as the MEXT scholarship application coordinator at a large, private university for three years and has published dozens of articles about the scholarship and answered thousands of applicant questions on his TranSenz and My MEXT Scholarship websites.

How to Win the MEXT Scholarship is based on those articles and questions, putting everything together in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step presentation. It is designed so that no matter how much experience you have with the MEXT Scholarship – whether you just heard about it today, or whether you have applied multiple times in the past – you will be able pick up at the right part of the application for you and follow through to created a strong, successful application.

You will learn:

  • What the MEXT Scholarship offers plus where, when, and how to apply
  • The mindset you need to set yourself apart from other applicants and win the scholarship
  • The difference between the embassy and university application processes, and how to get started with each
  • How competitive the application is and why you need to develop an application strategy
  • How to perform an eligibility self-evaluation – including checking to see if you have the grades to apply
  • How to establish your application strategy and position yourself to overcome the competition and become one of the few, elite scholarship winners

The book also comes with worksheets, exercises, and resources to walk you through determining your eligibility and creating your application strategy.

Get Started Today!

This is a long application process – over a year in most cases – and you want to give yourself months to prepare in advance. 

Download and start reading today!

What others have said:

“Thank you for being the greatest Sensei, I bought one of the books, and I cant get my hands off it. My confidence has elevated, I managed to arrange my thought process, and of course I am more confident to compete for this scholarship. Thank you for mentoring me through your great writings. I am hoping for a great outcome.”
“I owe 99% of my coming so far to you (and 1% to sheer luck). Thank you so much for providing all these valuable information and managing the blog!”
“Thanks to all of your help, I have passed the primary screening for the scholarship, I contacted a Lab at Osaka university and they agreed to write me a letter of acceptance.”
“Your good work in guiding numerous students across the globe regarding higher education in Japan is deeply appreciated by us all. Keep going!”

Want to read it for free?

If you want to check out the book, but don’t have the resources to buy it now, ask your university or local library to purchase it instead!

How to Win the MEXT Scholarship is available in print, through Ingramspark or Amazon, and in ebook through Overdrive, Bibliotheca, and Baker & Taylor which are ebook distribution networks for libraries, if your library stocks ebooks. Either way, your library should be able to order it through their normal purchasing channels. Here’s the information your library might need:

  • Title: How to Win the MEXT Scholarship
  • Author: Travis Senzaki
  • ISBN (hard cover):978-4-909776-04-4
  • ISBN (paperback):978-4-909776-03-7
  • Imprint: Travis Senzaki
  • Year: 2024


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